It's All Relative

“That must have been very difficult,” she said, her hand resting on Kai’s knee. “For both of you.”

Kai nodded as he looked at her, then he shifted his gaze to Jessie, sitting so close beside him their hips touched. She couldn’t help the lack of space between them; she just needed his body to be touching hers. Leaning down to kiss her head, Kai murmured, “Yeah, it was…” Looking back at Leilani, he slung his arm around her shoulders. “But we’re good now, Mom. Really good, and even though all of this has been really hard to deal with…I’m okay.” He looked back at Jessie, his eyes putting the ocean to shame with their beauty. “I’m great…because of Jessie.”

Jessie felt her entire body heat with pride and love at his words. In and out of the bedroom, the things he said always had such a strong effect on her. She hoped that never faded.

Leilani’s wistful sigh pulled both of their attentions back to her. Her expression happy but reluctant, she shook her head. “You’re going to stay in Denver, aren’t you? Permanently.”

Kai sighed, too. “I’ll visit as often as I can…and you can always call me.” He grinned and added, “Even at four in the morning.”

Leilani laughed too, then slung her arms around his neck. “I love you, Kai. I’m very proud of the man you’ve become.”

Kai hugged her back, just as tightly. “I love you too, Mom.” When they pulled away from each other, he gave her a crooked smile. “At least that part of my life didn’t change…you’re still my mother.” Leilani smiled brilliantly, her eyes misting. Kai watched her reaction for a second then pulled farther away from her. “You are really my mom, right?” He barely got the question out before he started laughing.

Leilani smacked his shoulder before hugging him tight again. “Yes, I’m your mother!” All three of them enjoyed a moment of levity, then Leilani smiled and rested her head on Kai’s shoulder. “I’ll miss you.”

Exhaling softly, Kai rested his head against hers. “I’ll miss you too.” Chuckling, he raised his head. “But look on the bright side.” He flicked a quick glance at Jessie before swinging his eyes back to his mother. “Maybe you’ll get grandkids soon.”

Jessie’s eyes grew so large they hurt, and Leilani squealed and reached across her son to embrace her. Jessie glared at him as she hugged his mother, but Kai only laughed at her expression. Great. Now that he’d thrown the door wide open, the baby talk was going to start pouring through it. Jessie sighed inwardly as she patted the eager woman’s back. She was positive a pair of handmade booties were in her near future.

The plane ride away from Hawaii was a completely different experience for Kai than the plane ride there had been. He was completely relaxed by Jessie’s side as they reclined in their first class seats. He still felt a lingering ripple of bittersweet happiness after having said goodbye to his parents at the airport. He’d eventually come to terms with what both of them had done to him. And truly, they had hurt themselves as much as they’d hurt him. Maybe more. His mother especially.

At the gate, she’d squeezed Jessie so tightly that Kai had clearly seen the strain on his girlfriend’s face. “It was so nice to meet you, Jessie. Take care of my son.”

Jessie had flicked her eyes to Kai, a soft smile on her lips. “I will.”

Before Kai could even return Jessie’s warm smile, his mother had engulfed him in a vice-like hug. “I’ll call you every chance I get,” she’d told him. Then she’d patted his arm and added, “Now hurry up and get to work on that grandbaby.”

Remembering the look of excitement on his mother’s face as she’d contemplated a baby in Kai and Jessie’s future made Kai grin and shake his head. His mother had certainly made her fair share of mistakes, but in her heart she was a good person, and he loved her, so he’d had no choice but to make peace with her, because he was his reason for being.

She’d finally stopped asking for forgiveness, but he could see the regret in her eyes whenever she looked at him, whenever she looked at Nate. She deeply regretted hurting two men that she genuinely cared for. Kai was positive that he didn’t ever want to go through what she had gone through. He didn’t ever want his heart torn between two people. Yet another reason he was grateful he could be with Jessie. She fulfilled every part of him, satisfied every desire, want and need. Not being completely faithful to her was unfathomable. Just the thought of it made him nauseous. She had his heart, every single corner of it, and he was positive the feeling was equally reciprocated.