It Must Be Christmas: Three Holiday Stories

He angled her hips up toward his mouth. The pressure of his fingertips indenting the flesh as he held onto her hips only pushed Chloe further toward the edge. He held her with purpose; every swirl, every pass of his tongue carefully orchestrated to give her the greatest amount of pleasure. Nate took her clit between his lips and sucked. Chloe’s thighs tightened on either side of his head and she trembled. He reached to her thighs and spread them wide, holding her open to him. He refused to let her move, pinning her down with his mouth and his hands. Her breath came in wild pants as she tried to control her spiraling world. She knew that Nate didn’t want her to be controlled or quiet. He wanted wild shouts and reckless abandon.

“Oh god.” Chloe thrashed her head from side to side. She was helpless to do anything but feel and Nate brought her to the cusp of release with every slow, methodical pass of his tongue. “Ohgod ohgod ohgod…” A cry that was half pleasure, half frustration built in her chest. “I want to come, Nate. I need to. I want you inside of me.”

“No.” The word vibrated over her clit and she shuddered. “I want you to come on my tongue.”

His words were the final push. Chloe toppled over the edge and Nate buried his face between her thighs, lapping unmercifully at her pussy as she came. He held her legs wide and every inch of her body quaked violently as wave after wave of intense sensation stole over her. Chloe cried out, deep sobs of pleasure that left her throat raw and dry. The orgasm seemed to go on forever, a violent storm of passion and sensation that left her weak and shaking.

Nate brought her down slowly, soft easy passes of his tongue that were goddamned luxurious. Chloe’s body went boneless. She wouldn’t have been able to move if she’d wanted to. “I think it’s your turn,” she murmured on a deep sigh. The thought of taking Nate into her mouth stirred her flagging desire.

He kissed the inside of her thigh, downward to her knees. His kisses brushed the side of her knee and Chloe squirmed. “That tickles.”

Nate smiled against her skin. “Oh yeah? Next time I might have to find where else you’re ticklish.”

“Nope. I said it’s your turn.” She wasn’t about to not reciprocate. Not after he’d given her one of the best orgasms of her life.

“Later.” He continued to kiss her. Warm, wet passes of his mouth.

She guided his head up to look at her. “Later?”

“Yep.” A slow smile grew on his full lips, and Chloe’s breath stalled as she realized she’d never seen him give a genuine, open smile before. Magnificent. “If I’m going to fuck you all night, I need to fuel up.”

Dear lord. Nate Christensen was going to be the death of her.


“So, I’m assuming you don’t live in Dallas.”

Nate couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He’d never met anyone like Chloe. His intensity had a tendency to scare people away. But she responded to it. Matched it, even.

“No. I live in Sanger. It’s a couple of hours away.”

“I’ve never been there, but I’m familiar. What does a newly moneyed billionaire do in a tiny town like Sanger?”

Nate took a bite of his cheeseburger and chewed. “Run cows,” he responded before washing it all down with a swig of soda.

“Really?” Chloe smiled. Blinding and brilliant as the sun. “You’re a cowboy?”

“Sort of,” Nate said with a snort. “Trying anyway. My ranch isn’t big. And I’m not a billionaire,” he said as an afterthought.

“Okay, a multimillionaire?”

He pursed his lips. “I won’t be that either, if I get my way.”

Chloe’s brows knitted. She swirled a fry around in her ketchup before popping it in her mouth. She’d devoured most of her BLT already. He wasn’t the only one who’d needed to tank up. “Is it true that you joined the Navy to get away from your dad?”

Nate cocked a brow. “Doing your homework on me, Miss Benson?”

She averted her gaze and shrugged. “People talk.”

“Only in certain circles.”

“With my line of work, I have a tendency to butt into those circles.”

Nate laughed. Chloe certainly wasn’t the sort of woman who tiptoed into any situation. “Tell me about your work.” He knew he shouldn’t go there. It would be best to keep their relationship impersonal. Sex and nothing else. He wasn’t interested in settling down and sooner or later, the high of being with Chloe would wear off and he’d move on. Curiosity won out over good sense, though. She intrigued him. How could he not want to know more about her?

“There’s not much to tell.” Chloe’s demeanor changed. Her gaze wandered, no longer focused on him and she picked at her sandwich as though looking for a distraction. “I started working for the Make-A-Wish Foundation right out of college. It was great, but I wanted more control. The work was rewarding, but hard. So much sadness. I wanted to make kids’ lives better, but I wanted to shift my focus to underprivileged and at-risk kids. Sports were always a really big part of my life growing up and I wanted to share that with kids who might not know how good it feels to be an athlete. So I rounded up a few donations and started my own organization. We’ve kept it local so far. It takes a lot of money to keep a charity afloat. I’d like to branch out eventually. Go national. Or global. This isn’t about recognition for me. I just want to make the kids’ lives better in any way that I can.”

“Sounds like a sweet gig,” Nate remarked. “Doing what you love.”

Jennifer Crusie & Mandy Baxter & Donna Alward's books