It Must Be Christmas: Three Holiday Stories

Somehow, Chloe doubted they’d be discussing business in his hotel room tonight. “Yeah, we’re meeting at eight.”

“So, put your people skills to work and talk that boy out of his millions!” Hailey exclaimed. “You can’t give up now, Chloe. This foundation means so much to so many people. Just go for it.”

That was the problem. She’d gone for it and then some. “In case I don’t show up in the morning with a big fat check, can you make a few more cold calls today? I heard that the Blackwell Foundation might be looking to expand their charitable ventures.”

“Will do.” Hailey pulled out her tablet and scribbled something on the screen with the stylus. “I have a couple more leads I haven’t explored yet, too. None of them are whales, but I bet I could shake them down for ten thousand apiece.”

“Sure. That’s a good idea.”

“Hey,” Hailey said at Chloe’s downtrodden tone. “Every little bit helps.”

“It does.” She gave Hailey her best optimistic smile. “And I appreciate everything you’re doing.”

“You can thank me when we’re back on our feet,” Hailey said. “I expect a huge gala and a gold trophy.”

“I don’t know about the gala,” Chloe said. “But you’re so getting that trophy.”

“With rhinestones,” Hailey added. “Now, stop daydreaming about Nate Christensen and get to work.” She gave Chloe a wink in parting and closed the office door behind her.

Chloe slumped down in her chair and stared blindly at her computer screen. How could she possibly bring up the foundation with Nate now? Any attempt to plead her case for a sizeable donation would come across as sleazy. She’d never planned to sleep with him. She couldn’t change what had happened, though, and it was going to happen again. Nate was a force of nature. She had no choice but to be caught up in the storm.

With any luck, Hailey would be able to secure some real, solid funding today and Chloe wouldn’t have to worry about Nate’s money and what it could do for her struggling foundation. She checked the clock on the bottom of her screen. In less than ten hours, she’d be back in his hotel room and too mindless to think straight. Chloe rolled her shoulders and opened the Excel file with her list of possible contributors. Without thinking, she picked a random name from her list, picked up the phone, and dialed.

“Hi, this is Chloe Benson from the Youth Sports Foundation of Dallas. Is Mr. St. Claire available this morning?”

Chloe waited as the receptionist put her on hold. Think positive thoughts. With any luck, this wouldn’t be the bitch of a day she expected it to be, fraught with disappointment. Otherwise, she’d be begging Nate for a handout whether she wanted to or not.


Ten minutes to eight and Nate was about to crawl out of his fucking skin. His day had been every bit as shitty as he’d anticipated with the lawyers, his dad’s stuffy board of directors, and even his own damned brothers making their cases for why Nate needed to stick around and not renounce his inheritance.

Nate had been given controlling interest in Christensen Petroleum in his father’s will. Talk about a kick in the nuts. His anxiety was beginning to crest—never a good sign—and if he had to sit in this goddamned closet of a room alone with his thoughts for another second, he was going to start smashing the furniture.

On the plus side, you now have the money to pay for the damages.

The soft knock at the door five minutes later became his lifeline. Knowing Chloe was on the other side of that door made him instantly hard. He rushed to the door and threw it wide. Before she could even say hello, he grabbed her by the wrist and hauled her against him, kissing her as though his life depended on it. His sanity sure as hell did. The door slammed closed behind them and Nate didn’t waste any time. He gripped the hem of her skirt and jerked it up around her waist. On his way down, he shoved her underwear over her thighs and tossed them to the floor behind him. The buttons on her dress shirt posed a problem; he couldn’t focus on undoing them while his mouth was busy devouring hers, but he eventually got them open and jerked the cup of her bra aside, covering the stiff peak of her breast with his lips as he nibbled at the hardened flesh.

Jennifer Crusie & Mandy Baxter & Donna Alward's books