It Must Be Christmas: Three Holiday Stories

Words had no place in their frenzy. Chloe tore at the button on his pants and shimmied them off, along with his underwear. Nate cupped her ass in his palms and lifted her up until she wrapped her legs around his waist. Their lips tangled in a slippery dance as they bounced down the narrow corridor from the door toward the bed, pausing only long enough for Nate to grab a condom off the dresser. Chloe slid down the length of his body and planted her feet on the floor, her emerald gaze sparking with passion as she watched Nate roll on the condom. He grabbed her around the neck and pulled her in for a ravenous kiss before hoisting her up again and bracing her body against the wall.

Her thighs glistened with arousal and Nate let out an impassioned growl as he entered her. She gasped at the intrusion, her gaze liquid as she kept it focused on his. He thrust hard and fast, pounding into her with every ounce of frustration that had built within him over the course of the day. Chloe’s breath came in quick little pants but that wasn’t good enough for Nate. He wanted to hear her. Wanted those sweet cries that he’d missed so much to echo off every wall.

“I want to hear you, Chloe.” He thrust harder. Her nails dug into his shoulder as she whimpered. God, yes. That was it. “Again.”

Her lips parted on a moan. God, she was so wet, so tight, so damned responsive. Nate’s fingertips squeezed into the roundness of her ass that fit so well in his palms. Chloe’s head rolled back on her shoulders. She arched into his hips, and his gaze was drawn to her full breasts that bounced with every deep thrust.

“Nate,” she said on a sharp intake of breath. “Oh, god, Nate. I’m going to come.”

He slowed his pace but continued to thrust deep. He didn’t want to push her, but rather wanted her to drift gently off the edge. He knew it would make her orgasm more intense and that’s what he needed from her, that intensity that matched his own. That unshakeable focus that kept them locked together in the moment.

“Faster, Nate. Harder. Please.”

“No. Trust me, Chloe. I’m going to give you what you need.”

Her moans bordered on desperate frustration, but Nate continued to pull out and drive home hard with slow precision. Her eyes grew wide as her pussy clenched around him. She cried out, deep, wracking sobs of pleasure that vibrated down Nate’s spine and tightened his sac. Just a few more strokes and he’d be right there with her. Each contraction of her orgasm pulsed against his cock and when Chloe tilted her hips and tightened her thighs around him, it squeezed the head with the perfect amount of pressure. Nate cradled her ass in one hand and braced the other palm against the wall as he came, his hips jerking in time with every intense pulse of his cock. “Ah, fuck, Chloe!” he shouted. “You feel so good. God, that feels so good.”

As the orgasm ebbed, Nate’s thighs began to quake. He touched his forehead to Chloe’s and let his eyes drift shut. A sense of peace crested over him, a calmness that he hadn’t felt in a long goddamned time. She stroked the back of his neck, the light scrape of her nails on his nape coaxing chills to the surface of his skin. Nate’s gut twisted into a knot. He’d dragged her through the door and fucked her without even a hello. His need for her bordered on desperate and he didn’t even really know Chloe. All it took to lose himself to her was a couple of sexual encounters and a single casual conversation.

Did Chloe help to fill the empty void that ached like a sucking chest wound, or had he simply traded one dysfunction for another? It’s not like he was in any sort of mental or emotional condition to have a relationship with anyone. So far, the extent of their time together had been spent fucking. Not that he was complaining. Chloe was amazing.

When Nate felt confident that he could take a step without dropping the precious cargo in his arms, he turned and carried Chloe to the bed. She wrapped her arms around him, the soft caress of her breasts on his chest a delicious torture that did nothing to cool Nate’s lust. He set her down on the mattress as though she might break. Sort of laughable considering the fact he’d nearly pounded her right through the drywall moments ago. Chloe stared up at him, a wry smile playing on her full lips. A rush of electric heat shot through him. He wanted her again. Now. God, he was an asshole.

“I’ll be right back.” He placed a quick kiss to her forehead before hiking his pants up on his hips, and headed to the bathroom to clean up.

Nate emerged in nothing but his boxer briefs. Chloe had shed her skirt and wore only the white dress shirt. She’d fastened the two middle buttons, leaving both the swell of her breasts and her belly button exposed to his gaze. The shirt flared out around her hips and painted an erotic portrait that stalled his breath. Her auburn hair framed her face in a tangle and when she looked up from the room service menu and smiled, Nate’s heart clenched in his chest.


“I recall someone promising me room service if I showed up here tonight,” Chloe remarked.

“I did,” he said with a smile. “I guess it’s time for me to pony up.”

A shadow darkened her expression and he could have kicked himself for his choice of words. “Not that I have to pay you for anything. I mean…” Way to stuff your foot in your mouth, asshole.

Jennifer Crusie & Mandy Baxter & Donna Alward's books