It Must Be Christmas: Three Holiday Stories

“I know what you mean.” Chloe’s smile brightened and again that tightening of Nate’s chest returned. “Are you hungry? I skipped lunch.”

Unfortunately, he’d been wined and dined by a handful of his father’s former minions who all had their heads up their asses. “I can eat.” Nate never said no to food.

Chloe looked up at him from lowered lashes. “Worked up an appetite, huh?”

Hell, she tied him into knots. “I did,” he replied. “And I plan on burning a hell of a lot more calories before the night is over.”


Chloe’s cheeks flushed at the innuendo. The sight of Nate, wearing nothing more than his boxer briefs was enough to convince her that there were more important things in life than food. In any other circumstance, she would have been embarrassed at the way she’d thrown herself at him without even a “Hey, how are ya?” before she’d let him strip off her underwear and pound into her as though she’d die if he didn’t take her right then and there.

He’d wanted her with the same mindless disregard, though. How could she feel embarrassed or ashamed when what had happened between them was mutual? Chloe wanted Nate. Couldn’t get him out of her head. It didn’t matter that she knew almost nothing about him. She wanted to live in the moment with him.

Nate settled down on the bed beside her and leaned over the room service menu. Every nerve ending in Chloe’s body sparked with an awareness of him. His clean, masculine scent invaded her senses and the heat of his body infused her own skin with warmth. She thought back to their first night together and his breath hot in her ear as he’d said, “You smell like sex and honey.” Chloe shuddered as a riot of butterflies swirled in her stomach.

“Are you cold?” Nate’s arm came around her and he tucked her close to his body.

She was anything but cold. Her body was close to combustion. As they studied the menu in silence, she relaxed against him, loving the way his broad, muscular chest supported her. Nate’s arm draped over her shoulder, his hand dangling over her breast. He idly caressed her, feather-light flicks of his fingertips that brushed her nipple through the crisp fabric of her shirt. Chloe sucked in a breath at the intensity of sensation and her pussy clenched as a rush of wetness spread between her bare thighs.

If he kept touching her like that, food was going to have to take a backseat to another hunger. A sigh slipped from between her lips and Nate changed up his tactics, plucking at the hardened peak through her shirt. Chloe’s clit began to pulse in time with every gentle pull. Dear god. He made her absolutely mindless.

Her sighs transformed into shallow pants. The words on the menu became nothing more than jumbled symbols as she lost focus of everything but the tingle of sensation spreading through her body. Nate’s free hand slid under her shirt and cupped her other breast. He took her in his palm, massaged her with slow pumps of his hand before he began to tease that nipple as well. Chloe’s abdomen tightened and she squirmed on the mattress. She rubbed her legs together to find that her thighs were already slick and coated with her arousal.

She turned to face Nate to find him studying her with that same intensity that stole her breath. “I could watch you for hours,” he said, his voice strained. “God, Chloe. The way you look when you feel good.”

Her lips parted. She meant to respond to him, but all she could manage was a throaty moan. Nate shifted, rolling over her and coming to rest on his knees between her legs. He grabbed Chloe by the thighs and pulled her down until she was laid out on the bed. His gaze burned as he scooted down until his hips and legs dangled off the edge of the bed. Chloe’s knees fell open and Nate’s breath brushed her heated and sensitive skin.

“What about dinner?” Her voice went husky and thick.

“The only thing I’m hungry for right now is your pussy, Chloe.”

Holy crap. The things he said to her. Chloe’s stomach did a backflip, lodging itself in her throat before floating down on a cloud of sheer bliss. He dragged the flat of his tongue from her opening and ended on a flick at the tip of her clit. Her back bowed off the bed and her thighs quivered. “Nate!” His name left her lips in a breathy rush. “That feels so good.”

Jennifer Crusie & Mandy Baxter & Donna Alward's books