Island of Dragons (Unwanteds #7)

“I’ve got some Necessaries agreeing to help,” said Gunnar. “I’ll take them with me in my group—you can station me somewhere along the shore in Quill. I’ve told the rest of the Quillens to stay in their houses for now. If we’re lucky, things won’t make it that far inland to reach the housing quadrants.”

“I’m going to put your team on the western shoreline with Aaron’s and Liam’s teams,” said Alex. “You three know that terrain better than Artiméans would. Squirrelicorns will be circulating with updates.” He looked out to sea. The ships were recognizable now. They stretched out across a wide portion of the water. “Any sign of Florence or Henry?”

“No,” said Simber. “And I can’t fly out to look forrr them, because I don’t want the attackerrrs to see me. I want them to think they arrre surrrprising us.”

“Good plan,” said Alex, straining to see any sign of Pan or the returning Artiméans, but knowing if they were there, Simber would see them well before he did. “I really hope they get here soon.” A familiar wave of dread rippled through Alex—it never went away, no matter how many times Artimé faced its enemies.

As Alex and Simber waited on the shore, the door to the mansion opened and Artiméans began streaming out and organizing themselves on the lawn like they’d done in the past. With very little guidance from any of the leaders, the people of Artimé stood poised and ready to hear their final instructions, as if they did this every day.

Sometimes it felt like they did.

A Word from a Leader

When those who wished to fight had assembled, Alex climbed on Simber’s back and stood there so that everyone all the way across the lawn could see him.

It was a fairly large army of several hundred despite their losses against Gondoleery. Many of the Warbler children who had found success in Beginning Magical Warrior Training stood with the Artiméans for the first time. And at the last moment Aaron returned from Quill with a group of Necessaries following him, carrying makeshift weapons and standing in solidarity with the magical world.

Alex watched Aaron come in with the Quillens. When Aaron found a place to stand, he looked up at Alex. Alex tapped his fist to his chest, trying to express his heartfelt thanks to his brother for taking on the role of head mage, at least temporarily, as well as for finding more people to fight with them. Alex knew that if he didn’t make it to the other side of this battle, Artimé would be in good hands.

Aaron lifted his chin, then repeated the fist gesture. He remembered it from the last battle. It was the Artiméan’s symbol of support and courage and dedication. I am with you. Dozens of Artiméans around him had seen Alex do it and responded in kind.

The warriors quieted and turned their full attention to their leader. Alex, overcome with humility, looked back at them, so choked up he was unable to say a single word. They had been here time and time again. They had mourned enormous losses together, and they had celebrated tremendous victories together. They were the living. And as Alex looked from face to face in the crowd, he was determined to keep every last one of them alive. He wanted no one to suffer the way he’d suffered when Meghan had died.

“People of Artimé,” Alex began, “you know how this works. You have your leaders. The squirrelicorns will act as messengers. Expect surprises, as always.” He glanced at the growing line of ships, which seemed to be widening. “The territory we must cover is much larger now than it has been in the past, and the approaching ships appear to be spreading out. Our main enemy will be the pirates, and they know how to fight. I fear they will attack from multiple locations around the island so we must be ready for that. That means our ranks will seem thinner than they are. It means each one of you is more vulnerable than in the past. And it means your significance to Artimé has never been greater than it is today.”

Alex looked over the crowd, and his eyes landed on Sky’s mother, Copper. He hadn’t expected to see her out here fighting. He nodded respectfully at her and continued. “Because we’ll be spread thin along the shoreline around the western half of the island, we must be clever and resourceful. Use the new trees in Quill to hide in. If you’re stationed in the west, utilize the lighthouse and hill to your advantage. And let’s not forget the last time the Warblerans paid us a visit. Be ready for the catapults and steer clear of anything that comes by way of them.”

Alex turned toward the group of Warbler children, and his eyes landed on Thatcher and Scarlet. “Warblerans and orange-eyed Artiméans, I believe these attackers are coming after you. You are welcome to change your mind about fighting. You may go inside and hide if you wish. I encourage you to do so, in fact. We don’t want to lose you. But if you choose to stay and fight, please be extremely cautious and keep yourselves as safe as possible.”

Lisa McMann's books