Island of Dragons (Unwanteds #7)

Yazmin smiled and put her hand on Thatcher’s arm. “Our parents will be very happy to know that they made a good decision to send him here. They’ve been very worried.”

“Perhaps you’ll all be reunited soon,” said Alex. He wished he believed it. He nodded briskly. “I’ve got to run now. Thatcher, your instructions will be on your blackboard.” He headed out of the hospital ward into a bustle of activity as Artiméans moved throughout the mansion, preparing for battle or bringing possessions with them to the lounge. He saw Crow with Thisbe and Fifer heading for the tubes and stopped them.

“Stay safe,” Alex said to his sisters. He kissed each of them on the forehead and looked at Crow. “I’m so glad they have you.”

Crow smiled. “I’ll take good care of them,” he said. And with that, he and the girls slipped into the tube and disappeared.

Alex watched them go, then took the stairs two at a time and went to his living quarters. He quickly packed a bag of components for Aaron. “So you sent it,” Alex said, knowing full well Clive was aware of his presence.

“You said you didn’t care,” said Clive.

“Well, thank you. And . . .” Alex thought for a long moment. “And if anybody gets inside the mansion, you and the other blackboards should do what you can to scare them back out.”

Clive’s face pushed out and his eyes flew open. “Like what?” he asked, incredulous. “We don’t even have bodies.”

“You’ll think of something,” Alex said. “Gotta go.” He ran out of the room with Clive screaming “Don’t die!” after him. And as Alex flew down the only-secret-to-intruders hallway past the Museum of Large, he skidded to a stop and stared at the door. He blinked a few times, shook his head, and mumbled something under his breath, followed by “No. Too dangerous.” He continued on to finish up his meetings before it was time to defend their land.

At the bottom of the stairs he nearly collided with Fox, who was running around the entry area, dodging people’s feet, and trying not to get kicked or stepped on. Alex scooped him up and saw that Kitten was on Fox’s head, hanging on with her tiny claws during the wild ride. Alex sidestepped down the hallway and darted into an empty classroom, setting Fox on a table.

“Whew,” said Fox, trembling slightly.

“Mewmewmew,” said Kitten.

Fox sat up to translate. “She says she is very happy to see you, her most especially good friend Alex, and she is delighted to be a part of this very special day of fighting.”

Alex raised an eyebrow, but Kitten smiled so hard it made her eyes turn into slits. “Okay, quickly, I have jobs for you,” said Alex. “Kitten, I want you to stay with me in case I need you. You can have a nice long nap in my pocket if you like. And Fox, I want you on board the ship. I have a special job for you.”

Fox gasped. He sat up straighter. “A . . . special job?” he whispered. “For me? Is it top secret?”

“No,” said Alex.

Fox’s face fell.

“Or, um, yes is actually what I meant to say,” said Alex.

Fox perked up again.

“Yes,” Alex continued, “it’s top secret. It’s the tippy top of all the secrets that exist. It’s so secret, I’m going to whisper it to you, and you must tell no one.”

“Even in the face of death?” Fox asked, eyes shining.

“Even then,” Alex said, and he nodded soberly. He bent down and whispered into Fox’s ear.

Fox’s face lit up, and when Alex was done he said, “That sounds very dangerous. And very clever, which is what I happen to be. Clever like a . . . cat.”

“Yes, that’s exactly why I picked you,” said Alex. “No one else in Artimé can do it but you.”

“Or the whole world,” Fox said dreamily.

“Or the whole world,” agreed Alex. He patted Fox and picked up Kitten. “I’ll see you on the lawn, and when this is all over I’ll want a full report, Fox.”

“If I survive,” said Fox.


“And if I don’t?”

“Well, then you’ll die a hero, like Meghan.”

Fox nodded. And then his face clouded over and his bottom jaw began to quiver. “I don’t want to die,” he whimpered.

“You won’t,” said Alex. “You’re magic, remember? And you’re a cat, so . . .”

“Oh, that’s right,” said Fox, panting in relief. “Phew. Nine lives.”

Alex nodded. “Or something like that. I’ve got to go.”

Alex left with Kitten snuggling up in his pocket. He went outside to find Simber, and discovered Gunnar Haluki there with him.

“Gunnar,” said Alex in greeting. “What ideas do you have for keeping our Quillens safe?”

Lisa McMann's books