Island of Dragons (Unwanteds #7)

Thatcher glanced at Scarlet. Scarlet lifted her chin and nodded at Alex. She would fight, and so would Thatcher. He nodded at Alex too.

Alex continued with the usual instructions, finishing with a word of encouragement. “Most of all, people of Artimé and our friends from Quill and Warbler,” he said, “I want to thank you for coming here today and being willing to fight, perhaps for the first time, and hopefully for the last. Let’s split up now and go with our leaders. And may we fight with all we have in us to protect this magical land!”

An enormous cheer rose up, and Alex, heartened, lifted his fist in the air, then tapped his chest and held it there. “I am with you!” he shouted.

The people did the same and shouted back, “I am with you!”

After that, the groups began to break off from the crowd, and the leaders gave out their instructions.

Alex turned his focus to the sea, his brain whirring. His fingers moved absently to his pockets, making sure his components were in order, but of course they were. Every spell caster was well stocked with heart attack spells and scatterclips, as well as a variety of nonlethal spells. Everyone had water and knew where to get more.

Inside the mansion, Alex checked in with the hospital ward. Carina had prepped the nurses, and there was plenty of medicine, thanks to Henry’s stockpiles. But it would still be nice to have Henry here. Where was he? And Florence and Spike? Had something happened to Pan?

Alex was forced to put the worry aside. When he saw Captain Ahab stumping toward the shore, Alex called to Simber. “Can you take Captain Ahab and his team to the ship?”

“Of courrrse,” said Simber. He approached the team and knelt so Sean, Carina, and Ms. Octavia could climb onto his back, and then he scooped Captain Ahab up in his mouth, much to the captain’s loud displeasure, and flew them out to the ship. Then Simber returned to shore to collect the rest of their team, including a slightly nervous Fox.

Claire, driving her namesake boat, came into view as she left the lagoon. She waved to Alex, and Alex lifted a hand in return. She drove slowly around the west half of the island. Inside the boat with Claire were Charlie and three other Artiméan spell casters who were learning how to control the white boat in case something should happen to Claire.

A moment later Matilda came running out of the mansion and dashed toward Alex.

“Ms. Morning has sighted Aaron’s team heading for the spot where the palace used to be,” Matilda signed.

“Exactly where I want him,” said Alex. “Aaron knows that part of the shoreline well.”

Matilda relayed the response, and then stood by the front door of the mansion to await further reports.

Restless, Alex went inside the mansion to check on Kaylee and Sky at their stations. Sky was at the front door with her hand on the hilt of her sword. She half drew it when Alex entered, then shoved it back in her belt when she saw who it was.

“Hi,” said Alex. “Are you clear on what to do?”

Sky raised an eyebrow. “Chop up anybody who tries to get inside? Yes, I’m pretty clear. Except for the fact that I can’t always see who’s coming. Shouldn’t we be stationed outside the door?”

Alex frowned and thought it through. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I’d like you to do that—at least at first.”

Sky nodded. “Good. I can’t stand being stuck in here. Kaylee’s going crazy too.”

“I’m sorry—I’m not really sure what Florence usually does as far as protecting the mansion. I’ve always been outside. I wish . . .” Alex shook his head. “Never mind.” He’d wished for Florence enough times already, but wishes wouldn’t bring her back. He needed to figure out how to do this without her.

Sky smiled sympathetically and went outside, and Alex jogged to the back door of the mansion by the kitchen and told Kaylee about the change in plans.

“Thank goodness,” said Kaylee, heading out. “I mean, I know it’s crucial nobody gets inside the mansion, but it feels like prison being stuck in here when all we want to do is fight.”

“I need you to stay alive,” said Alex, “so if it gets too dangerous, please go back inside.”

“It’s a deal,” said Kaylee. She drew her sword and lashed it through the air a few times as Alex went back into the mansion. He looked in the hospital ward where Yazmin lay sleeping and found a nurse.

“What do you normally do in here when we’re in battle?” he asked. “Do you have a way to protect this room in case our enemies get inside?”

The nurse nodded. “We can close the doors and use a magical lock on them if we ever feel we’re in danger,” he said. “Henry came up with it and taught us all. He’s not back yet, is he?”

“No,” said Alex.

“I hope he comes back soon.”

“So do I.”

Alex left the hospital ward and went outside to the shore in front of the mansion where Simber stood.

Lisa McMann's books