Island of Dragons (Unwanteds #7)

“I don’t care what you do,” Alex said. He went into his bathroom and splashed water on his face, then stared down at the sink, not really seeing it.

Clive smiled and disappeared, and soon the words had a flashing neon border surrounding them. A moment later they disappeared and Clive’s face returned.

Alex came out of the bathroom, towel in hand and drying his face. When he was finished, he threw the towel at the blackboard. It landed, draped over the edge, partially covering Clive’s face. Clive raised an eyebrow.

Alex loaded his component vest and filled his robe pockets with more components, not even sure if he’d use them. Perhaps he’d just give himself up—maybe the enemy would take him in exchange for leaving the rest of Artimé alone. At least Artimé would be safe with Aaron in charge.

He looked around his room one last time, making sure he had everything he needed, and then he went toward the door.

“Don’t die,” Clive said from behind the towel, so it came out slightly muffled. He bit at the towel and managed to pull it down and drop it on the floor.

Alex thought about that for a long moment. “Thanks, Clive,” he said quietly, and went out, closing the door behind him.

A Meeting of the Minds

While Aaron got ready and tried to tame his thoughts, Alex blew out a breath, set his shoulders, and made his way downstairs. He went out the front door and found Simber on the lawn, staring to the west. Alex stood next to him and looked too. He could barely make out a few bumps on the water.

“I hope Florrrence and the otherrrs can get herrre safely without being attacked,” Simber said. “I’m afrrraid they might be caught behind the ships.”

Alex’s mind didn’t have room for more things to worry about. “Sim,” he said, “I’m thinking about surrendering. I don’t want our people to have to fight again. That’s all we’ve done since I came to Artimé, and things look especially bleak this time—you have to agree with me. If I give myself up, maybe the pirates and Warblerans will be satisfied with that.”

A low growl came from deep within Simber and it turned into a roar.

Alex cringed and backed up. A few people came running out of the mansion to see what was happening, but Simber glared at them until they backed away and left.

“If you surrrenderrr,” growled Simber with true anger in his voice, “who will lead this island when these enemies decide you werrren’t enough to placate them afterrr all, and they come back again?”

Alex frowned. “I’m certain you’ll be fine,” he hedged.

“Well I’m cerrrtain we won’t.” Simber glanced at the team members coming toward them for their meeting and hissed to Alex, “No morrre of that talk. You must find yourrr confidence immediately, and defeat these enemies. Don’t you see? Once they arrre overrrcome, no enemies rrremain. This is the final battle, Alex . . . but only if you fight it.”

Alex didn’t respond, and soon his team leaders ventured toward them. Alex turned to greet Aaron and Claire, the first to reach him. Aaron caught Alex’s eye and patted the slight bulge in his vest. Alex nodded solemnly.

Soon Sean and Carina arrived with Ms. Octavia, and Sky came with Kaylee. Both of them appeared relieved to see Aaron back with them. The three stood together, Aaron a bit stiff around the shoulders, but on the surface he seemed pleased to see them as well, despite the circumstances.

Samheed and Lani came next, and then Mr. Appleblossom and Liam Healy arrived, talking earnestly together.

Alex glanced at Simber. “Is this everyone?”

Simber nodded. “Gunnarrr Haluki has been summoned and is on his way frrrom Quill as well.”

“Th-that’s correct,” said Liam. “My, ah, my blackboard talked to his in Quill, and he got the message from Clive. He’s coming.”

Alex began to wonder what message Clive had sent out—perhaps he should have read it. He held up a hand to quiet the group, and they came to attention. “We have no time to waste,” said Alex. “And while I’m devastated by this news and have tried to come up with a way to keep this attack from happening, Simber has convinced me that our only option is to fight and defeat these enemies once and for all. So . . . anyone who wishes to join us in fighting should gather on the lawn within two hours. Does that sound about right?” He glanced at the tiny blobs on the water as if trying to determine their time of arrival.

“That’s what Clive said,” Liam told him.

“Oh,” said Alex. “Well, then, let’s go with that. I’d like each of you to lead a team as usual. Hopefully Florence, Spike, and Henry will be back soon to help us.”

Mr. Appleblossom raised a hand.

Lisa McMann's books