Ink Enduring (Montgomery Ink #5)

Maya nodded. “Yeah, and we want a game plan.”

Border kissed her cheek softly and pulled away. “Got it. I’m here no matter what.” Even if he felt awkward as hell being there in the first place.

The relief that passed over Maya’s face—and Jake’s for that matter—told him he’d said the right thing for once. She needed them, even if this was a new and daunting thing, and Border would figure out a way not to be uncomfortable in a group of strangers who all knew each other but not him. He might know Storm and Wes from his past, but it was still going to be awkward.

Border kissed her softly before letting her lead them inside the house. The noise inside wasn’t quite deafening, but it was close. The Montgomery clan wasn’t a quiet one, that was for sure.

For some reason, he thought with this many people, he, Jake, and Maya would be able to show up and blend right in. Not so much. Every single eye in the room landed on them, and people quit speaking—some mid-sentence.

They stared at the trio, and Border felt like pulling at his collar so he could breathe. He wasn’t used to this family thing. He didn’t have one of his own, and Jake’s hadn’t been that big. Jake had his brothers now, though he’d grown up with his parents, as well. The Gallaghers’ mother had died when Jake was a teenager; his father following her only a few short years ago. Nothing could match the sheer size of the Montgomerys at this point. Border could easily tell which ones were related by blood since they all had the same eyes.

And those eyes were measuring him up right then and there.

Jake cleared his throat and leaned ever so slightly toward Border so they brushed shoulders. When Maya did the same on the other side, he relaxed, knowing they were there for him no matter what. Though why he should be acting this way, he didn’t know. They were there for Maya after all, not him.

“Okay, you stared, you glared, and you’ve folded your arms over your chest to prove you’re tough and bad,” Maya snarled. “This is Border, and you already know Jake. Border, this is everyone. Now go back to your food and drinks and stop staring us down like you’re ready to pounce.”

A few of her family members laughed while the largest one just shook his head. He looked to be the eldest of the siblings so Border figured this was Austin. Considering Border hadn’t made it to Maya’s shop yet—something he would be changing soon—he didn’t know whom the brother she worked with daily was yet.

“You of all people, little sister, should know that we don’t just let things go,” the one Border thought was Austin said with a chuckle in his voice. “You bring home two men, one we know like a brother, the other we don’t know at all, and expect us not to be curious? You, of all people,” the man repeated.

Border raised a brow. “Why is he saying you of all people?” he asked Maya, though he kept his eyes on the brother.

“My brother Austin thinks he’s hilarious,” Maya said dryly.

This time, it was Jake who laughed. Border turned to his other lover, both brows raised this time. “What?”

Jake shrugged. “Maya is usually the one in everyone’s business. Fuck!” He rubbed his arm where Maya had slugged him. Jake looked around the room at the wide-eyed kids and winced. “Sorry.”

Border chuckled, he couldn’t help it. “Well, that makes sense I guess.” He stepped out of the way as Maya tried to punch him, as well. Instead, he gripped her hand and kissed her fist.

She narrowed her eyes at him at the public display of affection, and he let her arm fall. “Like she said, I’m Border. Nice to meet all of you.”

Storm took that moment to push through the others and bring Border in for a hug. “Nice to see you, man.”

And with that, the tension broke, and soon, Border was introduced to every single Montgomery family member, child, and even the family friend who worked for the Montgomerys—Tabby. She should have looked out of place with her straight-laced outfits and high ponytail, but she fit right in.

And after a few minutes, he started to feel a little more comfortable, as well. Maya and Jake were never far from his side, and though he got some curious looks, it wasn’t that bad. In fact, the family seemed downright delighted that Maya was with not only Jake, but Border, as well. Not everyone would be okay with a ménage relationship within their family dynamic, but the Montgomerys took it in stride. Or at least they did a really good job of pretending.