Ink Enduring (Montgomery Ink #5)

“Because Maya invited you,” Jake said with a smile. He hadn’t tucked in his shirt either but still looked a little more…civilized than Border did. “And once Maya invites you to something, you know it’s more of a decree. In fact, it’s the same way with all the Montgomery women.”

He might not be wearing a tie, but he still felt the need to pull at his collar. He couldn’t breathe. Damn it. He wasn’t some teenager meeting the parents of the girl he was dating. No, he was meeting the parents and the seven siblings of the girl he was seeing. Not to mention all the significant others and children that came with the Montgomery clan. Oh, and he wasn’t going alone, he was bringing his other lover with him. The same lover who happened to be Maya’s lover, as well.

Because that wasn’t confusing or daunting or anything.

Jake leaned forward and kissed him. Hard. “Stop overthinking it.”

“I can’t help it,” Border mumbled. “It’s what I do.”

“And you’re usually not so antsy about it, so get your head out of your ass and remember this is for Maya.”

“We’ve only been together for a week,” Border mumbled, though he knew that was just a copout.

“And we’re far beyond what others would be at a week, and you know it. So stop freaking out.”

“What are you two doing out here talking to yourselves?” Maya asked as she made her way toward them.

They’d been standing on the sidewalk in front of the Montgomery house since they’d rode together, and now Border wasn’t sure what he was thinking about beforehand.

Maya’s hair was down around her shoulders, and she’d curled the ends so they bounced as she walked. She had on a flowing top and tight leggings with a lace pattern on them. It wasn’t a dress, but it wasn’t her normal low-slung jeans either.

“You look beautiful,” Border blurted.

Maya blushed, and Jake chuckled and brought her in for a kiss. Seeing the two of them in each other’s arms sent a sense of peace through Border. Surprising, yet not all at the same time.

When Maya came into Border’s arms and kissed him, as well, Border knew that he’d fight for this, fight for what they could have, because nothing had ever felt this right before in his life.

“We must be scaring the neighbors,” Maya said dryly. She looked around the empty street and waved to people who might be staring through their windows. “We’re already the loud house on the block with all those damn inked Montgomerys, and now I’ve kissed you both out here on the sidewalk.”

“Well, I kissed Border already, so it’s a threesome,” Jake said with a grin, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “Should we not have done anything in public? I know you said you were fine with this, and we weren’t going to hide anything from your family, but I don’t want it to be an issue.”

Maya shook her head and took both of their hands in hers. “I don’t want to hide anything. It really can’t hurt my job, or yours, Jake, since we’re artists and people think we’re going to do what we want anyway.” She met Border’s eyes. “I know you said you were finding a new career of sorts, though, you know, at some point, you should elaborate on that, but will this hurt it?”

Border shook his head. “I won’t let it.”

Maya studied his face for a moment before nodding. “Okay, then. So we just do what we feel is natural. No making out in front of my family because, gross, but holding hands, kissing, and leaning into one another? That’s normal. My family is very affectionate, and we always hug. And everyone knows I’m with you both, even if they don’t know the particulars.”

Border shook his head, a small smile on his face. “Because you told the girls at your girls’ night?”

Maya nodded. “That was part of it, then I told them some more because I talk to my family when I need to think.”

He couldn’t help the envy that hit him at that thought. He didn’t have a family to talk to about his relationships or his life in general. And the family he’d had at one point wasn’t one he’d ever talk to. Especially not about something as important as this. Jake had his brothers, and Border, in the past, had only had Jake. And when he’d let that go because he’d had to, he’d had no one.

He shook off those thoughts, knowing they wouldn’t lead to anywhere he needed to be, and let out a breath. “So, these family dinners are a common occurrence?”

Maya’s eyes brightened. “Yeah. We tend to try to meet as a group at least once a month, sometimes more. Most of us work with one another, so it’s not like we don’t see each other, but we’re always in each other’s pockets. Today, we have the siblings, their spouses, their kids, and any significant others. Meaning you two are with me. Tabby is there, too, though she’s not dating any of the Montgomerys. She’s part of the family, though since she’s part of the construction company’s heart. If that makes sense.”

Border frowned and reached out with his free hand to trace a finger down her cheek. “What’s wrong?”

Maya sighed. “We usually have an agenda with these meals. Either it’s to plan a holiday or a birthday or something. This time, though, I think it’s about Alex.”

Jake let out a curse. “He’s getting out of rehab soon.”