Ink Enduring (Montgomery Ink #5)

Since it was a bit chilly outside, it looked like they would be eating indoors. Maya’s parents made sure everyone was fed and had somewhere to sit, and that wasn’t an easy task considering the amount of people that filled the house. Thankfully, it seemed the older couple had kept building on to the house with each new kid, so there was plenty of room.

Border sat on one of the couches next to Maya with Jake on her other side. He was in the middle of a conversation with Storm when someone cleared their throat and the room quieted. Maya slid her hand into Border’s, and he couldn’t help but squeeze it softly before turning his attention to Meghan and Luc.

Meghan was Maya’s older sister and owned the landscaping division of Montgomery Inc., the construction company that had been started by Maya’s parents and was now owned and operated by Wes and Storm—with Tabby organizing them. Luc was Montgomery Inc.’s electrician, and apparently, had been best friends with Meghan when they’d been younger before she’d been married the first time. Border was slowly learning all the backstories for the Montgomerys, but it was going to take him time.

“So,” Luc began and cleared his throat. “Since we have all of your attention…”

Meghan blushed and leaned into her husband. “We’re having a baby! It’s still really early, but the little goobers found out by accident, and we don’t want to force them keep secrets.” She put her hands on the top of her children’s heads and smiled.

Maya screamed and jumped off the couch to hug her sister, and the rest of the family took turns with Luc and then Meghan once Maya let go. Border sat back, a smile on his face. It was weird as hell that he was there while they were making such a huge announcement, but he knew he just needed to take it in stride. He was still learning to be with Maya, still learning who she was. But she wanted him there, and he would take things one step at a time.

Sasha, Meghan’s daughter from her first marriage, came up to him and stood in front of the couch. She put her little hand on his knee and batted her eyes at him. This little one had more of Maya in her than Meghan, and he couldn’t help but smile.

“Are you Aunt Maya’s boyfriend?” Sasha asked as she scrambled up to sit on his lap.

Border froze for a moment before resting his hand on her shoulder. He met Maya’s gaze for help, but she just smiled. Jake wasn’t even looking at him, so he was no help either.

“Yes,” he said finally. “I am.” It was almost the truth. He wasn’t sure he should say that the three of them were just lovers who were trying to figure out where they fit in each other’s lives at the moment.

“Is Jake Aunt Maya’s boyfriend, too?”

Border swallowed hard and looked to Maya for help. Thankfully, she took pity on him and picked her niece up off his lap. She twirled the little girl around to Sasha’s delighted giggles and set her down on her feet next to Maya.

“Yes, Sasha darling, Jake is my boyfriend.”

“And Border is my boyfriend, too,” Jake said with a grin. “We’re confusing, huh?”

Sasha rolled her eyes with the grace of a little kid. “Nope. You all like each other, so, duh, you’re together.” She beamed. “When I grow up, I want two boyfriends, too.” And with that, she skipped off to play with her brother and cousins.

Border met his lovers’ eyes and snorted. “Well, that wasn’t quite what I expected.”

Meghan walked up to them, her eyes bright, but a brow raised. “The Montgomerys are never what you quite expect. And did I just hear my baby daughter wants two boyfriends.”

Luc put his arm around his wife’s waist and glared at the triad. “My precious baby daughter isn’t having one boyfriend, let alone two.”

The rest of the family laughed, and Border joined in. He was astonished that no one seemed to have a problem with the fact that Maya, Jake, and Border were together. Or if they did, they kept it to themselves and didn’t make a big deal about it. He knew it wouldn’t be that easy outside of this circle, but it at least gave him hope.

Hope for what, he didn’t know. Their future was uncertain, and putting monumental stresses on it wouldn’t help anyone.

“So,” Harry Montgomery said after a moment. The patriarch of the Montgomery family looked like he’d been through the wringer and had come out fighting. Border knew from Jake that Maya’s father had recently fought cancer and won. The man looked good for someone who had been through all he had.

“So,” Marie said after a moment. She put her hand in her husband’s and sighed. “Alex gets out tomorrow.”