Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

“I’m going stir crazy.”

Adaline looked up from her Kindle and smiled. “Emmit, pacing the floor is not going to make the cat scan come back any faster.”

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “This is stupid. I’ve already missed three races. There is only a few more left and I’m already out of contention for the series, why won’t they let me just race?”

Adaline looked back down at her Kindle and sighed. “You know why, Emmit.”

I was about to argue with her when the door opened to the little room we had been sitting in. Doctor Samsung smiled as he walked up to me and extended his hand. Giving him a quick and firm shake, I cut to the chase. “So? Am I cleared to race?”

Doctor Samsung glanced over to Adaline, lifted his brow and then back to me. “I expect for you to keep a close eye on him.”

“Of course I will. I wouldn’t treat Emmit any differently than I would any other driver.”

Seeming pleased by her response, he handed me the release form. Grabbing it from his hand, I smiled and headed out the door. I heard Adaline call my name out before the door even shut.

I’d been banned from my car for far too long. I was ready to get back at it. I may be out of the chase, but I still had a few races I could win. And I couldn’t wait to give number twenty-four a little taste of his own medicine.

Adaline grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop. “Emmit. Where do you think you’re going?”

My face jerked back in shock as I stared at her. “To my plane. I’ve got a race to get to, Addie. You heard him, I’m cleared for racing.”

Pinching her eyebrows together as she threw her hands on her hips, Adaline gave me a look that should have scared me, but turned me on instead. “Just because he gave you the all clear doesn’t mean you have to rush back into a car, Emmit. You need to take it easy.”

I rolled my eyes as if I thought she was insane while I looked down at her soft plump lips. My mind drifted back to last night when they were wrapped around my—

“Are you even listening to me?”

I let out a soft chuckle while I shook my dirty thoughts away. “Yes, baby, I’m listening to you. Addie, you knew the moment I was given the all clear I’d be out the door. I need to get behind the wheel again. If I can make it to the track today, I can get a practice in and race this weekend. It was just a stupid bump on the head.”

The sigh that Adaline let out caused me to bite back another smile. “Fine. But, can we please stop at the house so we can at least pack up a bag for us each.”

A huge smile spread across my face as Adaline followed my lead. Picking her up, I swung her around as she let out a small yelp. “I love you, baby.”

Adaline’s body slid down mine as her feet slowly hit the ground. Licking her lips, she gave me a wink and said, “I love you too. Now let’s go before you practically jump out of your own skin.”

While Adaline called Mr. Elliot to let him know I had the all clear, I called Waldo and told him I would be in the race this weekend. I missed Charlotte last week because the asshole doctor felt I needed another week of rest. It was a damn bump on my head for Christ sakes.

“I’m headed to Kansas as soon as I can get to the plane.”

“Good. I need you back in this car.”

My body came alive at the thought of slipping through the window and racing. “Emmit, I need you to do one thing for me.”

I pushed the key into the ignition of my car as I cranked it up and quickly pulled out. “Anything, Waldo.”

“Put the number twenty-four out of your head. You focus solely on racing.”

I stole a glance over at Adaline who was typing away on a text message. The last thing I wanted to do was lie to the one man who was more like my father than my crew chief. “I know where I need to focus. I may not be in the race for the chase anymore, but I still intend on walking away with as many wins as I can.”

Waldo laughed and said, “That is the Emmit I know and love. See you later tonight.”

I reached over and hit End on the screen in my car. “Daddy is probably glad to know you're heading back.”

“Yeah, he is.”

Adaline reached over and took my hand in hers. “Promise me something, Emmit.”

I prayed like hell she wasn’t about to make me promise her something I knew I wouldn’t keep.

“What’s that?”

I could feel her stare penetrating me as I tried like hell to stare straight ahead and drive. “You won’t go after Malcolm.”

Adaline had told me how Malcolm didn’t leave my side until after I woke up and basically kicked him out of my hospital room. None of that mattered. That bastard was the reason I ended up missing out on three races. He was currently sitting second in the points lead and I had every intention of making sure he didn’t win this weekend.

“I’m going to race hard this weekend, so I can’t make you promises I’m not sure I can keep.”

Adaline sighed and squeezed my hand as we rode the rest of the way home in silence.

Kelly Elliott's books