Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

My heart dropped and I closed my eyes, “Oh no. Please hurry!” I said a quick prayer I’d make it in time.

It was a short drive to victory lane as the security guard pulled up. I jumped out of the truck before it even came to a stop. “Excuse me, let me through!” I yelled as the security guard led me through the crowd. I could see everyone from both Malcolm and Emmit’s pit crew there.

Emmit and Malcolm were both going after each other as members of their pit crews tried to pull them apart.

“Emmit!” I screamed as I looked for something to get me up higher.

I ran over to a table and climbed up on it. Robert Elliot was attempting to pull Emmit off of Malcolm. One punch landed and Malcolm stumbled back. Screaming to the top of my lungs, I called out, “Emmit!”

Emmit stopped trying to get to Malcolm and turned to look in my direction. Our eyes met and I could see the rage as a shiver ran up my spine. My body came to life as his eyes pierced me. Then he was gone. My mouth dropped open as I saw someone holding something in their hands, security tackled the person and the object he had been holding hit the ground. With all the noise and people yelling, the only thing I heard was my breathing. Then I looked at Emmit who was lying on the pavement, blood pooling at his head.

“No!” I screamed as I jumped down and rushed to Emmit.

As I dropped to the ground I was overcome by the smell of blood. Covering my mouth, I forced myself not to throw up. I was a nurse. The smell of blood shouldn’t bother me at all.

But this was different. This was Emmit’s blood.

And there was a lot of it.

Emmit had been unconscious for the last twenty-two hours. They had taken him down for another cat scan when Malcolm insisted I leave to go eat something. The fact that Malcolm was still here at the hospital spoke volumes to me.

My mind flashed back to when Emmit was in surgery getting the gash in his head stitched up. Malcolm, Richard, and I had talked to a police officer investigating the incident.

“It was one of Malcolm Wallace’s fans. He made his way through the crowd. I guess he was upset about Emmit starting the fight.”

The officer nodded his head and continued to write. “And he picked up the unopened beer can and hit Mr. Lewis over the head with it?”

“Yes,” Robert, one of the pit crew members said.

My stomach turned every time I thought about it. When Emmit hit the ground, his head hit hard, causing another gash.

I dragged in a deep breath before I pushed the door open to Emmit’s hospital room. Malcolm glanced up from the chair he had been sitting in as I attempted to give him a smile. “That was not fast enough to eat, Adaline.”

I shrugged my shoulders and sat down in the chair on the other side of Emmit. Both of us had either been in Emmit’s room or somewhere in the hospital since Emmit was admitted. “I can’t eat, Malcolm. My stomach is too sick.”

Malcolm nodded; I knew he felt the same. Malcolm and Emmit may be rivals, but I knew this was tearing Malcolm apart like it was me. If I hadn’t called out Emmit’s name, he wouldn’t have looked over at me, causing everyone else to see where he was looking. No one saw the fan lifting the beer to hit Emmit until it was too late.

Closing my eyes, I fought to hold back my tears. If I hadn’t left at all, none of this would have happened. Emmit wouldn’t be sitting here in the hospital bed.

“The doctor came in while you were gone.”

My eyes snapped open as I felt my heart slam against my chest. “What did he say?”

“Said the swelling is down and his brain function all looks normal.”

I swallowed hard as I looked over at Emmit. “He’s not waking up though.” I barely said. I knew Emmit’s body was doing what it needed to do to allow him to heal. Just because I knew the medical reasons why he hadn’t woken up yet, didn’t mean I had to like it.

Malcolm stood up and stretched. “I’ve got an interview tomorrow. I’m going to head back to the hotel and get some sleep.”

Not even bothering to look at him, my eyes stayed focused on Emmit. “Okay,” I softly spoke as I felt Malcolm’s hand on my shoulder. One gently squeeze let me know Malcolm wouldn’t be far. “I’ll text you if he wakes up. Go get some sleep.”

“Do me a favor, Adaline.”

My head slowly lifted as I looked up at Malcolm, “Please get some sleep and try to eat.”

A weak smile played across my face as I gave him a slight nod. “I’ll try.”

Malcolm quietly left the room.

I picked up Emmit’s hand as I kissed the back of it. “Emmit, baby, please wake up. Please, please wake up for me.”

My head dropped as I began crying. This was my fault. I’d give anything to take the last three weeks back.

Lifting my head, I wiped my tears away. My eyes traveled over Emmit’s perfect face. His features were breathtaking.

Kelly Elliott's books