Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

“How did you know I didn’t cheat on you then? Did you talk to your dad? My mom?”

Adaline was chewing on her lower lip, causing it to instantly swell. “No,” she said. “I just finally decided to stop listening to my head, and I listened to my heart. I’m so sorry I hurt you again, Emmit. I’d give anything to take it all back.”

The warmth spread through my body again as I looked into her eyes. “You can’t run away every time you think there’s a problem, Addie.”

Nodding her head frantically, she barely spoke. “I . . . I know. I’m an idiot.”

I would have nodded in agreement, but my head hurt too damn much. “We need to work things out together if there is a problem.”

Adaline began crying hard again. “I. Know. I. Hate. Myself. For. Hurting. You.”

“I want a do-over, Addie.”

With a snap of her head, she wiped her eyes and then her snotty nose. “A do-over of what?”

“That night.”

Adaline slowly shook her head as she pinched her eyebrows together. “What night?”

“The first night we made love.”

Adaline’s mouth dropped open as she pulled her head back in shock. “Never. That night was the best night of my life. It was magical and romantic.”

Looking away, I closed my eyes. “Nah, it was hot as hell. The bugs were eating us alive; it bruised the hell out of my knees and your back. You bled on my mother’s favorite quilt and you wore a look of pain the entire time.” I opened my eyes and caught Adaline’s stare. “I was so scared I was hurting you.”

Adaline’s blue eyes softened as flashed me a smile. God how I loved that smile. I’d never in my life get tired of seeing it. “Like I said, it was the best night of my life. I wouldn’t change it for the world. Except the part of your mother’s quilt.” Standing up, Adaline leaned over me. Her lips stopped right before they came in contact with mine. “You weren’t hurting me, Emmit. You were making me yours. I’ll forever be yours. A moment like that doesn’t happen twice.”

The moment her lips touched mine, I felt a surge of energy race through my body. Lifting my hand, I placed it behind her neck and pulled her closer to me. I’d give anything to have her crawl into bed with me. I could still taste that first kiss, like it had happened yesterday.

A male’s voice cleared their throat from behind me as I dropped my hand and Adaline pulled her lips away from mine.

“I see sleeping beauty woke up.”

The sound of Malcolm’s voice caused my head to hurt more. “Get the fuck out of my room, asshole.” He walked around the end of the bed and gave me that shit-eating grin of his.

“You know you want to see me. My pretty face makes you feel better.”

Rolling my eyes, I let out a groan and swore some more under my breath. “What’s wrong, Malcolm? Coming to see how bad of a job your flunky did in trying to keep me out of a race car.”

“Emmit!” Adaline said as Malcolm’s smile faded.

“You really think I’m that worried about your shitty driving that I would have to pay someone to keep you out of a car. You sure think highly of yourself, you asshole. I’ll beat you any day, any track.”

I glared at Malcolm as I balled my fists. “You’re on, Wallace. That dick move on me cost me the race.”

Malcolm shook his head as he looked at Adaline and then back to me and then back to Adaline. Malcolm and I had been rivals since I could remember. Two young Texas boys starting out on a dirt track. At first it was just fun to wreck each other. Then when we started winning, it was a race to see who could win the most.

Malcolm sighed. “You should have stayed away, Adaline. He’s nothing but a cocky son-of-a-bitch.”

Malcolm turned and headed out of the room. “Fuck you, Malcolm!” I shouted as Adaline gave me a dirty look.

“Emmit, stop! Malcolm has been here the entire time, waiting for you to wake up. He’s been worried sick.”

For one brief moment I felt guilty, then I remembered who we were talking about. We may have been friends once, but that was a long ass time ago. Letting out a laugh, I grabbed my head and moaned before saying, “The only person Malcolm Wallace cares about is himself.”

Malcolm took Adaline by the arm, turning her to face him. “Don’t worry about it, Adaline. I’ll let the nurse know he’s awake.”

“Thank you for staying, Malcolm.”

The exchange between the two of them pissed me off. Had Malcolm held Adaline in his arms? What if he was trying to move in on her? I’d kill him first before he got anywhere near Adaline.

“No problem, Adaline. See ya around.”

Adaline watched as Malcolm made his way out of the room. As she turned around, I saw the anger in her eyes. “So let’s get back to you leaving me again.”

Her eyes softened as a slow smile spread across her face. “You’re so bad.”

With a wink, I reached my hand out for hers and pulled her onto the bed as I wiggled my eyebrows and said, “And you love it.”

Biting on her lip, Adaline’s eyes lit up as she slowly nodded. “Yes, I do.”

Kelly Elliott's books