Icing (Aces Hockey #1)

Amber made it through the rest of her shift in a daze.

Melissa and Indie left after one drink. Clearly Melissa had been there only to check her out and torment her. But in truth, she’d done her a favor—reminding her that Duncan had been hurt and why he’d been so easily convinced that she’d been using him like other women had. Fuck them.

Okay, her dad showing up like that was totally freaking her out. She wasn’t even sure what to think about it. She’d wanted nothing to do with him for so long, but now seeing him like that—so meek and tentative—threw her off balance. So she’d have dinner with him and see why he was there.

And Duncan—geez mama! He loved her too. Her insides went all warm and quivery and she couldn’t stop smiling.

Duncan drove the rental car back to her apartment. “I’ll take this back tomorrow. After I drop you off at work. I’ll bring the Beamer to you. Don’t argue with me.”

She grinned. “Couldn’t you just have bought me a Chevy?”

“Wanted something reliable for you. But fun. You deserve it.”

What could she say? “Thank you.”

“Now tell me what your mom meant about solving all your problems.”

She sighed. “Things have been tough financially the last few years. My dad left us with nothing, and I mean nothing. I worked a couple of years, but I wanted to go to college and leave L.A., so I had to take out some student loans. My mom’s not good with money, but I just told her she’s going to have to figure out a way to support herself.”

“Jesus! Are you saying you’ve been supporting her?”

“Helping. I send her money as much as I can. She’d never worked in her life when she and my dad got divorced. She had no idea how to manage money. There was always lots of money when I was little, then things got messed up, Dad was in debt. Mom got a part-time job at an art gallery, but she tried to live the same kind of lifestyle she always had. She figured the solution was for one of us—or both of us—to find a rich husband.”


“I know why you believed that’s what I wanted. Lovey told me about Melissa and some other girls. When I saw Melissa tonight, I realized that. But I really, really want you to believe that I don’t care about your money. Or who you are.”

He found a parking spot on the street and their conversation paused while they walked into the building and then rode the elevator to the fifth floor. The apartment was mostly dark, other than the hall light Easton had left on for her.

She turned to Duncan and searched his face. “Do you believe me?”

Chapter 25

“Yeah.” Duncan pulled her into his arms and she sank into his embrace. “I believe you. I was an idiot. For a while I was worried that it did matter who I was—because of the attention you got and all the shit that happened. I thought maybe it was better if you weren’t with me because of that. Then I was stupid and thought maybe the money made it worth it.”

“Duncan.” She drew back and set her palms on his cheeks. “I love you. It’s true I didn’t want that attention, but it’s not the money that makes it worth it—it’s you. You’re generous and caring and, yes, it bugs me when you do things for me, but that’s just because I’m an idiot too.”

He smiled, his heart expanding with relief and love. “We’re a good pair, then.”

“Well, maybe a little dysfunctional. But I think we’re both learning stuff about ourselves.”

“Yeah.” He leaned down and touched his lips to hers in a soft, sweet kiss. Then he began to unbutton her jacket. They stepped apart, maintaining eye contact to divest themselves of outerwear, then grabbed each other again. This kiss was harder, more urgent. He walked her down the hall to her bedroom, hands on her hips, her back, her butt. Her hands roamed too, over his broad shoulders, inside the collar of his shirt, tickling his skin.

In the bedroom he closed the door and turned on the lamp, then reached for her again.

“I like this top.” He stroked over her bare shoulders. “Very sexy.” He cupped her breasts.

“Thank you.”

He found the tie at the back of her neck and tugged it loose.

“What about the groveling?” she murmured as he removed her top. “I was looking forward to that.”

“Oh yeah?” Her strapless bra came off too, then her skirt and panties. He nudged her backward so she sat on the side of the bed. “Okay.” And he dropped to his knees in front of her. “This is me groveling. I’m sorry. Now I’m gonna lick your sweet *. Lie back and spread your legs.”

Kelly Jamieson's books