Icing (Aces Hockey #1)

They made love again, this time slow, lush, and tender. When Duncan moved down her body to kiss her between her legs, she felt as though he was worshipping her. His small, suckling kisses over her sensitive folds held reverence and awe. His gentle licks and sighing breaths spoke of care and tenderness. Tears filled her eyes even as an agonizingly sweet tension tightened in her, a swelling heat. Everything inside her constricted, pulled up, up, up into a sharp peak of excitement and when she came, she came hard and long. Shudders wracked her body, and she held his head while pleasure exploded through her veins.

When he moved over her, Amber pushed him to his back and poured everything she felt into each stroke of his face, every caress, her clasp of his erection. She explored his body, every dip and hollow, every big muscle and strong bone, with her mouth, her lips, her tongue. She inhaled his scent, warm and male. She pressed kisses to his quivering abs, sucked and licked at his sharp nipples. When she moved over him and they came together, a shimmer of heat surrounded them. Their eyes met and held, Amber on top, riding him, hands on his chest, taking him deep.

The connection between them sparkled and flared, a coalescence of all their feelings. They’d gotten past some barriers and they both knew there were more challenges to face. But they were going to do it together.


“I just thought I’d let you know that Duncan and I are still together.”

Amber was between classes on Monday, cellphone at her ear, biting her lip as she waited for her mom’s response. She was sure Mom was going to be ecstatic, but if she said anything, anything about his money, Amber was going to lose it.

“I’m happy for you,” Mom said. “Are you keeping the car?”

Amber closed her eyes. “Yes.”

“Good. I’m sure he was trying to do something nice for you by buying it.”

“He was.” And she’d let him give her that. “He loves me, Mom.”

“Oh, sweetie. You love him too, don’t you?”

“I do. So much.”

“Then it’s all perfect.”

“I want you to know though that just because he has money doesn’t mean I’m rich. I made it clear to him that he doesn’t have to support me and he definitely doesn’t have to support my family.”

This was met with silence and Amber wasn’t sure if Mom was angry, hurt, or something else.

“I understand,” Mom finally said.

“Um, there’s something else you should know. Dad is here in Chicago.”


“He came to see me last night at work. We’re having dinner tonight.”

“Amber, oh my God, what does he want?”

“I don’t know. But it better not be money.” She rubbed her forehead, hating that she was so cynical. “Duncan’s going to be with me.”

“I should be there too. Dammit, Amber, I could’ve been there if you hadn’t sent me home. I don’t want him hurting you again.”

Amber blinked at her mom’s protective tone. “I didn’t know he was going to show up. It’s okay, Mom. I’ll be fine.”

“Damn him.”

“I know, Mom, I’m still angry with him too. I don’t know how this is going to go. But he’s my dad, so…”

“Will you let me know what happens?”


“Amber, I love you. When I got on that plane I was so upset. But all the way home I thought about what you said. You’ve done so much for me, and I started to feel a little ashamed.”

Amber’s throat tightened.

“I should have been looking after you. I was just so…destroyed…by what happened.”

“I know, Mom. It was awful. It would destroy anyone.”

“It didn’t destroy you. You kept your head up and did what you had to do, even though I know it was hard. I’m proud of you, sweetie. And I’m going to try to do better. I asked today if I could increase my hours at the gallery. And I think I’ll move somewhere less expensive.”

Amber’s eyes widened. “Really?” She’d been trying to convince her mom to do that for years.

“I started imagining what would happen if you didn’t send me money and I kept living the way I have been. And just like you don’t want to be me…I don’t want to be your father. I don’t want to end up turning to crime to make money, and ending up in jail. I felt so victimized and hard done by after what happened. I felt someone should look after me and make it all right. I felt like I was owed that.” She paused. “It took my own daughter to show me strength and conviction. You love Duncan for who he is, not because he’s rich and famous. To the point that you were going to walk away.”

“I thought you said it would have been stupid.”

“Well, yes.” She heard the smile in Mom’s voice. “It would be stupid to turn your back on love. But in a weird way, I had to admire that. It really made me stop and think about my own life.”

Amber’s throat closed up, aching ferociously. She blinked away tears. “Oh, Mom.”

“Anyway, I’m proud of you and I’m happy and relieved that you and Duncan worked things out. A lack of money can be a huge problem in a relationship, but a lot of money can too, so however you two handle it, don’t let that come between you.”

Amber nodded. “Good advice,” she choked out. “Thanks, Mom.”

Kelly Jamieson's books