Icing (Aces Hockey #1)


No wonder he’d thought she was like that. Just as she was terrified of getting let down by someone she cared about, he was probably wary of puck bunnies who only wanted to be with him because he was a hockey player. And had money.

Jesus. No wonder he’d been upset when he’d heard her mother say that. But still. He hadn’t let her explain. She could still be annoyed at him about that. She bit her lip. Maybe she owed it to him to make sure he knew the truth. She hated…hated…to think that he might be hurt because of her. She wanted him to know that she loved him because of who he really was…kind and generous and caring.

She loved him.

But her insides seized up at the thought of telling him that. It was fucking terrifying.


Her mom’s words returned to her.

Mom was right. She was a total coward. A wuss. A gutless, spineless scaredy-cat.

She loved him. She may already have lost him, so what did she have to lose by telling him that? Maybe it was more important for him to know the truth than for her to save her pride.

Jack slid the drinks across the bar to her. Amber set them on her tray and turned around to deliver them.

“Hi, Amber.”

She froze and stared at the man in front of her. Oh, dear sweet Jesus. How much worse could things get?

“Hi, Daddy.”

Duncan’s head jerked around as he spotted Amber across the bar. For fuck’s sake, she was talking to Melissa. Or waiting on her. Christ, this probably wasn’t a good thing. But Amber walked away, apparently having taken their drink order.

He watched her as he debated rushing over and throwing himself at her feet, apologizing for ever doubting her and begging for her forgiveness. Yeah, maybe this wasn’t the place for that. Especially with his sister and half a dozen teammates there to be entertained by that spectacle.

But he watched her hungrily, because he was going to talk to her tonight. Somehow.

She looked gorgeous, as always. Long, toned legs, tight butt in that short black skirt. Tonight she wore a halter-style black top that left her shoulders and arms bare, her perfect golden skin gleaming in the lights above the bar. Her low ponytail hung down her back, all shiny and gold. His chest ached.

She set two martini glasses on a tray and turned around, but some guy stepped in front of her, blocking Duncan’s view of her. He frowned. And watched. Because if any dumb fucker tried something with her, that fucker’d be feeling Duncan’s fist in his face.

They didn’t move. It appeared they were talking. He saw Amber’s hand clench onto the edge of the bar. The guy moved and he saw Amber’s face. Nope, not happy.

That was all he needed.

He shoved his stool back and stood, then strode across the bar between the tables. He ignored a loud burst of laughter off to his left, didn’t really hear the music pumping over the sound system either.

He set a hand on the man’s shoulder. Eh, this guy was big. But judging from his gray hair, he was old, so Duncan could still probably take him. “I think the lady wants you to leave her alone,” he growled, using his hand on the guy’s shoulder to push him away from Amber.

Amber’s gaze flew to him. “Duncan.” She gulped. “You’re here.”

“I’m here.” He directed his frown at the dude harassing her. “Get lost, asshole.”

“Who the hell are you?” The man frowned back at him.

“I’m her boyfriend.” He ignored the fact that he wasn’t entirely certain of that. “Take a hike.”

“Duncan, wait…”

“I know, I know, you can look after yourself.” He switched his focus to her pretty face. “I know that, baby. But having someone there for you doesn’t mean you’re weak or helpless. It just means…I love you.”

Her eyes flew open wide. “You love me?”

He swallowed. Fuck, this wasn’t how he’d intended this to go. He cleared his throat. Then he turned back to the dickhead who still wasn’t leaving. The guy was grinning like a hyena. “What are you laughing at?” Duncan gave the guy a shove. He pulled back his arm and clenched his hand into a fist.

“Duncan, wait! Stop.” She sighed. “This is my dad.”

Time slowed and stood still. Duncan lowered his arm. “Wait. What?”

Amber grimaced. “My dad. Dad, this is Duncan Armstrong. Duncan, my father, Deke Johnson.”

Duncan gave a slow blink. Well. The guy was a convicted felon, so he didn’t have a whole lot of respect for him, but still, he was Amber’s father, so punching him might not be a good idea. “Uh, sorry about that.”

No wonder Amber had looked unhappy. The guy wasn’t hitting on her, he was…what was he doing here? Dude better not be looking to cash in, like Amber’s mom apparently had. Duncan crossed his arms and gave Deke Johnson a long, steady look. “So. It’s practically a Johnson family reunion this weekend. I’m happy for you all, but since it seems kinda upsetting for Amber, you’ll understand my concern.”

Kelly Jamieson's books