Ice (Elite Forces #1)

“This room is definitely not you, Kaleb. Who decorated it?” We’ve finished off the pizza with a few beers, lying naked in my bed. Jade and her mouth demanded we get up so she could see my house. It’s late, I’m so damn tired that I can barely keep my eyes open while Jade all of a sudden has a second wind. Mix the time difference and the fact she slept pretty much the entire flight, it’s no wonder she’s wound up.

Even though I’m tired as fuck, it doesn’t slip past me that this is the second time she’s mentioned something is or isn’t me. She’s fooling herself, not me.

“My mom and sister,” I answer through a yawn.

“Well, I love it.” I shrug. I’ve never paid any attention to the way they decorated my home before. All I did was tell them no girly shit. No pink or purple and they could do whatever the hell they wanted. They had a damn field day, and I paid a hefty price for this dark cherry wood king size bed with matching nightstands and two dressers. It was their idea for the brown walls. I look around then notice the cream-colored vase with white orchids on a stand in the corner. My lips quirk into a smile.

“Why do you say it doesn’t look like me?” I tease then run my fingers up her bare thigh. Why the hell she has that sheet covering her perfect tits, I have no idea. My hand is halfway curled, ready to yank it off of her when she shocks the fuck out of me.

“I need time away, Kaleb. I’m going to make a call to the doctor, visit her if I can tomorrow, and then I’m going to go see my parents.” What the hell? I thought she wasn't in a hurry to see her parents.

“I’ll take you.”

“No, Kaleb. I need to get away. I need time to think, and I can’t do it when I know damn well you won’t let me.”

“We live three hours away from each other, Jade. I have a job. How the hell is that not letting you have the space you need when we won’t see each other every day?” Fuck, I’m so damn frustrated and tired. This is not what I want to discuss. I’ll give her the space she needs, even though it’s not what I think she needs, or they aren’t whom she needs. She needs me. I should be the one helping her. They may be her family, but I know through all the research I did on her that they haven’t been close since the day she enlisted.

“Go see them then. Just don’t shut me out.” I lean into her, her eyes bleeding with unspoken words.

“Let’s get some sleep.” She reaches up and tugs on my beard, detouring the answer I need to hear.

A nagging feeling sits in the pit of my gut after I shut off the light and draw her into my arms. Why the hell do I have the feeling she’s trying to tell me goodbye?


I know she’s gone before I even open my eyes. We fell asleep with me holding her close, and now as I tilt my head to the side she was sleeping on, she’s gone. Obviously, she called someone to pick her up. I’ll be damned if I chase after her. I’ve laid it all out the best I can. The rest is up to her. I may care about her, but I sure as hell won’t push her into something she claims she isn’t ready for.

Stretching my sore body before I climb out of bed, I feel the burn of pulling my muscles taut surging through my veins. God, it feels good to be home. Even though I was only gone for a week or so, it seems like forever. Christ, I stink like foreign soil. I showered in Germany, but there isn’t anything like a shower in your own home.

Tossing the covers off, I clamber my still tired ass into my bathroom, crank the knob in my walk-in shower, and take a piss while the water warms. The quiet is such a reprieve from the sound of gunshots, bombs, and screaming men and women from a few days ago. You would think I would be used to this kind of shit. Truth is, you never get used to seeing someone’s brains being splattered all over the place. Or a woman screaming at you for killing the man she loves.

War takes its toll on every damn part of the body. The sleepless nights tossing and turning on a cot that’s not only uncomfortable as hell but way too damn small for the body. The brain is working overtime, everyone scared out of their goddamn minds. It never gets easier. The reward behind doing the job you were delegated and trained to do is what gives you the will to survive, knowing you’re keeping your country and the citizens safe from the perils of the enemy.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books