I Do(n't)

Like a ninja, I opened the door just enough to squeeze through, and once I made it inside, I closed it behind me. Leaning against the solid wood, I closed my eyes to take a moment, needing to calm my racing heart before greeting Holden. And it was a good thing I gave my heart that time to settle, because as soon as I opened my eyes, I noticed my brother standing in front of me. In Holden’s office.

“Is everything all right?” he asked, appearing concerned.

“Yeah…everything’s great. Just came to bring my friend here his lunch.” Just like with Veronica a minute ago, I held up the bag, as if I needed the evidence to prove it wasn’t a lie. “He left it at home and called to see if I could drop it off.”

Matt turned to Holden and laughed. “How the hell are you still thinking about food after the breakfast you had? No wonder you’re gaining weight.”

This was the second time I’d heard someone comment about his hunger, referencing breakfast. The only thing I could think of was he’d gone out to eat before work, but he’d made no mention of that when he left the house this morning, or when he called to ask me to come up here. “Breakfast?”

Matt shook his head and moved toward me, heading for the door. “You didn’t eat with him?”

“No. She didn’t get out of bed.” Holden’s voice held an air of humor, but I didn’t understand.

“What’d you eat?”

His eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth fought against a smile when he said, “Breakfast of champions. Really kick-started my day.”

Matt opened the door and laughed. “Yeah, some vegetarian omelet. Doesn’t sound like anything I’d like. I prefer meat with my eggs.” And with that, he left the office and let the door swing closed behind him.

As soon as we were alone, I crossed the room and chucked his lunch at his head. My face flamed with untamable heat, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hide under his desk and never be seen in this office again, or beat the shit out of him.

“It’s not funny, Holden,” I scolded him when he couldn’t stop laughing. “You told my brother and Veronica that you had a vegetarian omelet? While I was in bed? What if one of them would’ve guessed what you meant?”

“I didn’t tell that to Ronnie. She probably would’ve known.”

“You told Matt!” I collapsed into one of the chairs across from his desk. “See if I ever let you go down on me again. This is so embarrassing.”

He got out of his chair and came around the desk to lean against the edge in front of me. “He didn’t figure it out.”

“Are you sure?”

He snickered again, and it made me stand up, thinking my small frame would do anything to intimidate him. Somehow, two seconds later, he had us turned around so that I sat on the edge of his desk and he stood between my legs.

“Baby…your brother just said he likes meat in his omelets. I think that’s enough proof that he has no clue what I’m talking about.” He’d taken to terms of endearment more often now, but so far, it seemed restricted to the bedroom or during times like this when being condescending toward me. “Trust me when I say, he has no idea I was talking about eating your pussy.”

I swallowed hard and fought to close my legs, needing to clench my thighs together to ease the ache in my throbbing clit, but he wouldn’t move out of the way. Instead, he leaned into me, pushing me farther onto his desk, and bringing his mouth close to my ear.

“It was so good, I think I may want it again for lunch.”

“It’s not noon yet,” I argued breathlessly.

“Brunch then. I need to taste you on my tongue. I need to have your legs over my shoulders and your fingers in my hair.” His hot breath brushed my neck just below my ear, heating me up until I was about to explode. “I can’t get enough of you, Janelle.”

Just then, he slipped his hand between us and pressed his thumb against my clit through my jeans. Out of sheer desperation to ease the need he’d created, I allowed him to touch me, completely forgetting about where we were. Until the intercom on his phone came to life with Veronica telling him about some fax that waited on her desk.

I tried to shove at his shoulders, but it was no use. He wouldn’t budge. “Holden, you have to stop.”


“We’re in your office, where my brother or anyone can walk in.”

“Then you should probably make it fast.”

“Why in the hell do you like to get me off so much?” And he did. There were times he’d touch me just to bring me to orgasm and then he’d leave. “How does this do anything for you?”

With his lips hovering over mine, grazing them as he spoke, he said, “It does everything for me. Your cheeks turn pink and your eyelids grow heavy. Your mouth parts just enough to show me you’re breathing too hard for your nose to keep up. Then there’s the sounds you make. The soft purrs and low hums. The way you whimper at the height of your orgasm…it does everything for me.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that. It once again had me all turned around. Conversations like this convinced me he wanted things to be more serious between us, but then he’d go and make a random comment about Connor and the money. He shared his bed with me every night while we slept naked, tangled in each other until morning. I wanted to ask him, but I also needed to make sure that when we did talk about it, I knew for certain what my decision would be. My biggest concern was choosing him, only for it to all blow up in my face. I couldn’t handle the kind of devastation that would bring—not only for my family, but for my heart, as well.

He closed his lips over mine, effectively silencing the thoughts from my head.

“Let me see you come,” he whispered, and a second later, he had me incapable of choosing an intellectual response. The heat ran through me, and he swallowed every whimper I gave him. But he didn’t let up, and I rode the wave, completely coming undone on top of his desk.

After the last tremor subsided, I reached for his belt buckle. “Now it’s your turn.” But before I could get it undone, he side-stepped out of the way. “That’s unfair. Why do you get to do that to me but I can’t do it to you?”

His smile lit up his face and I almost became lost in it. “Because I’m at work.”

I snarled at him, sliding off the edge of the desk. “Fine. Have it your way.”

“See you at home, honey.” His laughter followed me all the way out the door. I tossed a wave over my shoulder when I passed by Veronica’s desk, not wanting to chance a conversation with her. Not because I didn’t want to talk to her, but because I didn’t want to risk running into my brother—especially after what Holden had just done to me on his desk.

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