I Do(n't)

His airy laughter fanned across my face seconds before the heat from his lips spread out across my shoulder. His taunting movements stilled in favor of his entire body quaking with humor. “I don’t know if you’re trying to insult me or give me a compliment. But the good news is…we don’t have to worry about you giving me a big head.”

Unable to bite back my retort, I turned my head to whisper in his ear, “But I like making your head big.” Hooking my legs around his waist to keep him in place, I said again, “Really, Holden. I would love to finally hear the story of how I lost my virginity. I know all the details leading up to it, and I have a general consensus of what happened after. But my first time…I wanna know how that was.”

Pulling his face away from my neck, he met my stare. “You really wanna know? You want me to tell you…” He swiveled his hips, stroking himself between my legs “Or would you rather I show you?”



Her cheeks were flushed and a thin layer of perspiration glistened on her skin, reminding me of dew first thing in the morning. She was absolutely beautiful, always had been, but nothing compared to the post-orgasmic glow she wore right now. And there was no higher high than knowing I’d done that to her.

She’d wanted to learn about her first time, so I’d shown her exactly how it went, in explicit detail. I’d taken my time to enter her, the same way I had our first night together. I made sure our gazes were connected, our mouths close together but not touching, and I had her hand clasped in mine above her head. And as if her memory had returned, she locked her ankles behind me at the same time she had before—the moment I fully settled deep inside her.

Janelle was right—my cock was made for her. And her cunt was made for me. I had to fight off the need to go caveman on her and remind her that I’d been here first. I’d staked my claim, raised my flag, dominated the fuck out of that territory. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t…I just had to find a way to do it without her knowing.

“How the hell am I supposed to keep my hands to myself around your family today?” With it being Labor Day weekend, everyone decided to meet up for a barbecue at Lakes Park instead of gathering for our normal Sunday dinner. When the idea was first mentioned, I thought it was great—an excuse to see Janelle in a bathing suit. But now, after spending all morning tangled up in her, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to see so much of her and not touch her. It would be pure agony. Absolute torture.

She groaned and curled into me, tucking her head beneath my chin. “I don’t know, but you have to. They have to keep thinking we’re just roommates.” When I didn’t respond, she pulled back enough to look me in the eyes. “Holden, I’m serious. We can’t tell anyone about this. It’ll only complicate everything.”

Hiding the sting her rejection caused, I blew out a huffed chuckle. “Whatever, you just don’t want them to find out because you know they love me more, and when you leave me, they’ll take my side.”

She slapped my shoulder and shook her head. “You’re so full of yourself.”

“That makes two of us…because you’re so full of me, too.” I quickly rolled away; she’d definitely hit me for that one. When I made it off the bed unscathed, I ignored her snicker and held out my hand to help her up.

As if the bed were some safety zone, once we both had our feet on the floor, it seemed like reality slapped us in the face. Janelle’s shoulders curled in slightly; her modesty had reemerged. This was a woman who—moments ago—had brazenly taken her own panties off when I apparently didn’t move fast enough for her. She was the one who climbed on my lap and told me she wanted to use my appendage as her own personal sex toy. This was the same woman who shamelessly stripped herself bare and then rode me like I was one of those plastic horses outside Kmart—the ones you feed a quarter and it goes up and down at the speed of negative slow.

Without saying a word, she picked up her T-shirt and walked out. I watched her leave with bewilderment, unable to do anything other than stand in the middle of my room and stare at her bare ass. I shook my head at myself, feeling like an utter fool all over again. The only thing that kept me sane this time was knowing she had no escape route. Five years ago, she had college. She had a reason to leave and never look back.

But not this time.

This time, she was stuck with me for another four-plus months. Even if it was vital that she run and hide, she couldn’t. I had her exactly where I wanted her. She had her sights set on the money, and in order to get it, she had to stay put. So I wasn’t concerned. My ego might’ve been slightly bruised, my hopes and dreams thrown in my face to taunt me and serve as remembrance of the pain I’d lived with after she’d left me the last time. But I could get over that.

Because I had a plan.

Her phone rang in her purse on the floorboard of the car, but she ignored it. She didn’t even glance at it to check the number. Either she didn’t care, or she had a good idea who it was. I knew her well enough to know she couldn’t ignore a call. Rather than answer a blocked or unknown number, she’d stare at the screen and wait for the voicemail alert, and then get pissed off if they didn’t leave a message. That never made sense to me. If she needed to find out who it was that badly, she should’ve answered it in the first place.

“Are you going to get that?” I pointed to the muffled ringing by her feet.

“Nope. I’m sure whoever it is will leave a message so I can call back later.”

As if her snubbing a call wasn’t weird enough, her nonchalance definitely raised a red flag. That told me everything—she didn’t want me to see who it was. And there was only one person she’d hide from me. Not that I’d ever said anything to her about him calling. I knew what the deal was with him from the beginning, and I wasn’t an idiot. I was aware they spoke to each other. I didn’t like it, and I chose to not be in the same room when anything transpired between them if I could help it.

I only hoped this meant something good. Like she ignored him because she didn’t have any desire to talk to him, and not because she didn’t want to talk to him in front of me. Because the latter would’ve meant something very different, and not in my favor.

“So everyone’s gonna be here today.” I hated awkward silence, and I never experienced it too much around her, which only made it worse that I did now. “I won’t lie…as much as I love being around your entire family, it was nice last weekend with the smaller group.”

“Yeah, it was nice. I’m just not sure how to act around Christine.”

“What do you mean?” I hadn’t heard her mention anything about Christine since coming home from the doctor’s office. “Why wouldn’t you know how to act? What’s wrong with how you normally are around her?”

Leddy Harper's books