Hot and Heavy (Chubby Girl Chronicles #2)

I stood, going to her and pulling her into my arms.

“Damn, baby,” I whispered in her ear. “You look good enough to eat.”

She pushed back, wearing a seductive grin on her pouty lips. “You’re so bad.”

“Nah, I’m good at it. I didn’t hear you complaining earlier.”


With one hand on the wheel, I hummed to the music on the radio as I drove across town.

“So tell me more about your friend,” she said. “Have you guys known each other long?”

I nodded. “A couple of years. Although, I’d say he’s more than my friend. We’re more like brothers.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m meeting him then. He can tell me all about your dirty deeds.”

I chuckled. “If you want to know about my dirty deeds, all you have to do is ask, sweetheart. I have no problem at all showing you.”

She giggled; an adorable sound I wanted to wake up to every day.

“You said he’s into some hardcore stuff? What does he do?”

I looked over at her, unsure if I wanted to tell her everything about Jonathan. I didn’t want her judging him before she even met him.

“Just some bullshit. Nothing to worry your pretty head about. He’s a good guy, Red. I can’t tell you how many times he’s helped get me out of some crazy stuff. Trust me, you’ll love him.”

She smiled. “If you love him, then I already do.”

I squeezed her hand, pulling it up to my mouth so I could kiss her knuckles.

I parked close to the dock, pressing my hand on the small of her back as we made our way down to the end. The heels on her booties clapped against the wood planks of the dock, making a bit of music with the lapping sound of the water hitting the posts.

“Hey, Finch,” I said as we approached a smaller boat.

When Jonathan had parties on board, Finch, his father’s assistant, ferried the guests to the yacht and back to the dock.

He nodded, reaching up and helping Shannon board the smaller boat.

I dropped down after her and pulled her to my side as we hit the small waves on the way to the large yacht in the distance. The lights of the yacht lit up the night, making us able to see it from far away, and I could hear the music spilling from the expensive sound system once we were halfway there.

“This is so fun,” Shannon said, enjoying the boat ride.

“Is this the first time you’ve ever been on a boat?”

She nodded.

“You’re a wild woman,” I said, kissing the side of her head.

She giggled once again, the sound making me love her even more.

The boat ride to the yacht lasted only minutes, and soon, we were on board. Shannon’s eyes took in the grandeur of the yacht, twinkling in the lights strung high above us. She was friendly to every person we passed, and when I stopped to chat with a few of my friends, I introduced her as my girlfriend.

We hadn’t technically made it official, but seeing the grin on her face whenever I referred to her that way let me know it was a conversation we didn’t need to have because we were on the same page.

I knew Jonathan would be at his spot next to the gas fire, so I started that way, my arm around Shannon’s waist the entire way. It took a bit to get there, since everyone we passed wanted an introduction to Shannon, but then we broke through the crowd and I spotted Jonathan’s back, Corrine planted in his lap with a flirty grin on her face.

Once we reached his side, I tapped him on his shoulder, making him turn around.

“Oh hey, man,” he said loudly. “Glad you could finally make it.”

“Me too.”

“So where’s the goddess?” he asked.

I looked back, and Shannon was behind me talking to a girl, not paying attention. I waited until she had finished chatting and then grabbed her around the waist and pulled back to my side with a huge, happy grin on my face.

“Here she is,” I said. “Jonathan, this is Shannon. Shannon, this is my best friend, Jonathan.”




My knees shook as my eyes latched on to him, sure I was seeing things. Then my eyes moved down, landing on the crescent-shaped birthmark on his forearm, and I knew.

Jonathan Reins, the same Jonathan who took from me, was Matthew’s best friend.

I stumbled a bit, and Matthew pulled me closer with a chuckle. “You haven’t started drinking yet, have you, babe?”

I shook my head, answering.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Jonathan looked almost the same with the exception of his hair being a bit longer and his football physique slimmer, but he had the same dark eyes and the same sarcastic tilt to his mouth.

His eyes moved down my body, taking in my long legs and thighs, and when he met my eyes again, I saw the exact moment he remembered who I was.

He remembered me.

He remembered what he did to me.

I saw the memories skim across his expression briefly.

His eyes widened a bit, but not enough that anyone else would have noticed, and then he leaned in, grabbing my limp hand and shaking it, making me feel like I was drowning in the ocean water that surrounded us.

“Hi, Shannon,” he said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

The way he said the word pleasure made my stomach roil and bile rise up the back of my throat. He grinned, the side of his mouth lifting in a taunt I remembered well. He was testing me, seeing if I would open my mouth, but I couldn’t. I wouldn’t hurt Matthew that way.

He had said himself that Jonathan was like his brother. I wouldn’t be the reason he lost someone he loved. Not to mention, who was to say he would believe me over his best friend.

I couldn’t do it.

I wouldn’t.

My hand fell from his grasp, and even though it killed me, my lips tilted in a fake smile.

“Y-you t-too,” I stuttered, choking on the words.

I pushed behind Matthew, staying hidden while he and Jonathan talked. He kept his fingers twisted in mine, holding me there, occasionally swiping his thumb across my knuckles as he chatted.

I listened without hearing their words. I felt trapped, stuck on a large boat in the middle of the ocean with the one person in the world I never wanted to see again. My anxiety was getting the best of me, making me feel as if the boat was rocking when it wasn’t.

Motion sickness threatened, and I gagged, covering my mouth with my free hand.

“You okay, baby?” Matthew asked, his brows pulled low with worry.

I sucked in a breath, filling my lungs enough to get my words out. Nodding, I said, “Yeah. I’m fine, but could you tell me where the bathroom is?”

While Matthew explained how to get to the bathroom, my eyes locked on Jonathan’s, and the asshole had the nerve to smile at me.

As soon as I knew where I was going, I turned away and started toward the restroom, but before I could get too far, Matthew pulled me back, placing a sweet kiss on my lips right in front of his friends, Jonathan included.

Tabatha Vargo's books