Hot and Heavy (Chubby Girl Chronicles #2)

Those were all things I was beginning to want more and more, but I knew getting myself drunk to go through with it wasn’t one of my best ideas. Not to mention, Matthew was evidently too much of a gentleman to take advantage. I loved that about him.

“So what have you been doing lately?” Lilly asked. “You seem to be gone a lot. I hope it’s not because Devin is at our place all the time.”

“Not at all. I like Devin. He’s a good guy. I’ve just been out and dealing with things with Grammy.”

I wasn’t confident enough to tell her about Matthew yet. Not to mention, I wasn’t sure how she felt about me being around him after the big blowup at her birthday party.

“How’s she doing? Your grammy? Is there anything you need?”

I knew what she was getting at, but I wasn’t desperate enough to have her ask her mom for financial help. Not yet anyway. I’d been saving every dime I had, hoping I would be able to cover costs when it was time to pay, but so far, it wasn’t looking very good.

I applied for other jobs and everything, but even though there were plenty of places to work, no one was calling me back.

It was stressful, but I wasn’t going to give up on Grammy.

I couldn’t.

And if the time came when payment was due, and I didn’t have the money, then I would go to Lilly. Until then, there was still a chance.

Three hours went by and Lilly and I did our usual things once the store was caught up and all the cases were stocked, which was sitting and watching soap operas on the small TV in the back.

My phone rang, and I pulled it out of my pocket. Seeing Matthew’s name on the screen, I stepped out of the store and onto the sidewalk out front so Lilly wouldn’t hear my conversation.

“Hey,” he said.


“How are you feeling?”

“I’m feeling much better. Thank you for asking.”

“Of course. So I was thinking we would do a five-star tonight. Are you down with that?”

I hadn’t gone to one of his fancy places yet. It was the least I could do, considering he had gotten me home safe and untouched the night before.

“Okay. Sounds good. What should I wear?”

He chuckled. “Anything you want. You look great in everything.”

“Fine. I’ll wear a paper bag,” I joked.

“Now that sounds hot. Definitely wear a paper bag. Wet it a bit before I get there and maybe I’ll be able to see through it.”



“Whatever. How have I teased you?”

He laughed. “Excuse me but I’m the one who remembers last night, Miss Handsy.”

I covered my face and groaned in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry about that.”

“Don’t be, but the next time you decide to get touchy-feely, make sure you’re sober so I can take advantage. Deal?”


I wasn’t sure how it was possible, but Matthew was winning me over. Maybe it was because I was starting to see what a nice guy he was. Maybe because I knew most of what people saw when they looked at him was a front. That beneath it all, he was genuine with a heart of gold and a sweet soul.

Either way, I was falling for him, and there was nothing I could do to stop myself.

I went back to my apartment early to dress for the fancy restaurant. I wasn’t feeling one hundred percent, but I was feeling well enough to go out for dinner. When he picked me up, he was wearing an expensive suit and his Rolex.

Men and their watches.


His hair was damp and looked as though he had fingered it into a messy, sexy style. He was freshly shaved with just the perfect amount of hair on his chin and around his lips.

He grinned at me when I opened the door, and his eyes fell down my body in a slow, lazy perusal, making me glad I went home and changed into something a bit more appropriate.

“Damn, Red, your legs are amazing,” he said as his eyes made their way back up from my ankles. “So long and smooth.” He shuddered like I was giving him chills, and I felt myself blush all over.

“Thank you.”

He moved in and pressed a soft kiss on my cheek. “You look beautiful.”

I believed him.

I had never believed anyone when they told me I was pretty, but something about the way he said it and the look in his eyes when he pulled away from me … He sincerely thought I was gorgeous, and I had never felt more fabulous in all my life.

“So do you,” I said.

He did.

Dear God, he looked edible.

I locked the door behind me, and we held hands to his car. His long fingers were warm in mine, and on occasion, he would slide his thumb over my knuckles.

We didn’t drive far before we pulled in front of a downtown restaurant named Bellacino’s. The brick exterior was weathered with age, and the sidewalk was made of cobblestone older than my grammy. A young man in a white coat took Matthew’s keys and parked his car while we made our way to the front door. Surrounded by old gardens and wrought iron fencing, the entrance glowed with the soft romantic light of gas lanterns.

It was beautiful.

A young lady at the door knew Matthew by name and didn’t ask any questions before she took us to the very back and seated us at a quiet, secluded table for two.

It was like we had taken a vacation to Italy. All brick walls and beautiful scenery. The table we sat at was next to a large window overlooking Charleston. Lights glittered in the distance, and I took a deep breath, feeling relaxed as I looked out at the beauty of our city.

I heard Matthew ordering a bottle of wine and chatting with the waitress, but I was still taking in the glitz and gorgeousness of the room. It was definitely a far cry from our little two-star burger joint.

“You okay, babe?” he asked.

My cheeks glowed when he called me babe. I loved it when he called me sweet pet names.

“I’m just in awe. This place is beautiful.”

“Then it’s perfect for you.”

I turned, and my eyes met his.

No one had ever treated me the way he was treating me.

A precious moment in time.

I smiled. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

“Thank you for coming with me.”

When it was time to order, I lifted my menu and gasped at the prices.

“Don’t look at the prices. Just pick whatever you want,” Matthew said when he saw my expression.

But even though he told me to pick whatever I wanted, I still got the cheapest thing on the menu.

We drank wine with a glowing candle between us, and Matthew didn’t take his hands off me. Whether he was tracing my knuckles with his fingertip or linking our fingers together, he made sure we remained connected in some way throughout dinner.

The food was delicious, and when it was time for dessert, we ordered a coffee cake and shared it. By the time we finished eating, I was stuffed and ready for a nap.

“I’ll be right back,” he said, standing.

My eyes trailed over his body as he made his way across the restaurant and toward what I assumed was the restroom.

I sat back in my chair, taking a moment to let my stomach settle and take in the beauty of the room, when the table vibrated and made me jerk. I sat up, trying to figure out what it was when it vibrated once more and my eyes moved over to his iPhone.

He’d left it lying on the table without a lock on the screen and my eyes casually moved over the incoming text.

Corrine: I want you. Tonight?

Tabatha Vargo's books