Heath (Wild Boys After Dark, #2)

Ally couldn’t deny the thundering of her heart at the realization that he had to be falling for her just as hard as she was falling for him. Fear tiptoed through her at the thought. As his lips met hers, her body filled with a light, dreamy emotion that made her feel warm and wonderful all over and swept that fear away. Everything Heath did and said made her feel and think in ways that were new and immensely meaningful and real.

She closed her eyes and reveled in the warmth of his lips brushing over her cheek and his breath whispering over her skin.

“I just had to be with you. We don’t have to make love. I just need the closeness.”

Ally didn’t even try to speak. She knew her voice wouldn’t come. Instead, she took his hand and led him into the apartment. She hadn’t ever spent the night with a man in this apartment, and the thought of doing so with Heath thrilled and terrified her.

He ran his hands over the curve of her hips, his gaze never leaving hers, and the air around them pulsed with too many emotions to decipher.

“I want to stay,” he whispered.

“I’m afraid.” As soon as the words left her lips she regretted them.

“Of?” He didn’t loosen his grip or step back. His eyes filled with empathy, and that drew her further in.

“Falling for you.”

His hands came up and warmed her cheeks. “Honesty will get you everywhere.” He kissed her forehead. “Do you not want to fall for me?”

“It’s not that. I can’t help myself from falling for you, but this is so fast. We’ve talked about this.” She nibbled on her lower lip, wondering why she was pushing away the only man she’d ever felt this much for. He was a good man, an honest man, a man she wanted to wake up next to.

A sweet, easy smile stretched across his face as he dropped his hands back down to her waist. “How about if I don’t let you fall for me?”

She pressed her forehead to his chest. “Everything you do makes me fall harder. Just the way you’re looking at me makes my heart go crazy.” She gazed up at him and he was still smiling, which made her heart squeeze even more. “We shouldn’t spend the night together.”

There. She’d said it.

She felt horrible and immediately wished she hadn’t said it. But for some stupid reason, she needed to be one hundred percent sure that she was ready to take this step before finding herself in Heath’s arms in the morning.

“Because you’re afraid of falling for me?” His eyes grew serious.

She nodded, knowing that if she agreed aloud, it would feel wrong, too.

He drew her in closer and pressed his hand to the back of her head. She felt his heart beating against her cheek. He felt so good, so safe. So loving. She was too emotional to separate how right he felt from the fear that had tiptoed back in.

“Okay.” He drew back and inhaled a long, even breath, then pulled his shoulders back. His brows knitted together as he readied himself for something.

Her insides twisted into a tight knot. “Okay?”

“I’m not going to push you into something you’re not ready for. I want to be with you. I’m ready, and I don’t care how fast it is, but that doesn’t mean you have to be on the same page with me. If you’re not ready, you’re not ready.” He caressed her cheek and pressed his lips to hers. “I’ll take what time I can get until you realize that this is the real thing.”

“I don’t know that I’m not ready to wake up in your arms. I just don’t know if I am ready.” She turned away and shook her head. “I sound ridiculous.”

He pulled her into his arms again, and his smile warmed her. “You’re not ridiculous. You’re careful. I appreciate that, because I don’t know how to slow down this bullet train, and I’m not sure I want to. So it’s probably good that you’re careful.”

“So, what now?”

He took a step back. “Now I cool my jets and let you have some space to think things over.”

She gripped his forearms. “You’re leaving?”

“Sweetheart, if I stay, I’m not going to want to leave. And if I make love to you, then I really won’t want to leave. Maybe a one-night break is a good thing. We can both clear our heads. Can I see you tomorrow night?”

“Of course.” She was too conflicted to think straight. “But I don’t want you to leave.”

He tucked her hair behind her ear. “But you don’t want me to stay, either, and as much as I have to protect your heart, I also need to protect mine.”

Chapter Fourteen

FRIDAY BROUGHT SUNSHINE and conflict. Two opposing forces that wreaked havoc with Ally’s mind. On her way to meet Amanda for lunch, Ally read through the thread of texts she and Heath had exchanged over the morning.

Heath: Good morning, beautiful. Missed you last night.

Ally: I missed you, too. Can’t wait to see you tonight.

An hour later…

Heath: What do you want to do tonight?

Ally: You.

Heath: Shouldn’t you wine and dine me first?

Ally: If you’re into that sort of thing, sure.

Heath: I’m more than a sex machine. I think I’ll wine and dine you. Do you like clubs or someplace quiet?

Ally: Your choice. I just want to be with you.

Heath: Careful, sweetheart. That sounds an awful lot like you’re falling for me.

Ten minutes ago…

Melissa Foster's books