Heath (Wild Boys After Dark, #2)

“Heath going out on a real date is newsworthy. I want to hear the zoo story.” Cooper narrowed his midnight-blue eyes and leaned back in his chair. “Spill your guts, bro, or I for one will hassle you all night long.” He said all night long really slowly, a sly smile spreading across his face.

Heath wanted to call Ally, or at least text her, without the pressure of his brothers hanging over his shoulder. He knew there had to be a reasonable explanation for her not being out with her sister tonight, but that didn’t stop his gut from churning. He shoved his phone in his pocket rather than try to iron things out right this second. He eyed Amanda and then turned his attention back to his brothers.

“You want the scoop?” he asked Cooper.

“Heck, yeah,” Cooper said. “Jackson and I shot a lingerie commercial at the zoo once. Remember that, Jackson? That was some freaky shit. We hooked up with the models afterward.”

“That was some freaky shit,” Jackson said with a smirk.

“Well, there wasn’t any freaky shit to speak of on our date. We walked around the zoo at night. End of story.” He sucked back his beer, unable to resist texting Ally. He was about to pull out his phone when Logan drew his brows together and leaned closer.

“Something wrong?” Logan asked.

Heath shook his head. “Nope.”

“I told you,” Logan said. “Give me a little background info and I can have everything you want to know in ten minutes.”

“I’m good. Thanks.” He trusted Ally, didn’t he?

Yes, I trust her. I trust her completely.

That didn’t stop his gut from twisting into a knot. He’d believed that the reason he didn’t want a relationship was because women were too clingy and because he didn’t want to get hurt. But what he’d forgotten was what it felt like to worry about being hurt. How could he turn off this awful feeling?

He pulled out his phone and sent Ally a text. Miss you and wish you were here.

“Texting zoo girl?” Cooper asked. “What’s her name, anyway?”

“Allyson Jenner. She goes by Ally.” Just saying her name made him feel better.

“Ally, nice name. So where is she tonight?” Jackson asked. “You could have brought her along.”

“Allyson Jenner? Amanda Jenner’s sister? Sexy as hell, dark hair?” Mick asked.

Heath felt his shoulders rise with tension. “That would be her.”

“Her sister, Amanda, is our paralegal. She’s on a date with some guy from our building. That’s why I’m here. When she told me she was going out on her first date with him, I thought I’d keep an eye on her. She’s a sweet girl, and you know how we lawyers are.” He winked again, then nodded in Amanda’s direction.

“Aw, how cute,” Cooper said. “Mick is playing chaperone for his paralegal.”

Heath’s phone vibrated. Logan didn’t miss a thing. His head snapped around as Heath read the text from Ally. Me too. Miss you. My sister blew me off.

“Ha-ha.” Mick shook his head. “With guys like you roaming the streets, women have to be careful.”

Jackson laughed. “Coop’s harmless.”

“Does that smile mean things are okay?” Logan asked Heath.

“No. It means I’m an asshole.” He texted Ally. She’s at NightCaps with some guy. I’m here with my brothers. Want to meet us?

“Why are you an asshole?” Logan asked.

Heath was thirty-four years old and telling his younger brother that he’d been nervous about something that he had no business being nervous about was like eating crow. No thank you.

“Where’s Stormy tonight?” Heath asked in an effort to change the subject.

“She and a girlfriend went out to dinner,” Logan answered.

“I can’t imagine how good it must feel for her not to have to hide anymore, after hiding from that crazy ex-boyfriend for so long,” Heath said.

“It’s like night and day, but I forgot what it was like to care about someone enough to get jealous.” Logan took a long swig of his beer.

“That’s why it’s better to play the field,” Jackson said. “No ties, no worries.”

“Wait, you’re jealous?” Heath could hardly believe that Logan, the guy who’d had a hard time feeling anything but guilt after coming back from war, had fallen in love, much less was jealous.

“Hell yes. You’ve seen Stormy.” Logan smirked. “She’s fucking hot as hell.”

“I want to photograph her, but jealous boy won’t let me,” Cooper said. “Jackson and I could get her a gig modeling. I’m sure of it. But Logan’s too possessive.”

“True,” Jackson agreed.

“But you trust her,” Heath said.

“Hell yes, I trust her. What does that have to do with anything?” Logan looked at the vibrating cell phone in Heath’s hand. “Is that why you look like you’ve got a crowbar up your ass? You’re jealous over Ally?”

“Shit.” Heath shook his head, though he knew by the laughter around the table that his brothers and Mick saw right through him. “Okay, fine. Yes, okay? What the hell do you want from me?”

Logan patted him on the back. “I told you, bro. Forget everything you thought you knew about yourself, because when love comes knockin’, you got no choice but to be home.”

Melissa Foster's books