Heath (Wild Boys After Dark, #2)

“Nothing. I wasn’t cryi—” She pulled her top off and wiggled out of her miniskirt, which left her in a pair of black heels, a sexy black lace bra, and matching panties. Jackson had seen her naked and in just about every stage of undress one could imagine hundreds of times, and still, he was rock hard in seconds. She had no idea how hot she was, with full breasts straining against her bra, her taut stomach begging to be licked, and hips made for holding on to while she rode him hard. But Jackson knew just how hot she was. Damn did he know.

She pulled her hand out from beneath his. “Stop gawking and take your clothes off.” She ripped open the button on his jeans and fought with the zipper.

He stripped to his skivvies as he said, “Fine, but just tell me if I have to go kick some Ricker ass.” Laney had been dating Bryce Ricker for about nine months, and as far as Jackson knew, things were going well—even if she refused to commit to a monogamous relationship with the guy. Her parents had divorced when she was in high school, and ever since, she’d said she’d commit to a man when hell froze over, which suited him just fine.

“No, you don’t have to kick his ass; you just have to fuck tonight out of me.” She grabbed his hand and dragged him through the living room toward his bedroom. Her heels tapped out an angry tune against the hardwood floor.


“Jesus, Jackson. Since when do you talk so much? I’m fine, okay? Fine.” The harsh clench of her jaw told him she was very far from fine, but he knew that once their bodies came together, she’d be fine in no time, and then she’d spill her guts. And he’d decide for himself if he was kicking Ricker’s ass or not.

“Hi, Erica.” Cooper’s voice sailed up from the cell phone on the coffee table as they passed.

“Cooper?” She stopped cold, and Jackson ran right into her luscious curves. Her eyes shot up to Jackson, then darted around the room.

“Cell phone,” Jackson said.

“Damn it, Jackson, you could have told me.” Laney’s eyes darted back to the phone. “Hi, Coop. Jackson has to go now.”

Jackson smirked. His family had known about him and Laney sleeping together since his mother caught them in bed together their senior year in high school. That was a fun afternoon, he thought sarcastically, remembering his mother’s surprise and the lecture he’d gotten afterward.

Jackson picked up the phone, took it off speaker mode, and pressed it to his ear. “I’ll catch ya later, Coop.”

“You lucky bastard. Breakup sex?”

He eyed his best friend, whose arms were crossed as she tapped her toes impatiently. “Dunno.”

“No, it’s not breakup sex!” Laney took the phone from Jackson, whispering, “You need to lower the volume on your stupid phone.” She turned her attention to Cooper. “It’s I-can’t-think-straight sex. Are you guys cool? Can we hang up now?”

She ended the call and pulled Jackson into the bedroom. The room was dark, save for the lights of the city ten stories below. He gripped Laney’s arms and spun her against him, searching her eyes for the truth. Bryce Ricker was a nice guy, a stable stockbroker who treated Laney well. But there was something about the guy that rubbed Jackson the wrong way—he was too good. He was too nice, and if he did a damn thing to Laney, he’d be too dead.

“Tell me he didn’t do anything bad, or we’re not doing this.”

She placed her hands on his hips and stepped in closer, bringing her belly against his throbbing erection, and slid her hands up his rib cage and over his pecs, which were strung tight.

“He didn’t do anything bad,” she said just above a whisper. “I would never lie to you. I just need…” Her hands traveled down to his ass, and she pulled their bodies flush against each other. “This.”

He cupped her beautiful face in his hands and brushed his lips over hers, feeling her anticipation in the arch of her back. He ran his tongue over the sweet bow of her lower lip, then pressed soft kisses to her lips as her hands slipped beneath his briefs and cupped his bare ass.

“Off,” she whispered.

He pressed his cheek to hers, knowing exactly how to calm her racing thoughts, and whispered, “In due time.”

“Jackson,” she said in one long breath.

He lowered his mouth to her neck and sucked in her supple skin, earning a throaty moan.

“Please,” she said. “I need you now.”

“You don’t know need yet.” He pulled her tight against him, grazing his teeth over the ridge of her shoulder. He loved her taste, her softness, and the way her entire body reached for him, from her pert nipples to her rocking hips. Even after more than ten years of having sex whenever the urge struck, every time felt like the first—only better, hotter, because they both knew exactly how to get the other one off.

Melissa Foster's books