Heath (Wild Boys After Dark, #2)

“I never knew I could feel like this,” he explained. “That we could connect on so many levels, so fast. We’ve only known each other a few days, and I don’t want to leave you and go back to my place. I want to scoop you and Fifi up and take you with me. I want to wake up next to you tomorrow and shower with you and walk out the front door with you when I go to work. It’s crazy.”

Ally silently petted Fifi’s head. “Where were we going to go on our date tonight?”

His heart sank. She was changing the subject, which could only mean that she wasn’t in the same place as he was. She didn’t feel what he felt. Rather than answering her question, he asked for the answer he needed.

“Did that freak you out?”

She shook her head, but he felt her muscles tighten, and the inch of space she’d put between them spoke volumes.

“I shouldn’t have said anything,” Heath said, though in his heart he knew he couldn’t have held it back if he’d wanted to.

“It’s not that.” She turned so she was facing him and stroked his cheek. “You have the most striking jawline.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Are you trying to distract me from what I said?”

She shook her head again. “No. I just said what I was thinking, and you didn’t freak me out.”

“No? Ally, you keep changing the subject. If this is too much too fast…”

“No. I’m a little afraid of what I feel when I’m with you. I’m doing things with you that I haven’t done with anyone before, and it all feels so right. But I’m also opening myself up to you so fast. It scares me. My exes cheated after months of being together, and I wasn’t nearly as close to either of them as I am to you after just a few days.”

“What worries you? That we’re moving too fast? That I’ll cheat? Or that we’ll get even closer and then I’ll cheat?” He pressed his lips to her forehead and pulled her in close again. “Talk to me, Ally.”

“You’re so communicative,” she said with a smile.

“Only with those I choose to be.” He’d known last night that he’d do anything for Ally. She was bringing out parts of himself that he hadn’t known existed, and now he was beginning to own those parts of himself. It was a new feeling, and while it scared the shit out of him to feel emotions this powerful, the fear of losing what had only just begun scared him even more.

Ally already owned a piece of him that no one else ever had. The thought startled him, but it was another truth he could not deny.

“Tell me what you’re afraid of.”

“Not that you’ll cheat. Guys who cheat are more, I don’t know…deceptive, I guess. You’re very open. But opening myself up to being hurt, even though I trust you, is scary. It’s not like I can stop myself. I don’t even want to stop myself. Everything with you feels so right, and I know we’re moving fast, but I think that’s how things are with some people.”

“I said we’d go slow, and here I am telling you exactly how I feel. I’m sorry.”

A soft laugh carried her smile. “You didn’t have to say a word about how you feel. I feel it in your touch, and I see it in your eyes. My sister saw it when she met you.”

“Your sister? Was I that transparent today?” His feelings for Ally felt so big that he wasn’t surprised to hear her sister had picked up on them.

“She’s very intuitive,” Ally said, stifling a yawn.

He knew he should leave and let her get some rest, although it was the last thing he wanted to do. He petted Fifi, then brought Ally’s hand to his lips, kissed her knuckles, and did the right thing.

“I should let you get some sleep.”

She made a whimpering sound and snuggled in closer. He had to fight the urge to carry her to bed and curl up around her.

“You just finished telling me how it scared you to feel so much so fast, and now you’re making it hard for me to leave.”

She smiled up at him. “I told you I was confused.”

He kissed her forehead. “You’re adorable when you’re confused. Are you busy tomorrow night?”

“No, but I am busy Thursday night.”

There was no mistaking the jealousy slithering beneath his skin, which was ridiculous, because he was meeting his brothers Thursday night for drinks, and Ally was free to go out and do whatever she liked.

She ran her finger along the tight line of his lips. “Why is your jaw so tight?”

Because I’m a jealous idiot.

“Is it? Hm.” He pressed his lips to hers. “That’s better.” Not.

“Sorry about Thursday. I promised Amanda I’d go out with her.”

He breathed a little—a little—easier. “That’s okay. I’m busy Thursday, too. I’m meeting my brothers for a drink. Tomorrow night, then?”


“It’s a date. And I promise not to attack you the minute I walk in the door.”

She stuck out her lower lip in a pout. “Aw.”

“You are going to be the death of me.” He wrapped his arms around her, and when their mouths came together again, he knew if he didn’t get up and leave, he never would.

“I should go,” he said against her lips.

She pressed her soft hands to his cheeks. “Just one more kiss.”

Melissa Foster's books