Heath (Wild Boys After Dark, #2)

How’s life?

Heath smirked, knowing his brother was fishing for information on Ally. Logan didn’t like unanswered questions, and it was probably driving him nuts not being able to uncover everything he could about Ally for Heath.

Damn good. You?

He set his phone on the desk and picked up a patient file to review. Logan’s text came in seconds later.

Bringing your new friend to Mom’s Sunday?

Heath had been pondering the same thing all day. He hadn’t introduced a woman to his family since he was in college. Introducing his family was about the biggest step he could make, second only to spending the night. That was another thing he hadn’t done since college, and he wanted to cross that line with Ally. But after their conversation last night, he felt like she’d sent him conflicting messages. She seemed to want to move forward, regardless of how quickly their relationship was progressing, but she’d been honest about it scaring her. Asking her to meet his family might scare her even more—or drive home the realization that he was serious about her.

He reread her text from earlier that morning before returning Logan’s text.

Fifi and I were just wondering the same thing. Can’t wait to see you tonight. Xo

He smiled as he returned Logan’s text.


Heath confirmed that Logan and his brothers still planned to meet tomorrow night at NightCaps. His thoughts drifted back to Ally—not that they ever veered very far from her. He looked around his office, wishing she were there. She’d probably like flipping through his medical journals, which he kept on the bookshelves on the wall by the window. He checked the time and realized he was already late to see his next patient. He picked up the phone and called the front desk.

“Yes, Dr. Wild?”

“Hi, Judy. Would you mind having Katrina put together my archived medical journals and leave them on my desk in a box?” Katrina was a floater, which meant that she helped out in the office wherever she was needed.

He texted Ally on his way to see his next patient. I have a surprise for you.


BY WEDNESDAY EVENING Ally could hardly wait to see Heath. She’d texted him a few times after he’d texted to tell her he had a surprise for her, but he hadn’t responded. She knew how busy the doctors at the hospital were, and she assumed that Heath’s schedule was no different.

After showering and spending way too long picking out an outfit to wear, she loved up Fifi and gave her fresh food and water. Her phone vibrated with a call from Amanda, and she answered it as she crossed the floor to the full-length mirror to check out her outfit one last time.

“Hey, Mandy. What’s up?”

“Don’t kill me, but I have to break our date for tomorrow night.”

She heard a smile in her sister’s voice. “No problem. What’s so important that you’re willing to blow me off?”

“A date!” Amanda squealed into the phone.

Ally pulled the phone away from her ear. “You’re going on a date? That’s great. With who?”

“He’s an attorney. He works in my building.”

“Gray suit guy?” Amanda had told her about a hot guy she’d flirted with a number of times in the elevator. She’d referred to him as gray suit guy.

“Yes. Are you mad? I know I gave you a hard time about not canceling on me.”

“No, of course not. Go, have fun. Cut loose a little and enjoy yourself.”

Amanda laughed. “Cut loose? Yeah, okay. I’ll inspect his briefs.”

Ally laughed at her sister’s attempt at legal humor. “My money’s on you not inspecting his briefs, but my hope is that you do. It might loosen you up a little.”

There was a knock at her door as she ended the call. Ally took one last look in the mirror. Pleased with the midthigh-length navy blue dress she’d chosen, she slipped on her heels and answered the door.

Heath held a giant cardboard box in front of him. He smiled and raked his eyes down her body. “Ally, you look incredible.”

“Thank you.” She moved to the side so he could come in, and he leaned in for a kiss as he passed.

“You keep dressing like that and we’ll really never make it out of here.” Heath set the box on the coffee table and reached for her.

She placed her hands on his chest and felt his heartbeat quicken. “I have a feeling that what I wear has very little to do with whether we leave the apartment or not.”

He sealed his lips over hers, and she was no longer shocked by how quickly her body responded to the feel of his tongue sliding over hers. She felt her nipples harden and her skin flush hot. When their lips parted, she wanted to tug him in for another kiss, but she forced herself to behave.

Melissa Foster's books