Heart of the Hunter

You’re getting a little bold there, baby. Be careful, running that sweet mouth of yours.

I took a long drag of the cigarette and filled the cab with smoke.

“And what direction would that be, sweetheart?”

I put my arm on the back of her seat so she could feel it sitting behind her and stared at her.

She smiled and cocked her head, looking at me with those big beautiful eyes.

“You tell me, darling,” she said, straight as an arrow.

I pulled my arm away and flicked my cigarette butt out the window.

I would if I could, Kelly.

I had no fucking idea where we were going. This was the same girl as earlier, but there was something different about her. Same girl, with the same fucking body to kill for, but she had an edge to her now. Maybe I knocked a screw loose when I almost put her head through the wall this afternoon. I had no idea what it was, but I fucking loved it and I was having a hard time not filling her with my cock right there.

I ripped on the wheel and squealed the tires, making a quick turn and peeling off toward the auto shop. We could start there.

Chapter 27


I COULDN’T BELIEVE I HAD gotten in the truck with him. I could smell the whiskey seeping out of his skin. I hated when men drank too much. Not to mention the fact that I’d spent the better part of the day trying to get him out of my head.

What are you doing, Kelly?

I had no idea. There was no way that this night ended in any way that was good for me. I knew it, but I just didn’t care.

What was this feeling?

Today made absolutely no sense to me, yet it was as if it had happened exactly as it was meant to. All the uncertainty and danger that Hunter brought into my life somehow managed to make my future more clear, like not knowing what lay ahead was okay as long as he was showing me the way. I didn’t know anything outside of the present moment, and the feeling I had of being held there by the gravity of the beast in that truck with me. My initial reaction was to worry, to be terrified of him and where he was taking me, but the reality was that I didn’t feel that way. I knew I should, but I didn’t. I felt good sitting next to him. I felt safe, even though I knew I wasn’t. As I stole glances at him from the passenger seat, I could see him slide in and out of darkness each time we passed a streetlight. I would see his broad shoulders extending out of his shirt. The way he rubbed the hair on his strong jaw as he stared straight ahead, not caring what could come at him at any moment. This was his world and I was by his side.

I watched the way his massive hands gripped the wheel and caressed it as he slid them around when he made a turn. The way the muscles in his tattooed forearm flexed every time he tightened his hold on it. I wished his hands were on me, moving across my body and wrapping around me, keeping me firmly where he wanted me to be. My mind kept flashing back to earlier in the day, to when he held me in those hands and sent me spiraling into some alternate life where I wasn’t me anymore, but his to do with as he wanted. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes so I could take in the relief I felt just by being next to him.

Chance Carter's books