Heart of the Hunter

I could have looked out to see who it was, but I already knew. When he spoke, his voice echoed through me. I felt the electricity. I felt my stomach jump. I felt scared.

It was Hunter, once again, staring down at me, ready to save me, ready to take me.

And I prayed he would.

Chapter 24


WHY DID YOU JUST STOP? Why the fuck did you just stop?

I didn’t realize it was Kelly until I pulled up slowly beside her car, but man, there she was looking just as fucking sexy and pure as that morning at the diner. Her hair was tied back and she was out of her waitress’s uniform and into a tight blue tank top and shorts that barely covered her up. Sitting above her in the truck, I could see just how well everything clung to her body. Her tits pushed together under her shirt, her smooth legs pressed closed like she was trying to convince herself she didn’t want me between them. There wasn’t much left to the imagination and I was fucking losing my mind. The booze usually got me fired up, but this was something else.

I wanted her again.

I fucking needed her again. Just like earlier, but it was worse now. This time I knew what her * tasted and felt like. I knew how beautiful she looked when she came on my rock hard cock. I could feel myself rising at the memory of fucking her and I started to white knuckle the steering wheel of the truck.

Jesus Christ.

Kelly just stared straight ahead.

“Hey. Sweetheart. You all right?”

“Yeah. I’m fine. You can go.”

She kept looking dead in front of her, barely acknowledging I was there.

“Yeah? Fine, hey? That why you’re sitting here so late, all alone, in a car that’s not fucking moving?”

She leaned her head back against the driver’s seat of her car and shut her eyes, not saying a goddamn word. She was breathing heavy and I couldn’t help but watch her perfect breasts moving up and down. My cock kept growing and moving down my pant leg.

“So you’re just going to sit there? I’ve got a tow truck and you’ve got a busted car and you’re just going to sit there and not say a goddamn word?”

She just sat in the seat with her eyes closed, doing her best to pretend I wasn’t there.

Fucking open your eyes, darling. I’m not going anywhere. No matter how much I fucking want to, I’m going to sit right here until you show me those eyes.

“Kelly, fuck. I’m just trying to,” I started but never finished the sentence.

“Trying to what?” she shouted.

Up to then, I had barely heard her speak, let alone shout. Except for when I filled her tight * with my cock, that is. Then I heard those lungs open up.

“The diner, this afternoon, right now, just what are you trying to do, Hunter?”

She stared up at me and I could see tears were welling up in her gorgeous green eyes. She was pissed, but the type of pissed that wanted me to open up that door, spread her legs, and make her scream again.

Be careful what you wish for, darling.

“You dropped your keys today. After we,” she stopped and sighed. “You dropped your keys at my place.”

She threw my car keys through the window of the truck and they fell between the two front seats. She couldn’t bring herself to meet my stare.

Well. That was a lot fucking easier than breaking and entering. Thanks, sweetheart.

“Yeah, I was going to drop by tomorrow and pick those up. I had a few other things to take care of tonight. Figured you’d be busy too.”

“Ha,” she cried. “Yeah, you wouldn’t want to have to have an actual conversation. Wouldn’t want to have to explain why you,” she started to trail off. “Just go, Hunter. You got what you needed. Now you can just go.”

She could barely choke the words out and that was just fine with me.

That’s exactly fucking right, sweetheart. I don’t want to talk to you. I never fucking did.

I wanted to rip you in two, and I want to do it again, but you’re a fucking headache. You saw who I am. You know what I do. You don’t want this and I don’t fucking need the hassle. Fuck this.

“Yeah, you know what, darling? You’re right. I got what I needed here and I’m fucking gone. Thanks for the keys. Enjoy your night sitting in a busted wreck of a car and give my best to that old bitty running the diner. Would’ve liked a chance to have a beer with her too. You know, apologize for tearing up the joint. Light up her life a bit.”

I was fucking drunk and about to go off. I was either going to break her fucking windshield with my fist or bend her over the hood and make her scream so loud the whole county would wake up.

Get the fuck out of here, Hunter. Get the fuck out of here now.

“Fuck it, Kelly. I’m gone. Next time a couple of punks try to feel you up, I won’t fucking be around. Don’t worry that pretty little head, sweetheart.”

Why was I so fucking mad?

I slammed the truck into drive and peeled off down the street.

Chance Carter's books