Heart of the Hunter

I made the decision and now we both just had to fucking deal with it. Whatever that meant.

I was drunk as fuck and couldn’t think about any of that shit right now. It was time to get this fucking car running and get out to that farm with Deacon. She would still be here when I came back around. Whenever the fuck that was.

Fuck, Hunter. Maybe this whiskey is clouding your head a little more than you thought. Straighten yourself out, asshole.

I lit up a cigarette and turned to Kelly.

“Go in through the back and slide open the door, would you? I’ll get that piece of shit running and then be on my way.”

“Please,” she whispered from the seat next to me. “Open this door, please. You called me by my name and now you can use some manners instead of barking orders at me.”

The fuck did you just say to me?

There was something so infuriating about her. It was enough to make me want to kick her out of the car and drive off without her.

I took a drag of my cigarette and turned around quickly so my face was close to hers, close enough that she had to look into my eyes. She could practically taste the whiskey on my breath, and had to take in the smoke as I exhaled through my nose.

“You fucking listen here, sweetheart, because I’m only going to say this once. Just because I fucked that sweet little * earlier doesn’t mean you get to run that pretty mouth. Just because I stopped two fucks from grabbing you at the diner, and pulled your ass off the street tonight, doesn’t mean I won’t kick you out of this fucking truck and leave you sitting on the ground. I did it once and I’ll fucking do it again. You fucking know it. So, when I tell you to do something, you fucking do it. Are we fucking clear?”

Her eyes were wide and she was breathing heavily.

I took my hand and ran it down her cheek to her chin and grabbed it tight. She gasped and I could see her tits moving up and down with every nervous breath she took. My eyes moved from hers, down to her legs, and up her body until I met her stare again. Why was I being such a jerk to her? She was right. She deserved to be spoken to with respect. She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. Fuck, she was a goddamn angel from God and I knew it. Something passed between us at that moment. I sighed.

“Now, pretty fucking please. Get out of this truck and open that fucking door.”

I let go of her face and she moved back against the door, reaching for the handle, but never looking away from me. She got out and walked quickly around the back of the shop.

“The back door is wide open, darling. I kicked it in earlier for you. Go on in.”

I leaned back and slowly smoked my cigarette, letting the smoke fill my lungs, and then breathed it out, filling the inside of the truck. This girl was mine. She was my girl and I’d be goddamned if I let anyone else think otherwise, especially her.

I saw the lights come on and watched as Kelly slid open the door and stood to the side as I pulled the truck and her shit car into the garage.

She looked terrified. Maybe because she knew I could destroy her if I wanted to. I stared at her as I drove the truck by and she stared right back. She was licking her lips and her chest was heaving.

She wanted me.

She wanted everything I was.

What the fuck?

Even as she found out more and more about what an animal I was, even as she saw the kind of pig I had become over the years of abuse and violence, she still just wanted me. It made no fucking sense.

The more I broke her, the stronger she got. She begged me for more without even letting a word out of those wet, pouty lips. The more I tried to leave, the harder I treated her, the deeper she got pulled in. The deeper she got pulled in, the more I needed to have her. It was like we were both drawn to each other’s brand of crazy.

Kelly shut the door behind me and walked by my window so I could see her whole voluptuous body move past, swaying from side to side and making my cock rise. I almost thought she’d intended to do that to me. She walked to the water cooler and poured herself a glass, taking it down in three big gulps.

Was this bitch trying to seduce me? Was she trying to play me? Oh, hell no.

I stepped out of the truck and slammed the door, making her jump and drop the glass. It shattered on the floor and spread out in every direction.

“Clean it up,” I said, calmly and firmly. “I’ll get started on this car.”

Kelly paused and looked at me, a million thoughts flashing through her pretty little head. What was she going to do? Was she going to challenge me? Was she going to stand up to fucking me?


She grabbed the broom and started to sweep up the mess.

I lowered the car and popped the hood.

Neither of us said a fucking word.

Chapter 29


Chance Carter's books