Gangster Moll (Gun Moll #2)

“Whatever. Let’s just say he knows the way to a woman’s heart, no jewelry required.”

“Now that is very sweet, romantic, even. I can’t believe Ms. I’m-Not-A-Sappy-Romance-Heroine said that.”

“Hey. Maybe marriage has mellowed me out a little bit, that’s all,” Melina admitted.

“Well, whatever the case is, I’m happy that everything has turned out so wonderful for you, Melina. I know life gave you some lemons, but you definitely made lemonade out of them.”

Melina smiled at Erika’s reference to the biggest album of the year. “That is one analogy I am happy to take. Now, enough about me. How are things with you?”

“Honestly, it’s been a struggle. I had nowhere to go but my mom’s and to say she and I are not getting along is an understatement. I’ve been looking for a job every day and haven’t had any luck. It’s hard out here.”

Melina finished the last of her margarita before she pushed her glass away. Her heart went out to Erika. She knew all too well how hard the job market was these days. It was one of the reasons she’d turned to escorting in the first place, even before her father’s medical bills had started to roll in. And Erika was going to have “felon” attached to her name for the rest of her life. That was even shittier.


No. What are you thinking, Melina? She pushed away the thought and opened her mouth before she could talk herself out of it.

“How would you feel about spending time with some very wealthy gentlemen?”

Erika’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“Before I met my husband, I used to go on dates with some well-off gentlemen. If they had an event and they needed a date, I accompanied them. If they just wanted companionship, I provided that, to a certain extent.”

“Did you have sex with them?”

“Only if I wanted to and those occasions were far and few in between.”

Erika was silent for a moment as she digested what Melina was saying.

“What kind of money are we talking?”

“Let’s say ten thousand was the least amount of money I ever made in a month,” Melina said.

“You’re lying.”

Melina shook her head. “Nope.”

“Okay, say I was interested, how would I get involved in something like this?”

“Welcome to The Dollhouse.”

“I see.”

“So, are you interested?” Melina asked.

Erika was quiet and Melina took the moment to check her phone for any missed calls or texts. When she put her phone away, Erika nodded.

“Yes. I’m interested.”

“All right. Now, remember, if at any time you decide that this is not a good fit for you, no harm no foul. I won’t think any less of you one way or another.”

“Thanks. I appreciate your willingness to help me.”

Melina smiled. “No thanks needed. Sometimes we all need a little help. Now, I’m going to be here for a little bit, why don’t you mingle with a few of the ladies here and I’ll catch up with you in a bit?”

“All right. Sounds good.”

Melina pointed her friend in the direction of a few of the girls that had come in earlier before she made a move to go to her own office.

“What a sight for sore eyes.”

Melina stopped and turned around to find Anthony standing in front of her. A sly smirk was on his face.

“Anthony, is there something I can do for you?”

“There a great many things, but sadly none are appropriate for the wife of a fellow Capo.”

Melina gritted her teeth. This asshole had the nerve to show his face in her club and make sexual innuendos. Clearly the man was looking for trouble and she was more than capable of giving it to him.

“I see it didn’t take long for the snake to bare its fangs.”

Anthony laughed. “You always have had a way with words, my dear. Glad to see being married hasn’t completely domesticized you.”

Melina folded her arms. “Is there a reason you decided to come to my establishment and insult me? I’d much prefer you slithered back under the rock you came from.”

“I’ve missed your fire. Since Mac hardly ever lets you out of his sight now, I thought I’d swing by for a few minutes to gaze upon your lovely face.”

“I think you’ve done more than enough gazing, so why don’t you make your exit now?”

“Is that the kind of hospitality you extend to a potential customer? That’s not good for business.”

Melina laughed. “Your business I could do without.”

“Mrs. Maccari, is there a problem?”

Giuseppe stepped from the shadows, arms folded across his barrel chest as he gazed at Anthony.

Melina shook her head. “No. No problem here.”

Anthony’s gaze narrowed briefly before he pasted a smug smile on his face.

“Good to see your husband keeps you well looked after. Now if you’ll excuse me. I’ll have a look at the delicacies you have to offer before I take my leave.”

The older Capo gave her a mock bow before he walked past them and headed in the direction where a few of her girls were gathered talking.

“That guy is a real cafone.”

Bethany-Kris & Erin Ashley Tanner's books