Gangster Moll (Gun Moll #2)

“Good. Now I’m tired of being chauffeured around. I want to drive myself.”

Mac shook his head. “One of my guys will follow behind you until you reach the club. Don’t deliberately try to lose him.”

Melina stood up and poked her husband in the chest. “As if I would do something like that.”

Mac laughed. “Doll, you’ve got mischief written all over your face.”

“Well, in that case, I promise to save it for when I get home tonight.”

Her husband’s eyes darkened as his gaze raked her from head to toe. “Hurry home, doll.”

Melina picked up her purse and grabbed her keys. “You know it.”

She gave him a quick kiss before she left the bedroom and was on her way to the club.

Melina parked her car in the space reserved for her in front of the building. She was glad that she’d convinced her husband to let her drive, at least. It was a step in the right direction. Still, she wasn’t thrilled about being followed the entire way there. Melina had no idea who the man was that had been assigned to be her chaperone, but one thing was for certain … she wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley. Tall and built like a Mr. Universe contestant, the dark-haired man locked the black Chevy Tahoe he was driving and came over to her as she stepped onto the sidewalk.

“Mrs. Maccari.”

“And you are?” Melina extended her hand.

“Giuseppe, ma’am.”

They shook hands. “Nice to meet you, Giuseppe, and thank you for keeping an eye on me.”

The hardened soldier grinned before he quickly schooled his features. “You’re welcome ma’am.”

“All right, let’s go in.”

Before Melina could grab the door handle, Giuseppe was opening the door for her. She smiled her thanks and entered The Dollhouse. Because of the nature of her business, the doors never closed. As a result, there was someone there at all times, from bouncers to bartenders, you name it. After all, no one was more invested in her business than her.

“This is nice, Mrs. Maccari.”

“Thank you,” she said.

She couldn’t keep the pride out of her voice. The Dollhouse was her baby. A testament that she could be more than just a mob wife that stayed home and spent her husband’s money. Stopping, Melina took a few minutes to survey the scenery before her gaze swung to the bar. Her appointment was already waiting. Erika sat at the bar, sipping what looked like an apple martini. Melina walked over and touched her former cell mate’s shoulder.

“Hey. You made it.”

“Yeah and I’m glad I did. This place is very sexy. It has a smooth vibe to it.”

Melina took a seat on one of the bar stools next to Erika. “Thank you. A lot of planning and hard work went into this place. You should’ve seen it before I got hold of it. You wouldn’t have known it’s the same place.”

“Now that, I would have a hard time visualizing.”

Melina motioned for the current bartender on duty, Emmanuela, to fix her a frozen pear margarita before turning her attention back to Erika.

“That one, you’ll just have to trust me on. Now tell me, when did you get out? And how so soon?”

“I’ve been out for a couple of weeks. They let me out early for good behavior, believe it or not.”

The bartender brought over Melina’s drink and she took a quick sip before speaking. “About damn time. You should have been out long before this.”

“I thought so at first, but I’m firmly convinced everything happens when it’s supposed to.”

Melina cocked a brow. “Please don’t tell me you’re about to wax all philosophical on me.”

Erika laughed. “No, I’m not. I’m just saying that maybe I needed the time. Those months gave me time to fortify myself.”

“Against what?” Melina asked.

“The weakness of my heart.”

“Ah. The ex that landed you in the slammer. Is he still in the picture?”

Erika shook her head and Melina noticed the tears in her eyes. “No. He’s already moved on.”

Melina patted Erika’s hand. “I’m sorry that he hurt you, but I’m not sorry he’s out of the picture. You deserve better than a piece of shit like him.”

The young woman wiped a stray tear from her eye. “You’re right without question, but it still hurts that he left me holding the bag and then moved on like I never meant anything to him.”

“It’s fucked up on all levels, but you are a stronger woman. Nothing and no one is going to break you now. You’ve been through the worst.”

Erika drank the last of her martini. “I sure hope so.”

“Life has good and bad. You’ve already experienced the bad, so you’re more than ready for the good to come along now.”

“Like you?” Erika asked.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re married now and running a business. I heard all about your super wedding while I was still in lock up. Congratulations by the way.”

Melina smiled. “Yeah. He put a ring on it.”

Erika laughed. “Please. He put a diamond mine on it.”

Bethany-Kris & Erin Ashley Tanner's books