Gangster Moll (Gun Moll #2)

Victoria shook her head. “That won’t be necessary. If you don’t mind, I’d actually like to go home. I promised Ma I’d help her with some things around the house today.”

“Your wish is my command. Mrs. Maccari, is there somewhere I can take you?” Enric asked.

“The Dollhouse. I have some work to do.”

“Yes, ma’am. If you’ll excuse me for a moment, ladies.”

Melina nodded and Victoria rolled her eyes as Enric moved a few steps away to make a call.

“I guess he’s letting our handler know our next moves,” Victoria surmised.

“He’s just doing his job.”

“I know, but I wish he wasn’t doing it so well.”

“Melina, is that you?”

Melina turned at the sound of a woman calling her name. A woman with a black pixie cut was heading her way. The woman had high cheek bones and a warm smile. She wore a pair of blue jeans that hugged her hips and a yellow off-the-shoulder peasant top that showcased her toned shoulders and arms.


It couldn’t be, but somehow it was.


“I know I look a little different, but dang. You act like you just saw a ghost.”

Erika came up to where Melina stood and hugged her hard. Melina was so caught off guard it was a minute before she even had the presence of mind to hug her former cellmate back.

“Melina?” Victoria questioned.

The two women parted and Melina turned to her sister-in-law. “Victoria, this is Erika. She was my …”

“Roommate. Nice to meet you, Victoria.” Erika extended her hand.

“Nice to meet you, Erika.”

The two women shook hands before Erika turned her warm smile back on Melina.

“Vic, can you give us a minute?” Melina asked.

“Sure. I guess Mr. Smart Aleck can keep me entertained for a few minutes.”

Victoria moved away to give the two women some privacy.

“Never thought you would see me again, huh?”

“I must admit, this is a surprise.”

“And I know you hate surprises,” Erika finished.

Melina laughed. “Yes, but this one I don’t mind so much. It’s good to see you, Erika. This is a different look than what I’m used to.”

“Yeah. I wanted to do something a little different. I figured it was time for a fresh start.”

“You made a wise decision. Not every woman can rock a pixie cut so well.”

“Thank you. Listen, I don’t mean to hold you up. Is there a chance that we could get together sometime soon and talk?”

Melina took out a small notepad, quickly scribbled down an address and handed it to Erika.

“Meet me here tomorrow at noon,” Melina said.

Erika looked down at the piece of paper. “Okay. I’ll see you then.”

With another hug she was gone and heading in the opposite direction. Melina stared at her former cellmate and wondered what other surprises life had in store.

“Do you think that’s a good idea having her meet you there?” Mac asked.

Melina finished pulling her hair through the elastic band that held her ponytail in place.

“And what do you mean by that?” She cocked a brow at her husband.

“I’m just saying, maybe it would be better to meet her someplace neutral.”

Melina grabbed her keys. “Erika has nothing to do with us and besides I have some work to do. The Dollhouse is my place and I intend to be on top of everything that happens there.”

Mac raised his hands in defeat. “I don’t want to fight, doll.”

“I don’t either.”

Sighing, she walked closer to her husband and wrapped her arms around him. For a few minutes, they stood there holding each other. It was rare that they had moments like these lately. Between Mac being extra vigilant with not only his business, but keeping an eye on his family as well, quiet moments were few and far between.

“I like holding you like this,” Mac finally said.

“I like it when you hold me like this.”

Their eyes met and Melina smiled at her husband as she ran a thumb over his brow.

“You’re going to have to stop worrying so much. You’re going to get forehead wrinkles.”

“What’s a few wrinkles? You’ll still love me anyway.”

“True, but that’s not the point. Lately, it seems like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

“Lately, it has felt that way.”

Mac sat down on the bed. Melina joined him.

“Talk to me. I’ve got time.”

He offered her a small smile. “Not much to tell. Perception is everything and right now mine is not so good. It’s bad for business.”

“People see what they want to see. Only a fool would believe you’re responsible for any of this. You have nothing to gain and everything to lose.”

“You’re right, doll.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Thanks. You always know just the right words.”

Melina shrugged. “What can I say? I’m good at what I do.”

“Indeed, you are.”

“I hate to rush off, but I don’t want to keep Erika waiting. I know you’re a little on edge about it, but I need you to trust my judgment. I’d never do anything to put us at risk.”

“I know that.”

Bethany-Kris & Erin Ashley Tanner's books