Gangster Moll (Gun Moll #2)

Mac was just hanging up the phone when The Dollhouse’s front door opened, and Melina stepped out with keys in her hand. She locked the place up, turned to leave, and froze when she saw Mac.

“You didn’t get my note?” she asked, not even saying a word about the Ducati bike.

“I did, doll,” he replied. “Just thought you might want to see me a little earlier, that’s all.”

Melina’s smile bloomed widely.

It was still the best sight.

“Everything okay?’ she asked.

Mac nodded. “Yeah, considering.”

Or it would be.

I’m sticking to you like paper sticks to glue.

Melina couldn’t help thinking about the words to the old song because, for once, they actually had some application to her life.

Mac had become closer than her own damn shadow.

On one hand, she could understand it.

Yet another person connected to the Pivetti Cosa Nostra had been killed at yet another event directly related to her and Mac. It damn sure didn’t help matters that the man had turned out to be Luca Pivetti’s freshly-hired consigliere. The man had just buried his last one for fuck’s sake and now this.

So yeah, she could understand Mac’s closeness.

He hadn’t said anything to her specifically but Melina was no fool. Her husband was worried.

Worried that perhaps they were in more than the usual danger that came along with being connected to Cosa Nostra.

Worried that he was losing the respect and trust he’d fought so hard to gain.

The latter was what made her want to put a bullet in someone’s fucking head.

Mac had started off as a foot soldier living in the shadow of a father that was a monumental fuck up, but through working harder than anyone around him he’d moved up the ranks. As a Capo, he was finally reaping the benefits of all his years of labor.

No one deserved to take that away from him.

Not now. Not ever.

Especially if she had anything to say about it.

Mac didn’t have a disloyal bone in his body, which made the whispers going around all the more irksome to her.

He may have thought she was unaware, but little got past Melina.

She’d heard the word.


It was an insult of the highest order.

Unconsciously, she bit her lip. Mac had no reason to betray his famiglia. Despite the less than stellar treatment he’d endured in the past, he was enjoying the benefits now. If anyone had more incentive to make sure that Luca Pivetti stayed in charge, it was her husband. Melina knew how much having his Don’s trust meant to Mac. He’d never do anything to jeopardize that.

But someone else was.

They just had to figure out who that person was.

“Are you okay, Melina? You’ve been quieter than usual today,” Victoria said.

Melina offered her sister-in-law a smile. “I’m okay. I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Tell me about it. I feel like a crab in a barrel. You have got to get my brother to give us some breathing room. I’m not sure how much more of this I can take.”

Victoria’s gaze swung to the corner of the salon were Enric Pivetti stood. Though the young man seemed at ease, Melina wasn’t fooled. He knew the moment anyone came in or went out of the salon. Every so often his gaze drifted over to them. Melina couldn’t help noticing that his gaze seemed to linger on Victoria when he thought no one was looking. She wondered if her husband was aware his new understudy had eyes for his younger sister.

“Ha. This is the first outing I’ve had not being directly shadowed by your brother. He’s not budging.”

“How’d you manage to get some breathing room today?”

“Enric is still shadowing you, so there was no reason for the two of them to be here. Besides, I told him if he didn’t give me some damn space he wouldn’t like the result.”

Victoria laughed. “Teach me your ways, great sensei.”

“If I was such a great teacher, I wouldn’t still be being followed. I love your brother to death but all couples need space sometimes.”

“I wouldn’t know. My going out has been limited with Mr. Smart Ass following me around. You can’t exactly go out with a bodyguard throwing death looks at your date all evening.”

“Come on. He can’t be that bad. At least he’s eye candy.”

Victoria rolled her eyes. “No. Like not in a million years. I can’t stand him.”

“Thy doth protest too much. Do I need to remind you how Mac and I were?”

“Completely different situation.”

“We’ll revisit this in a few months. I’m sure things will have changed.”

“Don’t waste your breath,” Victoria said.

Melina didn’t miss the quick dart Victoria’s eyes did over to the corner as they gathered up their purses and paid for their services.

Yeah. Something was definitely brewing between those two.

“Ladies. Where are we off to?” Enric asked. He held the door open for them.

“How about Mars?” Victoria said.

“Sure. Just let me juice up my space ship.” A smirk curved the corners of Enric’s mouth.

Bethany-Kris & Erin Ashley Tanner's books