Fighting Fate (Fighting #7)

She exhales in what seems like relief and then nods. “I’ll meet you by the door.”

I pull her in for a hug and drop a quick kiss to the top of her head. “Thank you.”

I release her and move like my feet are on fire to search for Axelle. Ryder’s in a corner with his date, his hand sliding up her skirt. “Hey, have you seen Ax?”

His expression sobers and he stands up straighter. “No, why? Is she okay?”

“I don’t think so. She was here, but now I can’t find her.”

“I’ll check to see if her car is still here.” His date scowls at me, and Ryder ignores her whines for him to stay. He moves through the house while I check the kitchen and backyard.

We meet back up in the dining room where a heated game of beer pong is being played.

“Wherever she is, she’s on foot. Her car is blocked in by four others.” Ryder glances around. “I’ll check the bedrooms.”

“I’ll check the bathrooms.”

We split up, and I head straight to the bathroom in the hallway where a line of people are waiting. “Excuse me.” I push through them.

“Hey, there’s a line!”

“I swear I will piss in this hallway!”

I ignore the protests and bang on the door. There’s no answer, and when I twist the handle it’s locked. I bang again. “Axelle, you in there?”



Ryder comes stomping down the hallway, and when we make eye contact, he shakes his head.

I bang on the door again. “Axelle, are you in there? Open up.”

I press my ear to the door and hear a toilet flush then a mumbled, “Go away, Killian.”

Thank fuck!

“Open the door, Ax, or I swear to God I’ll bust this shit down.”

“I said go away!”

“Stand back. I’m coming in!”

The handle wiggles frantically before the door swings open to reveal a stunned-faced Axelle. “You can’t just kick a door down!”

“The fuck I can’t!”

“Are you insane?”

For you, always. “Come on.” I grab for her, but she backs up into the bathroom.


I step inside with her and slam the door behind me. “What the hell is going on with you?”


Anger rips through me, making my muscles tense. “Don’t play dumb. You felt it too. I know you did. Then you take off and lock yourself in the bathroom? I burst in here, and you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” I step closer, and in the light, I notice she really doesn’t look well. Her eyes are bloodshot, her soft skin is coated with a sheen of sweat, and her lips are dry. “Hey”—I cup her jaw and swipe my thumb along her cheek—“you’re sick.”

She nods into my hold. “I think it’s just the day. I don’t know.”

“I’m taking you home.”

“I already told you I can’t go home. I promised Min—”

“With me. I’m taking you home with me.”

She blinks up at me, relief flooding her eyes with tears. “What about your date?”

“I’m going to drop her off now.”


I press my thumb to her lips. “Don’t argue with me. I’m going to leave you here with Ryder until I get back. Promise me you won’t leave his side.”

She closes her eyes and nods.

“Finally something she won’t fight about,” I mumble.

“I’m tired of fighting.” The soft confession heavy with meaning falls from her lips and curls around my heart.

“Me too.”

She leans in and I catch her against my chest, wrapping her up so tight I have to be conscious not to crush her. This is all I’ve ever wanted, and tonight I’m going to finally make her mine.

Banging on the door snaps me from the warmth of our embrace. “No sex in the bathroom! Some of us have to pee!”

Axelle chuckles, and the sound knocks off some of the tension in my shoulders. I grab her hand, and the way hers grips mine back sends chills racing up my arm.

I open the door to a group of scowling girls, but by the time their eyes trace up my torso to my face, they’re smiling.

“We’re sorry.” I motion to the bathroom. “It’s all yours.”

I pull Axelle out behind me and find Ryder waiting at the end of the hallway with his date. She has her arms crossed and looks less than happy.


“Thank fuck.” He exhales hard. “You found her.”

“I’m taking Brynn home. I need you to stay with Ax until I get back.”

Axelle presses in close. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

“Like fuck you don’t, woman!” Ryder snags her arm and pulls her in. “You’re a regular Houdini.” He grins at me. “I got her, dude. I’ll sit on her if I have to.”

“Alright.” I pull Axelle to me and press a kiss to her forehead before meeting her eyes. “Stay put. I’ll be right back.”

Ryder’s date glares at me so hard I can feel it, not that I blame her. She’s Brynn’s friend, and it’s only right that she’d be pissed on Brynn’s behalf. It’s time to straighten things out with my date.

I find her waiting at the door when I get there. “You ready?”

“Yeah.” She sounds disappointed, and I feel like shit about that.

Again, I should’ve listened to Ryder and laid out things before they got this far.