Fighting Fate (Fighting #7)

I step closer to get her to look at me. “What happened tonight?”

She cocks a hip and stares up at me. “Why do you care?”

I motion to where I saw Clifford drinking earlier. “Awfully generous of you to share your date tonight.”

Anger flickers behind her sapphire eyes. “First off, he’s no longer my date. He’s no longer my anything.”

That sends me back a step. He broke up with her? On Valentine’s Day? What an asshole! No wonder she looks like she’s about to rip someone’s throat out.

“I’m sorry. I—”

“Don’t be.” She shrugs. “I’m not.”

“Ax, but today? He had to break up with you today of all days?”

She steps in close, and it’s then I notice she’s steady on her feet, her beer bottle is full and looks warm, and her breath smells like mint gum rather than booze. She pokes me in the chest. “I broke up with him. He doesn’t know it yet, but it’s been over for close to three hours now, and I’d leave here, but I have nowhere to go. I promised Mindy the apartment for the night, and I can’t go to my mom’s house because walking in at midnight will get me the third degree, and I can’t fuck their night up either, seeing as Valentine’s Day is just as fucked a day for them as it is for us.”

Us. My chest warms and I resist the urge to pull her into my arms.

“So I’m waiting until the sun comes up. I’m going to stand right here”—she shoves a finger toward the floor—“until the sun comes up, and then I’m walking away from Clifford and never looking back.”

“Did he hurt you?”


“Don’t fucking lie to me.”

“Why are you here?”

“I already told you. It’s a party…and…” I wanted to see you.

Her shoulders collapse as if the fight has been completely drained from her. “Just leave, Killian. Please. You guys could be anywhere tonight. Do you have to be here?”

“You don’t want me here?”

“It’s not that; it’s…” She steps back to lean against the wall, and I follow and press in close so she has to tilt her head back to look up at me. “Did you have to bring her here?”

My blood thunders through my veins at the meaning behind her words. She’s jealous. Which means she feels more for me than friendship, right? Is it possible that seeing me with another girl is forcing her to confront her feelings? “You don’t like seeing me with her?” She dips her chin, but I catch it with my fingertips and bring her eyes back to mine. “Answer me, Axelle.”

Her eyes glisten, but her jaw is hard. “I hate it.”

For a stunned second, I simply stare, forcing myself to acknowledge and absorb her words. I clear my throat and lean in to speak directly in her ear. “What do you want, baby?”

Her breath catches so sharply it swells her chest, and the tips of her breasts brush against me. A low growl of satisfaction rumbles in my throat, and I flex my fingers against the wall to keep from shoving them into her hair and kissing her.

She hasn’t answered my question, but her breathing has sped up.

“I need to hear you say it.”

She shoves me back, her head turned to the side, and when I follow her gaze, I see Brynn pushing through the crowd toward us. Fuckin’ hell.

I run a hand through my hair, trying to calm my racing pulse, and I’m thankful it’s dark so no one can see my raging hard-on.

“Oh hey.” Brynn pushes up next to me, her smile aimed at Axelle. “I didn’t know you’d be here. Axelle, right?”

“Hi, yeah.” Axelle shifts on her feet and takes a sip of her warm beer. “I like your dress.”

“Thanks.” Brynn turns toward me, her eyes questioning. “Did you grab our drinks?”

“No, the line was too long. I’ll try again in a bit.”

Her hand slips into mine, and my muscles tense when I see Axelle’s eyes following Brynn’s every move. “Dance with me?” She starts to pull me into the thick of the crowd where people are jumping and swaying to music.

“I don’t dance.” I catch a quick glimpse of Ax, and my chest crushes at the sad defeat I see reflected in her expression.

Brynn stops and presses the front of her body to mine, her arms reaching up high to grab my shoulders. She grinds her body against me and bites her lip when she comes in contact with my dick. I check on Axelle, hoping she’s not watching, but she’s gone. Fuck.

I scan the area, grateful I’m a head taller than the majority of the people here, and see a quick flash of dark hair weaving through the room.

I take a step back from Brynn and look her dead in the eyes. “I’m so sorry, but there’s someone really important to me, and she needs me tonight. I know this is an asshole move and I wouldn’t blame you if you hated me, but—”

“It’s Axelle, isn’t it.”

And here I thought I was keeping my feelings for Ax well hidden. “Yes.”

“Do I need to find a ride home?”

“No, of course not. I’ll take you home, just…” Shit, Axelle’s gone. “Let me track her down, and then I’ll take you home.”

“You guys, you and her, you’re just friends, right?”

“Yes.” For now.