Fighting Fate (Fighting #7)

“You’re right. I’m sorry.”

He lifts his brows and takes a tentative step closer. I end his trepidation by closing the distance between us and wrapping my arms around his middle. He holds me close and I sink into his embrace. It’s not the all-consuming hug that Killian delivers, but it’s a warm body, and that’s better than nothing.

He presses his lips to the top of my head. “You look so hot tonight.”

His compliments usually send me reeling, but tonight it just feels forced. Like the words of a desperate man who just learned he may not be getting laid. “Thanks.”

“You hungry?”

I’m really not, which makes this entire fight seem even stupider. Demanding I be taken out to dinner when I have no appetite? I really am a fucking psycho. So I lie. “Yeah.”

“Okay, let me grab my shit and we’ll get a bite.” He pulls back. “Sound good?”

I nod and push out a smile that I hope doesn’t look as fake as it feels.

He moves to leave the room, but turns back. “Oh, and babe?”


He smiles brilliantly. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Fuck off.



Talk about flashbacks.

Stuck in traffic on my way to pick up Brynn, memories of the night I was supposed to take Axelle to the school dance flash through my mind. I often wonder where we’d be if Stewart hadn’t shown up that night. Even if he’d come just one day later, things could’ve been so different.

I had every intention of making my feelings for Axelle clear that night, and if she’d returned them, we would be together now. It seems presumptuous to think we’d still be together after four years, but it’s not. Because I know I would’ve done everything in my power to make her happy, and if she tried to leave me, I’d fight to get her back.

But fate had different plans for us, I guess.

And now I’m in my Jeep, wearing a dress shirt and a damn tie, on my way to pick up someone else while Axelle is most likely staring lovingly into the eyes of a complete ass-face, when she should be staring into mine.


I pull up to Brynn’s complex just a few minutes after seven. It takes a little time to find her building and door number, which is probably why she opened the door before I was even able to knock.

“I’m late. Sorry.”

She hits me with a brilliant smile. “No worries. We’re kind of tucked in the back here; people usually can’t find us. But at least now you know”—she shrugs—“for next time.”

Next time?

“You want to come in?”

“We should probably get going—”

“No way!” A girl comes barreling to the door, her hair up in some fancy twist thing, but she’s wearing a robe. “I’ve never met a celebrity before.”

I study Brynn, who looks a little embarrassed. “Killian, this is one of my roommates, Ashley.”

Ah, so this is the one who walked in on her last night. I offer my hand. “Nice to meet you.”

She grabs my hand with two hands, and while one holds on, the other travels up the length of my arm. “Nice to meet you too. Whoa, you’re really strong.”

I try to politely extract my hand from her grip, and after a brief struggle, she lets go.

“Brynn tells me you’re a UFL fighter.”

Huh? Funny she’d know that seeing as we’ve never even talked about it. “I am.”

“That is so hot.” She winks. “Is it true you guys have lines of women waiting to service you after fights?”

I chuckle.


“What?” She glares at Brynn then swings her lusty gaze back to me. “I’m just wondering where to take a number.”

“Oh my gosh, we’re leaving.” Brynn pushes past Ashley and grabs my hand to lead me away from her place. “I am so sorry. She doesn’t know when to shut her mouth.”

I laugh. “No problem.” I peer down at her, and for the first time since she opened the door, I notice what she’s wearing: a dress the color of bubblegum with a thick black belt and black heels that brings the top of her head to my shoulder. The bottom of the dress is short, but puffy, almost like a bubble. The top doesn’t have any straps but is being held up by her ample breasts sporting some serious cleavage.

When we get to the Jeep, I open the door for her, and she smiles behind a veil of wavy red hair. After closing her in, I round the hood and climb inside. An awkward silence fills the space, and I fight for something to say.

“You look really pretty tonight.” Seems like an appropriate place to start.

“So do you, I mean, not pretty, but you look handsome.”


I pull away from her complex and wonder if things could get any more uncomfortable. Maybe it’s because this is technically my first official date or because I’m so used to being around one particular girl, but if things don’t get better, this is going to be a long night for both of us.


That wasn’t as bad as I thought.