Fighting Fate (Fighting #7)

I rub my forehead as panic wreaks havoc on my central nervous system. “Oh…yeah?”

She giggles, but it’s throatier, heavy with…something. “It’s embarrassing. I can’t believe I’m even admitting it, but yeah… It’s just… I’ve wanted to get to know you since last year, but I was just too nervous to talk to you.”

For a second, I’m shocked by her confession, but then I remember that although I still feel like the biggest dork in school, I no longer look like one. If she only knew that inside this big body hides a scrawny, terrified nerd.

“We’re getting to know each other now.” God, did that sound flirty? I don’t want to give her the wrong impression.

“And I’m really happy about that. What’re you doing?”

“Oh, what? Like right now?”

“Yeah.” There’s a smile in her voice.

“Just got home from training, gearing up to study for a bio test I have tomorrow. You?”

“I just got out of the shower.”

I blink and stare at the wall of books in front of me. “Oh.” I suck at this. And it feels wrong, so, so wrong, yet the stirring in my blood can’t be ignored.

“I need to get dressed. Can you hang on for a sec?”

And now I’m picturing her naked. “Sure?”

“I mean, unless you can think of a reason why I should stay naked?”

Holy shit. Is she…? Is this…? “Uhh…”

“I’m on my bed. Are you?”

I bite my lip and close my eyes.

“I wish you were here—oh my God, Ashley!” There’s a rustling of some kind and then mumbling. “…knock first!”

This is awkward as hell.

“Killian, are you still there?”

“Yeah, I’m here. Listen. I just wanted to tell you that we’re going to Kahunaville tomorrow night and then to a party.”

“Oh, okay.”

Why does she sound disappointed?

“I’ll pick you up at seven. Just text me your address.”

“Of course, sounds good.”

“So I, uh… I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She hangs up and I stare at my phone for a few seconds. Are women usually this aggressive? And if that’s how she is the first time we talk on the phone, what’s she going to be like when we’re together on a date?

On Valentine’s Day.

Shit, maybe we should’ve had the talk Ryder suggested.

I don’t think she realizes she’s about to go out with a twenty-one-year-old virgin who is helplessly in love with someone else.



I couldn’t look more anti-Valentine’s Day if I tried.

Staring at my reflection, I almost laugh at the glam-goth thing I’ve got going on. If Cupid had an enemy, it would be me.

I slide on my chunkiest black biker-esque heels, complete with buckles and a thick sole, just in case I need to stomp on the pudgy diaper-wearing fairy who’s aiming his arrows at everyone but me. The spaghetti strap of my purple racer-back tank slides off my bare skin, and yeah, I’m not even wearing a bra because fuck Valentine’s Day.

I grab my full glass of wine off the dresser and attempt another sip, but end up pouring the whole thing out. I’m too annoyed to drink, and that’s probably for the best.

Lord knows all I need to make this night a complete disaster is to pour a little liquid anger on my already foul mood.

“I still don’t understand why you agreed to go if you hate it so much.” Mindy’s in the kitchen, sipping her glass of wine, her feelings for the day clearly not turning her stomach. Lucky brat.

“You look great.” I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and nurse it, hoping it’ll cool my mood.

She does a cute little spin, showing off her bright red mini-dress and super strappy heels. “And my panties match.”

“Yay!” Ugh.

She narrows her eyes. “Axelle, why do you hate Valentine’s Day so much?”

I roll my eyes. “I don’t hate it.”

“Really? So you’re dressed like a biker-vampire who looks like she’s ready to drain the male race just for the fun of it because…?”

“I’m not—”

“You’re wearing pants.” She pulls up my hand and shows it to me. “Black fingernails, Ax? I mean, if I were a guy, I’d be terrified to get my dick anywhere near that scowl you’re wearing. And this?” She motions to my face with a swirl of her finger. “You’re taking heroin chic to a whole new level.”

“Okay, I get it! You don’t approve.” I salute her. “Ten-four, boss!”

She sighs and takes a sip of wine. “Poor, poor Clifford. He’s in a no-win situation tonight.”

“He’s taking me to dinner and then back to his place for a party, Mindy. I mean this is far from a romantic evening. I’ve been with the guy for like three months now, and outside of his bedroom, we’ve never even hung out alone. So don’t make tonight out to be any different from any other night, because for me it’s just like last night, but I had to put a whole hell of a lot more effort into getting ready.” I’m practically panting I’m so annoyed.

“What time is he picking you up?” The cheeriness in her voice makes her message clear. She wants my angry-ass gone. Not that I blame her.

I snag my keys off the counter. “I’m meeting him at his place. I’m already late. And I won’t be home until tomorrow, so the apartment’s yours.”