Fall Back Skyward (Fall Back #1)

Simon stares at me as if I’ve lost my mind. Maybe I have. “Aren’t you worried she’ll ditch your ass for treating her like that? Maybe some dude has been waiting in the wings for a chance like this, waiting to activate their stalker mode, swoop in and sweep her off her feet. She’s got that innocent vibe on her. Wickedly sexy. Guys love that shit.” He leans back in his seat, satisfied that he’s made his point. He cringes when I shoot him a glare. “What? She’s got them porn tits. She’s hot.”

Megs grabs her purse and whacks Simon on the head with it. “Really, Simon? Porn tits? You’re so not getting any tonight. Or ever.” She scoots her chair away from my best friend, glowering at him.

I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose with two fingers. I tip my head back, open my eyes and glance up at the ceiling, which was probably white at one time, but is now almost gray.

Simon just hit me with my worst fear. Losing Nor. What the fuck was I thinking?

Someone touches my arm. I tip my head forward and meet Simon’s eyes.

“So what happened to the Behemoth?” He stares at my knuckles, which are raw and red from the fight.

“Someone let him in my cell. Luckily, I have picked up a few moves while inside this hell. I have learned to fight dirty. I won. I have my medals to prove it.”

I subtly lift the bottom of my T-shirt. “Just one broken rib this time.”

“Yeah. That and a black eye.” Megs stares at me with wide eyes. Her eyes lower to my covered midriff, then up at me. “This looks bad. Are you in too much pain?”

I shake my head. “It was worth it. I broke Behemoth’s jaw and a couple of ribs.” I grin. She grimaces. Simon locks his jaw and averts his eyes from me. “Do you understand now why I didn’t want Nor to see me like this? I don’t know how long Stephen will do this. I don’t have any proof to show he’s been sending them.”

“So, what are you planning to do with Nor? She’s getting desperate. You know how determined she is when she gets that way. She will turn every rock to look for a way to see you.”

My back straightens and I narrow my eyes are on Megs. “What is she up to? Has she told you anything?”

She scowls at me. “I’m not even going to justify that with an answer. Do you think you can ban my best friend and then expect me to tell you anything?”

I glare at her. Jesus. Nor is definitely up to something. I glance at Simon. He shrugs.

“Don’t look at me for answers. I’m with Little Miss Sassy over here. You had better be very good at apologizing when you leave this place.”

I purse my lips. “I will fucking woo her. I will compose a damn sonnet if I have to, just as soon as I murder her father first.” Rage burns through my veins and my hands curl into fists.

“That sonnet had better be fucking stunning. Better than Shakespeare.”

The visiting time draws to a close and my friends leave. Afterwards, when I get to my room, I lay in bed obsessing over Nor being swept off her feet by some guy. I fucking hate my best friend for putting those images in my head.

Turning on my side on the hard mattress, I close my eyes and imagine wrapping my hands around Stephen’s neck, squeezing and watching life fade from his eyes. And I feel peace settle over me.

THE LAST TIME COLE ASKED me not to go see him, I had a hard time accepting his orders. Really, how can you tell someone you love they shouldn’t come to visit you? How do I even begin to not see him for the next eight months? I’ve gone through the first three stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining. Well, I’m not going to let myself get depressed and accept his decision in any way. I want to see Cole more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life.

I have a plan. I just need to find Mr. Taylor first.

I glance down at the letters on my lap. I hadn’t received Cole’s letters in a while, so I was pleasantly surprised when I open my mail box and found two letters inside.

My gaze flickers to the antique wooden box that holds the other letters he sent. About nine so far. The title on the envelopes is, “Open Me When. . .”

I pick the one closest to me and flip it open, reading his words written in confident scrawl. My heart crawls up my throat immediately and I have to blink hard to keep the tears at bay.

My Snowflake, When you feel like we need to break up, remember the silver lining. I’m an ass for asking you to stay away. Wait for me just a little bit longer. Just a little longer.

I love you.


I smile, and carefully open the next one.

Open me when you need to know how much I love you. Go to the mirror. That girl staring back at you with big green eyes and freckles on her nose. . .that is the girl I love.

I love you.




I wipe the tears from my cheeks and fold the letters, then rearrange them inside the antique wooden box I bought a while back to keep gifts and letters from Cole. Then look up in the mirror directly opposite to where I’m sitting on the bed.

I miss him so much I need to see him soon. Lately, Grandma has been feeling ill. I paid a visit to her last Thursday, and Mr. Taylor dropped by for a visit. I asked him how Cole was doing. Someone beat him up again. Taylor has asked a few trusted guards to keep an eye on him, but somehow the attackers find a way to get him alone.

Autumn Grey's books