FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

“Yes, Keiran. I’m very fond of his… potential, if you will.”

My mind furiously attempted to connect the dots, but I couldn’t figure out who was standing before me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your name?”

“I’m Arthur Phalan.”

“Arthur Phalan?” I repeated.

“In the flesh.” He spread his arms wide in a magnanimous gesture, but when I continued to watch him silently, his arms fell. “I see he hasn’t been any more forthcoming with you than he has been with me.”

“I don’t know who you are so why are you here?”

“I believe you bumped into me, young lady. It is a mere coincidence we met here today.”

“Somehow I doubt that. I meant, why are you here in Six Forks?”

“Ah, well. I came here to collect. I paid a very fine price to get your little boyfriend out of a sticky situation.”

“What do you mean?”

“It was you who was going to testify against him for the murders of your little classmates, was it not?”

“You got him out jail?”

“That is correct.”

“Why? How?” I stumbled over my questions and each word came out harsher than I intended but I was stumped. Why would he help Keiran?

“Which answer would you like first?” He chuckled.

“Any,” I snapped. I didn’t miss the brief flicker of anger in his eyes or the way his jaw had clenched before he settled himself.

“I got him out because he promised me a valuable service. It was easy, although costly, to do considering I had to lace a lot more pockets than I cared to and call in a few favors. The thing about government and the law is it is very easy to corrupt.”

“What was his promise?”

“His servitude, Miss Monroe. And his undying loyalty... well, until he dies. The work can be a little… tricky… at times. There are a lot of risks and—”

“He’s going to kill for you,” I whispered. “Again.” I’d already pieced together exactly who this man was and what he represented.

“Yes, and I have the feeling he’ll be very good at it. He showed much promise as a child. I remember him most of all.”

“And Lily? What about her?”

“Who?” His brow rose in question at the mention of the little girl who suffered gravely.

“Lily. The little girl you were planning to turn into a whore before she even had the chance to learn what love was.”

“I’ve turned many little girls into whores, young lady. Their names don’t always resonate in my mind or matter.”

“You’re a sick fuck,” I spat.

“I’m a very rich fuck. Speaking of which… I am so glad I ran into you. Saves me the trouble of having to do this the hard way.” He signaled for someone in the distance and a burly man with a grim expression came forward.

“What—what are you doing?”

“Your little boyfriend has yet to deliver himself to me. I am tired of waiting so I’ll just have to find payment another way.” His leer as he stared at me and licked his lips was sickening. “You, my dear, can also provide a valuable service.”

The bodyguard gripped my arm, and I immediately began to struggle. The scream that was building up from my lungs was cut short by the deep voice and unmistakable sound of a round entering the chamber of a gun.

“Take your fucking hands off her, and I’ll let you live another day.”

Keiran? I said a silent prayer of thanks that my tormentor/ex-lover had a tendency to stalk me.

“Why, Keiran—”

“I’m not interested in small talk. Tell your dog to obey or this bullet goes in your head.” I followed the sight of the barrel down an extended arm encased in black until I was finally able to see Keiran’s formidable expression. He’s here.

“You are trespassing on dangerous grounds, son.”

“I’m sure I can make it up to you,” he retorted sarcastically.

“I hope she’s worth it then because this will cost you dearly.”

B.B. Reid's books