FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

Aunt Carissa made it a mission to remind me of college every day. She also made sure to review every application I filled out and pushed me to fill out as many as possible. She was also pushing for me to stay close to home.

I had the feeling my aunt was going to have a harder time letting go than I was. How could I tell her it was my plan and every wish to get as far away from Six Forks as possible?

This place had taken ten years from me, and I wasn’t about to let it have more. Deep down, I knew it wasn’t the city I grew up in, but rather who the city kept within that I needed to run far and fast from.

“Oh… Yes, I submitted them all before the deadline.”

“Well, where did you go just now? You looked distracted. Is there anything you need to talk to me about?”

Damn. She was fishing.

Ever since she introduced me to Jackson, she’s watched my every move with a critical eye. I knew it wasn’t out of mistrust because, though I haven’t been honest these last few months, I hadn’t given her a reason not to trust me. She was worried.

“Aunt Carissa, I’m fine. School is fine,” I offered, beating her to the punch before she could ask.

“If you’re sure…”

“I’m sure, Aunt Carissa. How’s the investigation going?” I asked to distract her.

Her face fell, but she quickly recovered. “It’s going, Lake. Jackson is actually coming over tonight while you’re gone. He thinks he’s found something.”

I didn’t want to fall into the emotional trap that was my parents, so I kissed her cheek, grabbed my bag, and rushed out the door. I had a dinner date with Jesse that I had been anticipating for two weeks. It was the first time he could get away, and I needed answers.

My parents would still be dead after Keiran was behind bars…

When did I become so cold?


The restaurant where we had agreed to meet was just outside of town to avoid detection. It wasn’t until I made it just outside of Six Forks that I realized my gas light was on. I had no clue how long I’d driven with it on so I decided to stop. Being stranded on the side of the road was not my idea of a good time.

I filled up the tank and went inside for a pack of gum. I immediately regretted it as soon as I emerged from the store with my pack of winter fresh in hand. Two men were standing next to my car, which would have seemed normal except it was the way the men stood around my car as if they owned it. Instinct told me they were waiting for me.

A well-dressed man in his early to mid-fifties in a dark gray suit and a man dressed in all black typical of a bodyguard screamed trouble, and trouble found me.

“Hello,” the suit greeted when I reached my car. His dark brown hair was expertly styled. He wasn’t much taller than I was with his average build. He shouldn’t have been a threatening presence, and on a normal day in a normal life, he wouldn’t have been.

I took in the expensive looking watch while I nodded my head in greeting and waited for him to move. He didn’t. He was blocking the driver’s door, and though he attempted to appear casual, I knew he was purposely blocking me.

“Can I help you?”

“Might I say you are much more beautiful up close.”

Say what?

“Um… I think I should go.” I took a cautious step back but stopped retreating when I remembered I was moving in the opposite direction of my car. I was trapped without actually being trapped.

“Why? We’ve only just started talking. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for some time now.” His malicious grin spread wider with each word he spoke. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Oh, yeah?” I managed to speak over the nervous flutter in my stomach. “From who?”

“Let’s just say I like to keep an eye on my interests. Some are more valuable than others.”

There was only one person who could be the cause of this meeting.

“Keiran,” I guessed while hoping it would somehow summon him magically. Funny how my once tormentor became my unforeseen knight in all black armor. The man’s eyes twinkled at the mention of his name.

B.B. Reid's books