FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

“How’s it going, Lake?”

I took in the detective’s face and noticed the haggard lines of fatigue and sleepless eyes as they stared back at me. Something told me they weren’t getting very far in the case that now made national news. It would only be a matter of time before Aunt Carissa caught wind. She normally stayed away from the news, preferring fantasy to facts. In fact, the only television she could be caught dead watching was the sci-fi channel and the Sons of Anarchy.

It also didn’t help that Keiran was the golden boy of Six Forks. Not many people were willing to believe he was involved in the grisly murder of Anya and Trevor though many still kept a wary eye. The nature of the act committed made even his most loyal fans cautious. Anya had always made it a point to tell everyone she was his girlfriend, and when Keiran barely blinked or showed remorse over her murder, it raised eyebrows. The history between Keiran and Trevor, once it came out, didn’t help either.

If Trevor hadn’t made bail, he might have been alive today. Would the same happen for Keiran?

It was still a mystery as to how he made bail after being initially denied.

Could it have been his family? It was a testament to how far his money and family connections went; the same family that no one has seen or heard of outside of John.

What happened to the good ole days when money bought you a car instead of getting you off from a double murder and a string of other crimes committed?

“I know you aren’t getting very far in the case… I think I can help.”

“How could you help?”

“Besides his two friends and his brother, I am the only one who can get close to him. I can get evidence.” The detectives were shaking their heads before I could finish. I thought they would jump at the opportunity.

“We can’t risk it. You’re testifying when this case goes to trial. That’s enough.”

“And if it isn’t? What if he’s never tried? He managed to get out on bail.”

The detectives said nothing as they studied me silently. I showed all the signs of distress but was too desperate to scare. I’d managed to give in to him once… twice already… and now he was back to threatening my family again.

“Has he threatened you? Approached you?” Detective Daniels questions. “We can place you under witness protection…” He was already reaching for the phone.

I panicked and did the worst thing I could do—I lied. “No.” I regretted it as soon as the word was spoken. “He hasn’t threatened me.”

Two sets of eyebrows lifted at my hesitation. I knew I hadn’t sounded believable, but what else could I do?

If I were placed under witness protection, I would never get the answers I needed. I would be carted off to some undisclosed location, far away. Keiran would think of a way out of being tried, and where would that leave me? Besides, he threatened my godparents. I couldn’t leave them unprotected, and I couldn’t tell the detectives he threatened them either. They would place me under protection for sure.

“What if I can get you the information you need without setting him up or getting close to him?”

“Naturally, we are inclined to use any information we can get so long as it’s done legally.”

“How are you planning to get this information?” Detective Daniels questioned. I could see the suspicion in his eyes.

“By using my wits.”


As soon as I had left the station, I headed for school and phoned the one person who could help me get the information I needed. “Jesse, we need to talk. Can you meet me?”

“Sure, but what is it about?” He sounded hesitant and nervous, but I shrugged it off thinking he may have been distracted or busy.

“I need your help digging up more information on Keiran.” An extended silence fell over the line so I checked the connection. “Jesse?”

“I don’t know…”

B.B. Reid's books