FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

I ventured outside, prepared to eat my lunch in the frigid air that I didn’t exactly care for, but I figured anything had to be better than risking my sanity or dignity. The night before last was still very much fresh in my memories. Even now, I could feel my body tingle from the remembered sensations of all I allowed him to do to me.

I was a total lost cause when it came to having the common sense needed to ignore my body’s demands. It helped that the sun was out, which might have helped to make the cold bearable. Normally, I would run to the library whenever I needed to hide from Keiran, but my secret hiding place wasn’t much of a secret any longer.

I looked around for a place to sit. The ground was my only option after the school administration decided to have the benches removed when students made it apparent they would rather hang around and sit on the benches than at desks in the classrooms during class.

I eyed the only tree on school grounds and made my way over to it. It wasn’t until I reached the tree that I had noticed it was currently occupied.

“Hi, Collin.”

A head full of red curls snapped up, and when his bright blue eyes landed on mine, his eyes widened in surprise as if he couldn’t believe someone would actually speak to him. He looked ready to bolt. I’d never before talked to him. Unlike me, he was better at blending in with the shadows despite his overly bright features. He was known as the bug boy because of his fascination with bugs.


“Can I sit?”

I tried to appear as non-threatening as possible. He was perched under the only tree on school grounds with a thin book in his lap. It didn’t look like our standard textbooks so I figured it must have been something he checked out from the library.

“Sure. Um… if you want.”

I smiled and sat down with my lunch tray. The ground was softer than I had thought, and when I leaned against the tree, I found myself relaxing. After Keiran and my latest fallout, I was officially dubbing this my new place to eat. I could effectively avoid the cafeteria and ignore the demands of my clueless vagina.

“What are you reading?”

“The History of the Ctenocephalides canis.”

I didn’t have the slightest clue what that meant. “What’s that?”


“Oh… is it any good?” I was surprised when he actually blushed and wondered why my question made him react that way.

“It’s okay.” He ducked his head back into the book and I decided to leave him alone. For the rest of lunch, I picked at my food until the bell rang. Collin didn’t waste any time dropping in for his books and hurrying away without a word or backward glance.

“Lake! You are one hard person to find.” Willow flounced up to the tree, and when she was close enough I held up my hand for a boost.

“Sorry. I forgot to text you.” I brushed the seat of my pants off before grabbing my bag.

“So did you manage to avoid detection?”

“For today.”

“You can’t hide forever, Lake.”

“I know. That’s exactly why I’m planning to do something about it.”



It had been two weeks since Keiran, once again, pulled us in a direction of no return. We haven’t spoken since our argument in the gym. The days had been filled with long hours of school and tension each time I passed him in the hallways, met his eyes across the expanse of the cafeteria, or felt his presence in class.

Each time I’d see him, he looked tense and distracted. The weirdness kicked in when I realized that sometimes he wouldn’t notice I was even around. The anxiety I felt whenever he overlooked me frustrated me the most. When would I ever kick the spell he had over me?

“Lake? Lake!” My aunt’s raised voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Huh?” Oh, right… My aunt had been talking to me for the past five minutes.

“I asked if you submitted your applications for early admission? The deadline was a few weeks ago, wasn’t it?”

B.B. Reid's books