Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

“I can’t explain now. I promise I will when I can.” Noah gets to his feet and, coming over to where I’m sitting, stands in front of me. “I’m coming back to Lexington with you and once I’ve seen Carla and made sure she’s as happy as a friend tells me she is then we’ll talk. Just give me a chance Ramon. Please. I can’t live my life without you in it anymore.”

Shaking myself out of the haze of lust that came over me with his closeness—I’m eye level with the bulge behind his zipper—I jump to my feet causing Noah to take a step back.

“I’ve had seventeen months to get you out of my head…and heart, so why the fuck would I let you back in when you’ve proved to me that you can’t be trusted?”

Before, I can think he has me up against the door with his aroused and angry body flush with mine. “You aren’t listening to me as usual,” he hisses. “If I could have stayed with you, I would still be here. Let there be no mistake about that.”

We’re both breathing heavily, our mouths mere inches apart, and there’s no mistaking the truth behind his words.

“Why the fuck did you leave?” I whisper, wanting to shove him away, but desperate for answers.

Instead, I find my hands sliding over his hips to his ass, bringing him closer still, our hard dicks pressed together through denim. He reaches up, fisting my hair, and brings his mouth so our lips are hovering close together.

“If I’d stayed, you’d be dead.” I barely catch the words whispered in anguish as he closes the gap between us, sealing our mouths together in a kiss of lust, passion, hunger, and most of all, I feel as though I’m home.

This can’t happen. Not now.

Pushing him away, I wipe my mouth when all I want to do is lick my lips, as I know from past experience his taste lingers. I can’t let him do this to me again, and what the fuck did he mean?

“You need to either tell me what the hell you meant by that or leave. But either way I’m not doing this again with you. I have someone else,” I blurt out.

His head whips around to stare at me. He’s trying to gauge whether or not I’m lying.

“You’ve been with someone else?” he asks his fists clenched by his side.

I nod unable to find the words to openly lie to him. I have been taking Sylvia out, and although she want’s more I haven’t slept with her. I can’t and the reason why I can’t is standing in front of me.

“Fuck you,” he shouts. “I guess all your talk about love was bullshit. How fuckin’ long did it take after I left for you to be with someone else?”

I don’t answer and avoid meeting his eyes.

“Fuckin’ tell me,” he roars, getting in my face.

I shove him back. “What the hell is your problem? Have you forgotten that you left me? You…Left…Me! For seventeen months without a word. Did you expect me to just pine away and wait for someone that I thought was never coming back? And you didn’t answer my question about ‘I’d have been dead if you’d stayed’.”

“My problem is you fuckin’ someone else when I’ve stayed true to the man I thought I loved. Who I thought loved me, but I guess I was wrong. Well, I better make up for lost time,” he practically spits the words at me, he’s damn angry.

Yanking the door open, he walks through, letting it bang behind him.

What the fuck does he mean make up for lost time? Is he going to find someone to fuck?

Over my dead fuckin body!

I can’t get his words out of my head, that he hasn’t been with anyone since he walked away, like me, I keep telling myself I should be concentrating more on his comment about me being dead if he’d stayed.

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Ramon’s birthday celebration

Male/Male Explicit Content


A Short Story

Ramon’s Birthday

RAMON. Walking into my apartment, I stop in my tracks when my gaze finds Noah sprawled out on the sofa. He has one leg bent along the cushion and the other leg hanging from the seat. His arm is in a relaxed position above his head while the other rests over his belly.

Licking my lips while I continue watching my sexy guy, I notice his growing cock hidden by the deep red robe Noah is wearing. Asleep my ass!

Swallowing, I clench my fists, resisting the urge to walk over to him. I want to do everything I’ve been thinking about doing today. After a shit day in the office, all I want is to unwind with Noah. To celebrate turning thirty.

Normally, I’d have worked out of the site office, but my brothers had wanted me in the McKenzie offices today so that they could take me out for lunch and treat me to a few drinks. The lunch had been good, and I’d found it relaxing to spend time with them, but I’d felt as though something was missing, and when I walked into the apartment and seen Noah, I realized what or rather who had been missing.