Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

He nods.

Ruben wraps Rosie up in his arms while we all stare at Sebastian. His face is pale, his lips a thin line and not his usual smirk…I don’t ever remember him being so serious. He’s scaring the shit out of me.

I can’t find the words to ask what’s wrong, but luckily he tells me. “They were catching up at Starbucks when Sabrina collapsed. Apparently she was bleeding heavily,” he winces, “and collapsed. Carla called the paramedics and they were just loading Sabrina when she rang me.”

“She’s awake now, right?”

He shakes his head. “They couldn’t rouse her.”

I’m frozen to the sofa as I feel my eyes well with tears. This can’t be happening. I might deserve bad shit, but not Sabrina.

“C’mon, grab your cell and wallet. We’ll meet the ambulance at the hospital,” Ruben tells me. “I’ll drive.”


Arriving at the hospital Sebastian spots Carla and, as though she has a sixth sense, her head swivels in our direction. Before any of us can catch our breath, she’s wrapped up in my brother’s arms crying.

“I’ll go and find someone to tell us what’s going on,” Ruben says.

“There’s no need.” Carla pulls away from Sebastian, but he keeps his hands on her shoulders. “Lucien, the doctor is in with her now. I told him you were on the way, and he said he’ll come and find us when he knows more.”

I drop into the nearest chair and bury my hands into my hair. “She rang me,” I choke out when I feel Carla sit next to me. “I told her I couldn’t talk and hung up on her. I’m guessing she needed help…and I ignored her.”

She places her hand on my shoulder and rubs. Offering comfort.

“I loved hearing her voice, but I didn’t want to talk over the phone. I wanted to be in her presence when I tried to explain my screwed up mind. I wanted to be holding her hand…She doesn’t deserve a conversation over the phone. I’ve really screwed up.”

“Lucien, the only advice I can offer you is to be honest with her. Don’t let what happened in the past dictate your future. She’ll always be by your side if you let her, but you have to stop pushing her away.”

I turn my head and look at her. “Thanks Carla.”

All of a sudden, she stands and looks off towards the doors where Sabrina has been taken. I follow her line of sight and see the doctor walking towards us.

“You’re Sabrina’s fiancé?”

I nod. “Yes.”

“The baby seems to be hanging on. You have a strong one in there but we have to monitor the baby to make sure.”

“Sabrina?” I ask. I need to know that she’s okay before I even think about our child.

“Sabrina has come around and is resting.”

“Do you know what’s wrong? What caused the bleeding?” Carla asks.

“You’d be surprised with how common this is in pregnant women. Sabrina has had a more severe case than most, which is why I’m going to suggest bed rest for the next few weeks. She isn’t going to be happy about this, but if she wants to lessen the chances of losing this baby then it’s what she has to do. There are no guarantees, but with the rest then she will be bringing the chance of miscarriage down into a much lower percentage.”

“I’ll continue to work at home so I’m there for her. I’m sure one of her friends or my mom can be there when I have no choice but to attend to business elsewhere. But she’ll stay in bed and in the apartment, even if I have to remove all her clothes from the place.”

Ruben sniggers and gets an elbow in the stomach for his trouble from Rosie. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

“I’m just imagining you waking up and finding all your clothes gone,” he wiggles his eyebrows.

“You’re an idiot, but I love you anyway,” she replies.

I shake my head at them and their effort to try and lighten the mood some before turning my head back towards the doctor.

“I need to see her.”


Getting to my feet, I follow him, knowing my brothers and their girls will stay and wait for me. They’ll want to know how my girl is. “Shit.” I pause and turn back to them. “Can someone get a hold of Sabrina’s mother?”

Ruben nods. “We will.”

I carry on and the doctor comes to a stop outside the room I presume Sabrina is in. Before I go in, I ask, “Are you sure they are both alright?”

He puts his hand on my arm. “Sabrina will be fine with rest, and hopefully, so will your child.”

“Thank you.” I shake his hand.

“I’ll give you ten minutes.” He walks away.

I’m nervous and apprehensive about seeing Sabrina. I also have a lot to make up for.

On a heavy sigh, I push through the door and my heart drops to my feet. Sabrina is curled up on her side looking broken. Her whole body is shaking as I quickly get my feet moving.

Reaching out, I place my hand on her arm but she jumps away from my touch.

“Sabrina, please. Let me hold you.”

She shakes her head. “You don’t want me.”