Enchant (Enchanted #1)

I wasn’t so sure about that. I took a bite of waffle slathered in syrup. The manor had the best tasting syrup. It was sweet, thick, and almost … flowery. It was delicious and, if I could, I would put a little on everything I ate.

A loud bang at the end of the table turned my attention from the syrup to the commotion.

I suppressed a giggle when I saw Naomi splattered out on the floor with her legs in the air and flashing everyone her … naughty bits.

“Um, you might want to close your legs.” Winston wrinkled his nose at her and I had to suppress a snort.

Naomi blushed and closed her legs. Ethan seemed stunned, probably wondering why her tongue was no longer in his mouth, and looked around blankly.

Theo helped her up and she batted her eyelashes. He flashed Naomi his cocky smile and scanned her legs while she tried to pull her too-short skirt down.

I hated the flash of jealousy I felt as Theo helped her and then checked her out. He didn’t even like her. I had the unnatural urge to claw her eyes out.

“Love!” exclaimed Winston as he forcefully pulled his hand from mine. “I thought you were going to squeeze the life out of my hand.”

He held it up and I could see the red, crescent shaped, marks that my fingernails had made.

“Sorry,” I mumbled as Winston rubbed his hand trying to gain some circulation.

“You don’t seem like yourself,” he observed.

“I’m fine.” I looked down at my plate so I didn’t have to meet anyone’s gaze.

How many times had I already said that this morning? If someone has to keep repeating it then clearly, they are not fine.

Theo’s gaze met mine and a communication seemed to pass through the air. Sometimes, I felt like he could read my mind. I certainly hoped that wasn’t the case.

We finished our breakfast and returned our plates. Winston took my hand and lifted it to his lips where he pressed a single kiss.

We had never discussed whether or not we were dating but Winston seemed to assume so. Ever since the morning he woke up in my bed he had acted as if we were together. I didn’t mind. I liked Winston. He was reliable.

But who really wanted reliable? I wanted passion, and whenever Winston touched me or kissed me there was no desire. I only felt friendship but I was determined to see where this went. I’d rather force myself to feel something than be alone and pining for someone who could never be mine. And besides, Theo wasn’t the right guy for me. He made me angry and it was always easy to hate him. Who can have a lasting relationship with someone they hate half the time?

“Where are we going?” I asked Winston as we stood and he began to drag me out of the dining hall.

He grinned, vibrating with happy energy. “You’ll see.”

He led me down the hall and stopped outside a room I’d never been in before.

“Surprise!” He threw the door open. I stepped inside and the others followed behind.

“You guys,” I breathed. “You didn’t have to do this.”

All the tables and chairs in the room were shoved against the wall except for one that sat in the middle with a cake and a small stack of presents. They had hung streamers and confetti floated through the air above us like a rainbow. I guessed one of the guys were performing that trick since they were the only ones who had full control of their powers.

“We know,” said Adelaide, in her lazy monotone voice, “but we wanted to.”

“Thanks,” I murmured, fighting tears. “This is … more than I could’ve ever expected.” I wiped away a tear before anyone could see.

Adelaide hugged me and led me to the table. “Okay, birthday girl, which do you want first, cake or presents?”

“Is it strawberry?” I asked.

Adelaide looked over her shoulder at Theo. “It’s strawberry. Theo said you had to have strawberry.”

My gaze met his intense gray ones. “Thank you,” I said, my voice thick with emotion. He nodded and crossed his arms over his chest before blending in with the shadows. I wondered if he used some kind of magic when he did that. It didn’t seem possible for someone to disappear so completely.

“So?” Adelaide prompted and I turned my attention away from the shadows.

“Uh … cake?” I said but it came out as a question.

“I figured you’d say that.” She rolled her eyes. She pulled out a cake cutter and plates. “Since it’s your birthday I’ll let you pick the piece that you want. I know that’s supposedly against the rules but there really shouldn’t be rules when it comes to cake.”

I studied the round cake with white icing. Happy 18th Birthday Mara was written on it in pink script and several pale pink roses added a touch of decoration.

“That piece,” I said and pointed to the slice that would give me the most icing.

Adelaide cut it and handed me the plate. I grabbed a fork off the table and dug in. I couldn’t help moaning in pleasure as the strawberry flavor hit my tongue.


I turned to see that Theo had melted out of the shadows.

“Delicious. Want a bite?” I asked and held out the fork.

With a strange glimmer in his eye, he bent down and wrapped his lips around the fork.

Oh, sweet Jesus, even the way he takes a bite of cake is hot.

My breathing accelerated and he chuckled low under his breath as he pulled away. His tongue flicked out and he licked some lingering icing away from his lip. I thought my heart stopped.

“How … how …” I stuttered. I swallowed and tried to gather myself. “How did you know strawberry cake is my favorite?”

He leaned in close, so close that his beautiful lips touched my ear. His lip ring was cold against my sensitive skin. “I know everything about you, doll face.” He brushed my neck lightly with his fingers. “I know what you like, what you want, what you hate, and I know your heart’s desires.” My breath caught and it felt like the heat in the room vanished. I looked around belatedly to see if Winston was watching but he appeared to be occupied.

I turned my head toward Theo and met his fiery gaze.

My lips parted in the hopes that words would fall out but nothing happened. Theo smirked and said, “I think I’ll go get some cake.” His cocky smile didn’t fade as he headed toward the table. Adelaide handed him a plate and glanced at me and then back at her brother. It wouldn’t be long until she put two and two together. She pretty much already had.

Winston noticed me standing by myself so he ended his conversation with Ethan and came to my side. He lightly bumped my shoulder with his and asked, “Are you enjoying yourself?”

I smiled. “Yeah, this is more than I could have ever expected. I was content to lie in my bed all day.”

He laughed. “Scared of growing old, Mara?”

“No, it’s not that.” I shook my head. “It’s just …,” I trailed off. I really had no desire to tell Winston about my fears of coming into my powers.

“It’s just what, love?” Winston prompted.

I shook my head. “Nothing. Never mind.” I flashed him a small smile.

I finished my piece of cake and Adelaide snatched the plate out of my hands. “Open your presents,” she declared as she dropped the plate in a trash bag.

“Demanding much?” I joked.

She smiled wickedly. I grabbed one of the presents. “That’s from me.” She waggled her eyebrows.

Micalea Smeltzer's books