Enchant (Enchanted #1)

Finn turned and said, “There’s an extra telescope over there.” He pointed to an empty one on the row. “Maybe you could help Mara.”

“I don’t think so.” Theo eyed Finn’s hand where it rested on Adelaide’s back.

I rolled my eyes, I guess I was picking up on the habit, and grabbed Theo’s arm. “This way, Theo.” He reluctantly followed me. I stopped in front of the telescope that Finn had indicated. “Come on, show me how to work this thing. Unlike Adelaide, I truly don’t know what I’m doing.”

He glanced over his shoulder at his sister.

“Leave it alone, Theo.” I sighed. “She’s a big girl and I really don’t think he’s going to do anything.”

“You don’t know him like I do,” he growled.

“I thought you were friends.”

“We are; therefore, I know exactly what he’s thinking, and it shouldn’t involve my little sister,” he growled, his fists clenched at his sides. His gaze was still glued to them.

“Theo,” I said in a warning tone and placed my hand on his upper arm. I pretended that I didn’t notice how muscular it was.

“What?” he snapped and glared at me. His gray eyes seemed to burn.

“They’re right there.” I pointed like he didn’t already know where they were. “Nothing inappropriate is going to happen under your nose.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” His chest heaved.

“Adelaide’s not stupid. It’s just some harmless flirting.”

“That’s what you think,” he muttered. He sighed and, with a last glance at his sister, turned his attention to me. “Let me show you how to work this.”

Theo showed me how to adjust the height of the telescope and then how to adjust the focus. He spouted out several things that I knew I’d never remember the names of. I just decided to call them the watchamagidgits. He then showed me how to look through the lens and center it on a star. Everything he said blurred together after a while. Who knew working a telescope could be so difficult?

“And that’s it.” He stepped away.

When I didn’t make a move, he put his hand on the small of my back and guided me toward the telescope. “Go on, look through it.”

I gave him an apprehensive smile and then looked through the lens.

I gasped in surprise.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked. “They use a spell to clear the sky of clouds and fog so you get to see everything perfectly.”

“I never knew the sky could look like this,” I murmured in awe.

Theo sat down and leaned his back against the balcony railing. He drew his knees up and rested his arms loosely upon them.

“This was probably my favorite class,” he admitted, and I was shocked to learn something personal about him so willingly.

“Except for the fighting,” I inserted.

He laughed. “You must think I’m such a hot head.”

“You did go nuclear multiple times today, Theodore.”

He winced. “I always know you’re serious when you say my full name.”

“I’m always serious, Theodore,” I tried to say with a straight face but ended up laughing.

He joined in with my laughter but soon a serious look overcame him. He began to play with his lip ring. He leaned his head against the railing and said, “Whenever I feel like you’re being threatened a … a haze sort of comes over me and I see red.”

I pulled away from the telescope. “Not everyone is out to hurt me.” I lightly touched his knee.

“I don’t know who to trust,” he murmured softly, almost worriedly. “Anyone could have ulterior motives. Anyone.”

I blinked. “Am I going to have to live my whole life looking over my shoulder? Am I going to have to shake hands with someone and then question whether or not they’re going to try and kill me? I don’t think I can do that, Theo.”

He sighed and dropped his hand from his lip ring. He didn’t say anything for a while and I went back to star gazing. Finally, he said, in a defeated voice, “You’ll have to. Anyone and everyone could be an enemy.”

“Is that why you don’t want me to hang out with Winston?” I asked. “I really don’t think he’s going to kill me.”

Theo swallowed thickly. “Churchill … No, I don’t think he’ll hurt you.”

“Then why are you so against him spending time with me?” I pushed.

He shoved his fingers through his hair. “Drop it, Mara.”

I smiled to ease the tension and said, “I always know you’re serious when you call me Mara instead of doll face.”

He grinned. “I’m always serious, Mara.”

“Please replace your dust caps,” Finn called out, “and I’ll see you all on Wednesday.”

“Wednesday?” I asked Theo. “We don’t have this every day?”

“No.” He shook his head. “You only have it three days a week. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.”

“Oh,” I said sadly.

We moved toward the door and met Adelaide there. Adelaide smiled at us and then threw a wave over her shoulder to Finn. He waved back with a grin.

Theo growled. “Whoa.” I placed a hand on his chest. “Down, boy.” I pushed him through the doorway and he reluctantly started down the steps. “That’s right, march, ninja, I don’t need you getting in anymore fights today.”

“Ninja?” Adelaide and Theo both asked with a grin when we reached the bottom of the steps. When they looked at me like that I really saw the resemblance between them.

I shrugged. “He moves like a ninja. All sleek and lightning-fast moves.” I pretended to do a karate chop and failed epically.

Adelaide snorted. “Don’t give him a bigger head than he already has.”

“So, doll face,” Theo said, completely ignoring his sister, “is ninja my new nickname? I like it.”

I laughed. “We’ll see. Now come on, I’m supposed to meet Winston.”

Theo groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Don’t remind me.”

“I’ll see you later,” I said to Adelaide with a wave.

“Have fun,” she called down the hallway.

I found Winston sitting on the stairs of the main staircase. “Hiya.” He grinned when he saw me. “See ya later, mate,” Winston said to the guy beside him as he stood and came toward me. “How was astronomy?” he asked.

“I actually enjoyed it,” I replied with a smile.

“Fantastic.” Winston beamed, and his crooked teeth showed. “Shall we head up?”

When I started to follow Winston, a hand shot out and grabbed my arm. “Theo,” I hissed.

He let go of my arm and looked down at his feet.

When he didn’t say anything, I glanced at Winston and then back to Theo. “What is it, Theo?”

“It’s just—” He bit his lip and toyed his lip ring with his teeth. “If you’re in Winston’s room then I don’t know what’s going on. There’s a charm on his room and I’m not comfortable being blind when it comes to you.”

“What do you suggest then?” I asked and put my hands on my hips.

“Your room,” he replied reluctantly.

I sighed and looked at Winston. “That’s cool with me.” He shrugged.

“Alrighty then.” I stalked past Winston. “This way.”

“Hey, man!” I heard called from behind me. I turned around to see a tall lanky guy with shaggy blond hair come up to Theo and they exchanged the weird handshake chest bump guys do.

Micalea Smeltzer's books