Enchant (Enchanted #1)

We grabbed our plates off the table so we could dispose of them on our way out. Winston stood up then and grabbed his book and plate, walking with us out of the dining hall.

“I didn’t sleep with Adelaide, just so you know,” he whispered in my ear in passing. “Good luck with astronomy, love,” he said louder so Theo and Adelaide could hear.

“You don’t have to go?” I asked.

He shook his head. “I’m twenty-one so I’m free to do as I please. Are we still hanging out later?” he asked.

Honestly, I was exhausted, but when Theo rolled his eyes I couldn’t help but say, “Yeah, as soon as astronomy is done I’ll come by your room.”

“Cool.” He grinned, and my stomach flipped a little. It was nothing like the somersaults it did when Theo smiled at me but it was better than nothing. Maybe this unrequited crush would be easier to get rid of than I believed. “See you later, love,” he called as he left.

“I found out it’s Finn who’s back to teach astronomy this year,” Adelaide gushed as we walked along. “He’s so hot—just wait and see.”

“Ugh,” Theo gagged dramatically. “Finn’s my friend. Can you, my little sister, try not to refer to him as hot?”

“What?” Adelaide blinked at me innocently. “He is. I’m only stating facts here.”

Theo tilted his head back and muttered something at the ceiling. Righting himself, he grumbled, “This way,” and motioned us up a hidden staircase that reminded me of the one that led to the library. Adelaide went up first, then me, and Theo brought up the rear. The staircase kept going up until we reached the roof. By the time we got there, I was out of breath. I seriously needed to work out more.

A light drizzle was falling but it didn’t touch us. I looked around and Theo tapped my arm. He pointed up and I followed with my eyes, gasping in surprise. A shimmery bubble enclosed the area.

“Wow,” I murmured in awe.

“Pretty cool, huh?” someone to my left asked. Startled, I turned to the source of the voice.

The guy was a little older than me with a mega-watt smile, golden hair, and a chiseled face. “It’s amazing.”

“Evening, Finn,” Theo bit out, oddly formal. However, there was nothing formal to the scathing look he sent the man.

“Theodore? Wow, what are you doing here?”

“You know why I’m here, Finn,” he sighed, exasperated.

“Right, protector duty,” Finn said. He flashed me a grin. “I don’t think you need any protecting.”

Theo rolled his eyes. “Could you not flirt with my charge?” he asked Finn.

He was flirting with me? I hadn’t thought so. It seemed to me Theo was overly protective today.

Finn laughed. “Same old Theodore. I heard what you did today.”

Theo rolled his eyes again. “I think the whole place knows. People gossip too much.”

“I’m sure they do. Word gets around. Anyway …” Finn turned back to me. “The bubble protects us from the elements and allows us to truly see the stars.”

“Did you … do this?” I asked and motioned to the clear, shimmery bubble.

He chuckled; it was a soft raspy sound. “I did. It’s a basic spell, nothing exciting, I assure you.” He looked around at the small group of us. “Well, I guess I better start. I’ll see you later.”

“My name’s Mara,” I said as he started to turn away.

He turned back and winked a pale-blue eye. “I know.”

“Oh, my God. Is he not swoon worthy or what?” Adelaide cooed and laid her head on my shoulder. “And it looks like he has his eye on your doll face.” She punched her brother’s shoulder. “He didn’t even notice me and I was practically drooling and sending out all possible fuck-me vibes I have in my arsenal so he’d hopefully no longer see me as your kid sister.”

Theo wiggled. “First off, that’s against the rules. Student teacher relationships are just as frowned upon in enchanter society as they are in human society. Secondly, ew. Don’t ever say fuck-me vibes in my presence ever again. You’re my sister. I need like ten showers to get this ick off of me.”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be dramatic. Besides, you don’t follow the rules, so why should he? Mara’s going to be eighteen in a week. I say if she wants to go after the guy she should.”

“I follow the rules that matter,” Theo growled.

Adelaide looked at me and muttered, “He has a really messed up logic.”

I had to agree, but instead, I said, “I’m not even interested in him—which I doubt he’s interested in me—so let’s drop this. Nothing is going to happen.”

Adelaide bumped my shoulder and licked her lips. “I’ll take him off your hands then.”

“La, la, la,” Theo sing-songed, his hands over his ears. “I can’t hear you.”

“Gather around,” Finn called out, motioning for us all to come closer. We all huddled in a circle in front of him. He flashed a smile. “Welcome to astronomy. I’m Finn. I’m sure many of you are wondering why you need to take an astronomy class but let me assure you, this class is important. The stars are a map of the night sky; a map that you may be dependent upon someday. Everyone knows that The Iniquitous gather strength from the night and if you find yourself caught by them just remember the stars and they can lead you out.”

“He’s so dreamy,” Adelaide sighed happily in my ear. “He makes ordinary words sound so poetic.”

Theo coughed but I was pretty sure he was covering up a snort.

“Get into groups of two and head to one of the telescopes,” he instructed.

“It’s too bad he doesn’t have a desk,” Adelaide whispered under her breath. “I’d so let him bend me over it.”

Theo choked beside us. “I think I’m going to puke.”

“Bite me.” Adelaide bared her teeth at him, and then turned to me laughing. “Come on, partner.” Adelaide grabbed my arm as she dragged me to one of the telescopes. Finn was walking around, instructing everyone on how to use them. I noticed that Adelaide had picked the last telescope in the lineup. This couldn’t mean anything good.

“Adelaide—” Theo warned.

“What?” she asked, a bit too innocently.

“You know how to use a telescope.”

“Ah, but Mr. Hotty McHot Pants doesn’t know that.” She waggled her eyebrows.

Finn slowly made his way toward us. Adelaide bumped me with her bony hip, sending me into Theo, all for the purpose of being closer to Finn. He caught me easily and I jerked away like I’d been burned. When I looked at him, I expected to see his trademark smirk but instead he was looking away, his jaw clenched with his hands held into fists.

“Having trouble, ladies? I thought Theo would be able to help you.”

Adelaide pouted her bottom lip. “I asked him to, but he wouldn’t. Could you help me?” she asked in a sickeningly-sweet voice. She trailed her finger enticingly down his arm.

“Sure.” He then began explaining the different knobs to her.

“I think we may have another Naomi on our hands,” I stood on tiptoes to whisper in Theo’s ear. My lips brushed his ear and he shivered despite the fact it wasn’t a bit cold. I took a step away from him and color flooded my cheeks. I hoped it was dark enough that he wouldn’t notice.

Micalea Smeltzer's books