Enchant (Enchanted #1)

The rain continued to pour down, soaking us further, but with the heat we were generating, I didn’t feel it.

The grass squished beneath me as Theo pressed into me. His lips explored mine as his hands cupped my cheeks. Slowly, his hands began to descend. He lightly touched my neck, my sides, my waist and then his hands slid up my shirt and touched my bare skin. I arched into him, begging for more, and he groaned low in his throat. His hands crept further up my shirt until they rested on my breasts. I hummed in satisfaction.

I had never been touched like this before—never wanted to be—but it was more incredible than I could’ve ever imagined.

He pulled away slightly, and I used the opportunity to gently bite his lip. Air hissed through his teeth and then he kissed me again. It felt like he was trying to devour my soul.

“You. Are. So. Beautiful,” he murmured as he kissed his way down my neck again.

I ran my fingers under the edge of his shirt and luxuriated in the feel of his bare back. His muscles rippled beneath my hands. He crushed his body into mine and I wrapped my legs around his hips. He continued to kiss my neck and then the shell of my ears before he kissed my mouth again. My lips met his like I was starved for him and not air. My fingernails dug into his back, drawing blood. He gasped in surprise and then kissed me more forcefully. His hands drifted back down and he gently pinched my waist. His tongue flicked into my mouth and I sighed in pleasure.

More. More. I needed more.

I pushed his shirt up and he broke the kiss to pull it off. He tossed the piece of fabric into the grass and then was on me once more. His lip ring pressed hard against my mouth. While he kissed me, I traced his abs and chest and shoulders. His muscles flexed as he moved above me. The rain slicked his body and my hands slid down to grip his belt and hold him even closer. He growled and pressed into me harder.

I moaned into his mouth and he groaned in satisfaction.

His fingers left my waist and tangled into my wet hair.

“Mara,” he rasped against my lips.

Slowly, I blinked open my eyes. The teal-colored fireflies continued to buzz around us. My heart was beating so fast I was surprised it didn’t dance out of my chest.

He tenderly tucked my hair behind my ear and cupped my chin before kissing me leisurely, but no less passionately, once more. He pressed his forehead to mine and his chest heaved as his breathing accelerated and brushed against my face. He tenderly held my cheeks and stared into my eyes. His hair tickled my forehead but I didn’t dare move.

“I’m sorry I’ve been such an ass,” he finally said and grinned.

“You’ve been an ass to me ever since I ran into you in the hallway of my home,” I said breathlessly.

He chuckled. “You get under my skin like no one else.”

“I don’t know about that,” I muttered. “Everyone seems to get under your skin.”

“Well—” he shrugged and continued to hold my cheek “—I guess I can’t argue with you there, but you bother me more.”

“I bother you more?” I asked and didn’t know whether to be flattered or offended.

“You seem to know how to push my buttons better than even my sister.” He grinned. “It keeps me on my toes.”

His gray eyes darkened to the color of storm clouds before a torrential downpour. He pressed his lips to mine and pulled away with a strange look on his face which left me feeling confused.

“We better get back inside,” he said and picked his shirt up off the ground. “I don’t want you to get sick.”

He pulled the wet shirt on and then held out a hand to help me up. I expected him to keep a hold on my hand but instead, he let go. Theo opened the door and ushered me inside. Our wet clothes made it more difficult to sneak our way through the manor but we eventually made it back without attracting any notice.

“I’m going to shower,” I said from the doorway of my bathroom. Theo’s back was to me, his head hung, and his shoulders tense. “Theo, are you okay?” I asked softly and started toward him.

He flinched before I even touched him. “I’ll be right back,” he muttered and left the room.

I stood in the middle of the floor, stunned and shivering.

When I couldn’t stand being cold any longer I climbed in the shower and made it as hot as I could stand it. Once I was thawed out, I brushed my hair and pulled on some pajamas.

Theo wasn’t back yet so I climbed into the bed and burrowed myself underneath the covers.

The door to my room opened and I sat up to see Theo enter. Something jumped onto my bed and I squealed.

“It’s only Nigel,” said Theo as he fixed his sleeping bag on the floor. He had obviously showered and smelled amazing even from this distance. He was wearing baggy gym shorts and a t-shirt to sleep in.

“Hello, Nigel.” I stuck my hand out for the cat to sniff me. His green eyes were huge and looked at me with silent intelligence and mystery. “You’re a pretty boy.” I scratched him behind his ears. He began to purr.

“Nigel, down here.” Theo patted the top of his sleeping bag. The cat flicked a glance at his master and then lay down on my bed with his head on top of his paws. “Traitor,” Theo muttered and lay down on the floor with his hands behind his head.

“Theo,” I inquired softly. He glanced at me and quirked a brow so I’d know he was listening. “You can …” I swallowed. “You can sleep in my bed if you want. I mean, we have slept in the same bed before.” I shrugged, thinking back to our time on the road after we left my house and headed here.

He shook his head back and forth.

“What I said … the kiss … Mara, I’m sorry but … it doesn’t change anything.”

I closed my eyes and lay back in the bed. I put my hand over my mouth so he couldn’t hear my sobs but he would know anyway. Theo always knew.

I’d never had my heart broken but, right then, it was shattering into a million tiny pieces.

Chapter 17

HALLOWEEN, BABY!” WINSTON YELLED AND pulled me into his arms planting a loud, theatrical kiss on my lips. He wore a yellow and orange feathered mask. I wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be a lion or a chicken.

I laughed at his carefree antics.

Adelaide shook her head, which sent her black curls flinging around her shoulders. Her mask was pale blue with sapphires and it made the blue of her eyes pop.

“Here you go, Mara.” She handed me a teal mask with tiny little lights that flickered to look like fireflies. I couldn’t help fingering the necklace that never left my body. The enchanted firefly darted around inside the glass.

I slipped the mask over my head and struck a pose. “How do I look?”

“Gorgeous.” Winston kissed me again before putting his arm around me.

Micalea Smeltzer's books